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Handmade silkscreen t-shirts - Literary/Film/Music - LTD


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Actually, Choco -

Anyone can feel free to re-read if you didn't see it the first time...I mention a small number of imbeciles and point out that the vast majority are in fact quite the opposite. Hifashion has the right idea. And again you seem to be (like the other bad apples) speaking for multitudes here - quite odd. Again, you can see me say this earlier but I see I must repeat for you and the other few - I do not care one iota whether you like something or not - the idea is NOT to please everyone. I think that has been lost in your posts. You can have an opinion, but that does not mean it is correct or valued by masses...and it also means those who know better can call you on it.

I take all constructive criticism to heart and work with it - you have offered zero and the other bad apples offered poor advice...are we to take all advice as if a genius is giving it? I think not. And you are no genius.

Kudos to HiFashion for the good soul and sight.

Good night and good luck Choc.



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Are you and Hifashion going to tongue each other now?

One thing's for sure. Judging by the sheer number of people you have pissed off on this website, and the thousands of others who are watching you make a complete FOOL out of yourself, the name "RECKON" will forever leave a sour taste in people's mouths. You keep blabbing about how your line isn't for everyone. Well that's good. Hopefully you can keep it so tight-niche that only you and your fat mom will wear your shirts to the ho'down.

You know those reality shows where there's 1 guy/girl that the entire house turns against? For some reason, that 1 guy just doesn't get it, keeps making an idiot out of himself, and can't see beyond his own pride and arrogance? You kinda feel sorry for that guy - as fun as it is to make fun of him, he'll just never gets it, and ends up just digging his hole deeper and deeper. He ends up being his own worst enemy because he just has no perspective of himself. Eventually, that person gets kicked off the show, and everything goes back to normal. They turn up somewhere on some has-been reality/makeover spinoff, and his last 3 minutes of fame are spent just being completely torn apart in the media.

Yeah,... I guess there are people like that in real-life also.

I can't wait for Reckon to come stomping back through here again "Well you obviously don't get it you imbecile! I'm not making t-shirts for you! You don't understand me! I AM CHRIS WEIGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


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i don't really give a shit about anything that's going on but you've been too hard on reckon. He did over do and has to admit that, and that was one dumb ass analogy about reality tv. wtf are you talking about.

you know you have to pay your dues if you wanna sing the blues

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Personally, Reckon, just based on your t-shirts and website, your design concept isn't very original and your website and presentation is shoddy and unprofessional. Your whole t-shirt line has a very “urban outfitters†humor t-shirt vibe. There are five reasons why I think your designs don’t work and why your posts were met with so much criticism.

Firstly, I think the general consensus amongst people who frequent supertalk is that the humor/celebrity/kitsch t-shirt style has reached a saturation point. The initial irony that the style communicated 2-3 years ago when the style first hit the scene has now run its course.

Secondly, the individuals’ portraits that you’ve chosen have been recycled and reappropriated into too many other forms of media; using their images (again) pretty much undermines your original concept. You’re striving to communicate irony to a consumer who has already unconsciously codified your images and concepts as thoroughly un-ironic.

Thirdly, the individuals you’ve chosen run the gamut of different pop-cultural/academic/political spheres. There is no focus. Your line should provide a message/tell a story/arise from some source of inspiration or at the very least be consistent. I suppose the idea of portraits was your initial idea, but this is a shallow concept. While I’m not saying that your line should be deeply philosophical or what not, it doesn’t hurt if you put a little more thought into your product. Check out the Nom De Guerre store in NYC or the Collette store in Paris for inspiration.

In addition, the portraits are of varying sizes and designs and you lack a consistent color scheme for your t-shirts. Read Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking by Malcolm Gladwell. The author describes an interesting psychological study that shows that people are less likely to buy a product if faced with too many choices. Consumers want variety but not without (some) direction.

