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Why is arabic and terrorism trendy now?

jake snake

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in general... Israel do horrible things (don't need to list them, check all the things the UN have condemned them for doing) and personnally believe Israel shouldn't be there. if Jewish people want to live in Palestine that's fine but it should be under Palestinian rule (the majority) as it was before Britain got involved i the Middle East, where Jewish people were permitted to move to Palestine . Things of course changed when the State of Israel was made.

Well theres an argument that there were jews were in old Palestine before anyone else.

Before Israel was created of course arabs were in the majority in the area but thats why the old Palestine was divided up and they got all of Jordan and Lebanon and the new smaller Palestine to live in as the majority. In Israel you got the majority jewish but arabs can become citizens.

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It's a lot more complicated than "the jewz weren't there anymore" because they did start to come back to Israël before WWII, legally buying land from arabs + a lot of Israelians are exiles from arabic countries that were thrown out so....

It doesn't matter anyway as while sionism (the idea that jews deserve land because they're jewish) is silly, the fact of the matter is that Israelians deserve a land because they live there...What are you going to do, cancel the country? The occupied territories and the way the IDF acts there is of course another matter entirely...

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It doesn't matter anyway as while sionism (the idea that jews deserve land because they're jewish) is silly, the fact of the matter is that Israelians deserve a land because they live there...What are you going to do, cancel the country? The occupied territories and the way the IDF acts there is of course another matter entirely...

i agree agree agreeeee.

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