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what are stylish professional outfirts?

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HAHAHAHAHAHAAH what the fuck is an outfirt!?!?!?! YOU FUCKING CRAZY MIHO

dictionary Definition: a set of usually matching or harmonious garments and accessories worn together

I guess you don't know english very well and never heard of it in context ? i.e. American Eagle Outfitter

anyone named mellowfreshrebel is almost certainly none of those things irl.

then i guess I dont have a gallery here in my city, I dont have a music CD in circulation, i dont have any independant films made that have been shown at schools and festivals, I dont have any drawing, photos, comics made, etc. I guess you are just jealous I am everything that you are not.

you claim you're an artist with experience in "street wear, with uniqe color combinations" but you can't decide what color clothes to buy?

well, your simple mind cannot comprehend the fact that streetwear t-shirts for example have various colors, graphics, textures, etc when compared to dress shirts. Therefore I would assume there are "general fashion rules" that I wouldnt mind learning and using as my foundation.

i dont even know what to say.

this is crazy

because you are dumb. Plain and simple. Read a book, it may help. (if you can read


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personally i dont wear that shit, but then again, for someone to know about fashion and clothes and not know the term "outfit" / "outfitter" .... sad indeed.

It's you who needs a dictionary! Read what he posted again, and never grace our doorsteps again! (Tip-outfirts?!? What the fuck is an outfirt?!?)

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personally i dont wear that shit, but then again, for someone to know about fashion and clothes and not know the term "outfit" / "outfitter" .... sad indeed.

I think we all know what an OUTFIT is. But your OUTFIRT leaves us bewildered and confused. Christ read your own typing you fucking idiot. Arguing a point that's totally inappropriate because you're too stupid to notice you wrote 'outfirt' instead. You spelled a simple word wrong. You were made fun of for your poor spelling in an attempt to get you upset over nothing. It worked.roflcopter7-1.gifpwned. I've always wanted to do that.

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I mistyped "outfit" ok...... well obviously when I tried to click "edit" i am not allowed to change the thread title. therefore, the fact that idiots cannot seem to understand that we are all human and make mistakes and for some stupid fucking reason could not get "outfit" from "outfirt" again very sad, not for me; for the idiots, they need to cry. and for the record, I am not upset, i am merely playing along........

I think we all know what an OUTFIT is. But your OUTFIRT leaves us bewildered and confused. Christ read your own typing you fucking idiot. Arguing a point that's totally inappropriate because you're too stupid to notice you wrote 'outfirt' instead. You spelled a simple word wrong. You were made fun of for your poor spelling in an attempt to get you upset over nothing. It worked.roflcopter7-1.gifpwned. I've always wanted to do that.
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Wait, so you're a streetwear designer/comic book artist/film maker, plus you have a "music CD" (bwahahaha) in circulation, but you can't spell, dress yourself, and you're currently starting a job that requires a dress code, despite your numerous laurels in many fields?


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and you find what so hard to believe? I can spell, it's just that i am not perfect like you........ i can dress myself (unlike you and your situation with your mother and diapers, but we wont go there for your sake) is there anything wrong with asking questions? do hairstylists always have the best fashion sense? do musicians always have the best fashion sense? do actors/actresses have the best fashion sense? please take some time to think before you reply, unless it makes your brain hurt, then i understand

thanks again everyone! i am having so much fun!

Wait, so you're a streetwear designer/comic book artist/film maker, plus you have a "music CD" (bwahahaha) in circulation, but you can't spell, dress yourself, and you're currently starting a job that requires a dress code, despite your numerous laurels in many fields?


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But seriously guy,

People would be more willing to help you out if you didnt have such an attitude. Ask more specific questions, and it will be easier to help you.

You may want to check out style forum also... that site is more geared towards professional attire.

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