Fourthly, your dialogue of high and low (or class and mass) with portraits of Dostoevsky and James Joyce and then Paris Hilton and Captain Kirk is flawed because it also lacks direction. Frankly, I really don’t know whom you’re trying to appeal to. Street fashion is built upon street culture. Use icons that reflect this culture. And if you’re not aiming at the street fashion demographic, who are you targeting? You have to know your target audience. It’s like any speech or presentation; you need to tailor your message to your audience. Don’t get me wrong, mass-tige seems to be the buzz word in fashion nowadays, with Target and Isaac Mizrahi and Louis Vuitton and Pharrel, but in the end there has to be focus and consistency. If you had instead done a line of famous novelists aimed at well-read hipsters, the end result would have been much better.

Finally, and probably your worst offense: presentation. T-shirt designers aren’t, in many ways, fashion designers, but stylists. The way in which you stylize/present your product is as important, if not more important, than the product itself. This is where you messed up big. The website, like your collection, lacks a consistent design/source of inspiration.

The first thing users are greeted with is the price of your t-shirts and your shipping rates. Can you imagine if you went into a luxury store and the first thing the sales clerk provided you was a price list of all their items and their sizing specs?!? It would be unheard of and it’s insulting. By having the price of t-shirts as the first thing they see, you’re unconsciously communicating that you’re in the business of making money rather than selling a product that you believe in.

Next, the site is confusing and the images of your designs are too small and not anti-aliased. Your text isn’t anti-aliased either and is hard to read. Furthermore, consumers want to see the product in reality, not as a gif. Silk-screen a number of sample t-shirts and photograph them in natural lighting. Next, remove the quotes at the bottom. A good product should speak for itself. Quotes are

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No one is going anywhere sitting here and E-Bitching about this guy as a person, the only comments that anyone has made that actual mean somethign are the ones that are bitching at him about his actual clothing line not his rhetoric. Thresholding Portraits was done years ago........

i am thoroughly intimidated

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i was jsut thinking, if we wanted to have a more success ful advertising campaign of sorts here, he shouldnt have come here purly to advertise, i think he should ahve showd up liek the rest of us just here to talk about jeans and shit, and then after we get used to him, act like suddenly he came out with thsi clothign line, and because we already liked him as a person we wouldnt ahve bitched at him for it sucking. its just like in that book blink (like djrajio said) first impression make the hugest difference.

i am thoroughly intimidated

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The last few posts say it all as far as IQ an basic moral decency go...big factors. Again, the site as I have already stated (geez, some of you read only every fifth word) -- the site and the entire op is in a state of evolution and redesign. Really that says it all. Secondly, your personal attacks really have no bearing on the tees and your trite opinions are of the minority. What I meant by not wanting everyone to wear handworked goods is that I don't mind at all if a few sadists want to run their uneducated mouths and critiques whilst they sit on their asses yet again doing nothing constructive...at all. They amuse one another, which seems to satisfy them. REAL people, however, seem to have a vastly different opinion and perspective on the entire subject - they just do not have time to play with anonymous bullies...who really are not worth it.

So, should I concentrate on a handful of washouts without aim or the REAL people? No contest.

Keep up the great work, tho, fellas - it is amusing to say the least.

Personal attacks, really. You guys lack psych. power.



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Last time I'll mention a person making critical statements with zero education - meaning you have little data to work with when speaking of this one subject (even tho you placed paragaphs in your post). Sizes of images and too many color options? ha. I get constant requests for MORE choices and more images, and to burst your bubble your perception is ill - requests from the start of this portrait line were to make the images SMALLER. They are quite striking and large, omnipotent one. NOW BACK TO WORK



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you gotta understand that you are targeting your ads here to the wrong market. as many had concurred, your stuff would sell on malls and probably urbanoutfitters, but no, most of us, don't shop there. as far as i am concerned, the majority of the members of this board is either denim heads, or streetwear afficionados.

secondly, if you are in the midst of RECONstructing your site, you should know better that it's not time yet to advertise your stuff.

not intending to flame here but dude, you strike me as one arrogant, pompous louse. you are probably less than half (or maybe a quarter) as important as some people in my school and yet you talk as if you have done a lot more greater things than they do or are way a lot smarter than everyone else. PM me if you wanna know more

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