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HOLA Hollaforadolla & Chard X


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In case shit gets modded over there

heh i never mentioned it cause of your loud mouth (keyboard??) but you dress pretty poorly. nothing ever fits. and to top it off you insist you are the supposed king of everything streetwear. get over yourself broseph.

You see Chard, this is an opinion. Everyones got one. In my opinion Hollaforadolla prolly dresses skinny too skinny for my taste (if I could be fucked finding a pic).

your jordans, supreme, w)taps shit is not hyped?

Holla, let me educate you. Supreme is a skate brand. Skaters used to skate in Jordan Is. Supreme flipped a lot of Jordan iconography in early shit, put Jordan art on boards and to top it off did the shoes that blew dunks up. The Jordan III on a dunk.

Now WTAPS. The designer TET been a fan of Supreme since he first skated. Thats why you could find WTAPS in Japan Supreme stores since the `90s. Over the years the two brands done box tees together and this year a whole collection.

My gear FITS together. It makes sense. When Chard takes 3 brands that are totally unrelated and have no story to me it looks likes he`s just picking the most popular/elite tees, pants and shoes he can find. He`s not thinking about how shit goes together or what the clothes mean, like he doesnt care, he only cares about the next pickup or the next hyped item. No love, no appreciation.

And just coz my shit isnt skin tight doesnt mean it doesnt fit. I buy my size in most shit.

Does that make sense?

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Oh and Chard if you`re reading this I got some more sage advice for you. An undergrad degree is virtually worthless. I got one of those in Finance from a decent Uni and the best job I could get was data entry. Maybe you can get something a little better but dont act like "you got one up on me, coz yr educated". And now you`re educated do yourself a favor and move out of your mom`s house, I guarantee you`ll get more pussy.

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I mean in another semester or so i'm gonna get my college degree, get a job, and have something to live for in life.

if getting a college degree and a job gives you something to live for in life, you may be going about things the wrong way. not trying to hate but i feel like i need to defend all my fellow uneducated dropouts...

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dropouts run the world, and grads work for them

unfortunetly im a grad

back on topic, i see milspex's point, but chards fits are on point IMO, but i think he does need to really find a niche and stick to it. his stuff looks great and fits him well, but i find msyelf also struggling to avoid the brand checklist style of dressing.. I enjoy most when the shit i wear reflects who i am as a person, and says something about me and what i've been through/know

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move out of your mom`s house, I guarantee you`ll get more pussy.

ohh milspex, don't trick me now. You already proved thats wrong yourself

mass-very true, but i didnt mean as having a job will give me something to live for in life.

ohh about the personal attacks, don't worry i never said you were ugly or anything. i just think instead of putting all the effort into telling us your "streetwear" (in which i think no one gives a shit) career, you can use that to get some puuuuunani. But cry me a fucking river...if you're ever in my hood, hit me up and we'll let you rant. First round of beers is on me!

Apparently i've wronged the "streetwear" God by wearing visvims with supreme. So I'm gonna take my time now to PM: tangerine, TZ, rirawin, 78, and even takashi to warn them that the high and almighty is mad. Please don't doom any of us now, but it looks like i'm too late


Yo this thread is lame, so i'll end this here. I got no beef with you or anyone on this forum. So don't take any of my personal attacks too personal now, unless its trueee. I got nothing but love for a uptight dude like you until you start aiming your stupid flames at me (and only me). Thank you for your advice your highness, i will look over it and use it to help me. But in the mean time CAN I FUCKING LIVE?

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Truth is the average population probably thinks you (millspex) shop at pacsun, a army surplus store and his supreme box tees are left over from working at some kind bread company or something.

nah man, you don't understand.....it's ok for him to look like a juvenile delinquent/mall rat/prole, because as he works his minimum wage data entry job, he can rest secure in the knowledge that he is actually better than everyone else, even if no one else can tell.

in fact, if they could tell how elite he was, he wouldn't be elite enough.

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Holla, let me educate you. Supreme is a skate brand. Skaters used to skate in Jordan Is. Supreme flipped a lot of Jordan iconography in early shit, put Jordan art on boards and to top it off did the shoes that blew dunks up. The Jordan III on a dunk.

Now WTAPS. The designer TET been a fan of Supreme since he first skated. Thats why you could find WTAPS in Japan Supreme stores since the `90s. Over the years the two brands done box tees together and this year a whole collection.

My gear FITS together. It makes sense. When Chard takes 3 brands that are totally unrelated and have no story to me it looks likes he`s just picking the most popular/elite tees, pants and shoes he can find. He`s not thinking about how shit goes together or what the clothes mean, like he doesnt care, he only cares about the next pickup or the next hyped item. No love, no appreciation.


to be honest, I think Wolverine would totally win in a fight against Batman. Wolverine has adamantium claws and his skeleton's laced with adamantium. PLUS, he's got his mutant healing powers. WTF does Batman got?

Fer realz, yo.



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So, milspex, if I appreciate both your old school orthodoxy and chard's eye for making "hyped" brands into a personal look, does that make me smart for liking your fits, or dumb for liking his? Or can I be both at once?

While I appreciate your knowledge of the history of the clothes you wear, I don't agree that is the only way to put fits together.

I skated in Air Jordans; they weren't called I yet, because there was no II. I had the red/black and blue/black colorways. I stopped skating because of bad knees before the first Supreme store opened. People tell me I am too old to wear Supreme. Are they right?

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picturing Tangerine skating Air Jordan 1s reminds me of those old Gonz vids of him shredding in hawaii in old school AJs.Plus I bet Tang looks way cooler in Jordans than Milspex does.

You look dopey in everything.

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Guest jmatsu

because the subtle differences in fit between hypebeasts and old school street connoessieurs are diffult for the untrained eye to spot, i feel that the argument of heritage and label equillibrium is sometimes necessary(at least to those who understand/respect lineage and the historical apects of certain brands).

i haven't really been following this beef, but i think that chard pulls off street better then most. mil, 78 and chard are probably the only 3 people on this site who i actually take seriously...in terms of street ensmbles in a street context.

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