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Thai designer buys, 2007: Daily updates of dirt cheap, avant-garde menswear.


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I'll second Chris' recommendations on the Realistic Situation stuff-it's really fucking nice (especially for the price). I saw you didn't put up their website: it's here.

hows the pricing like? I was really wow-ed by the current collection online. Damn :P

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so far, there are tons of people asking questions, and very little buying... I realize that most of the aforepictured pieces arent necessarily "dirt cheap", but this about as expensive as it gets. I was interested in posting up more than just t-shirts, but if people arent really interested in anything else, ill just stick to [cheaper] t-shirts like last year.

I wish i could photograph everything in each store. Basically, everything in this thread is stuff I personally find interesting/appealing... which may not suit alot of people's tastes. If theres something you're looking for in particular, you can PM me or reply to this.

are those army sneakers available in store too? (the one i quouted in the pic on the prev. page)

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I'm also looking for a jacket that would be somewhat warm for the upcoming fall/winter.... something from realistic situation looks awesome, but the m65 looks a bit too plain, and the bomber one seems a little too extreme

yeah, i know i requested pics of wearing it but it would be awesome if you get the opportunity later ... or if the store has any more jackets similar to the styles would also be great

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