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I just hot soaked my Imperial Dukes after 9 mos or so


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It's been awhile since i've been here, hello to everyone that remembers me.

I just hot soaked my imperial dukes after about 9 mos to a year of wearing. I wore them everyday for at least 6 months. They had some pretty good wear on them before I ended up soaking them.

I soaked in just hot water, as hot as my bathtub would put out, for like 4 hours. I didn't use any soap and didn't agitate them so they did not loose indigo. (I also soaked a pair of apc english jeans as well). the bathwater ended up being a light brownish tan..

they now are still dark, with the usual wear that has eventually happened along the way. the color is really nice, there are a lot of distinct vertical lines in the fading along the thighs. They also still have a nice brownish tint due to dirt since they were dirty for so long and I didn't use any soap or agitate them in any way. They are softer than they originally were also, still feel sturdy though.

I will post my before and after pics when I get home for you to see. I think they turned out nice. I am retiring them from wearing everyday because I think they are super awesome looking right now. I"m not trying to get super crazy hige or honeycombs, I"m just looking for a nice, even fade with some creasing and just overall nice, semi-used looking.

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i thought soaks werent supposed to change the color?? everyone says no indigo is lost from soaks...

i'm doin a soak right now in a bucket cuz hot water is a lot hotter from a sink.. at least in my house... its just for shrinkage tho...

but i'm scared i'll lose honey my combs because during my 1st soak with a pair of nudies i lost them.. and they didn't shrink enought so i wasn't able to get em back..

*waiting to see yer b4 and after picts

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Some more pics presoak, click on the pics to get a bigger one



Here are some after pics





I think they came out nice, a good coloring. I am not going to try to put a lot of wear into these as I like the color that they are now.....maybe one more soak or a cold wash and see how they turn out. Thoughts?

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how much they did stretch as u wore em? im just a little worried about mine because i shoulda sized down one more.. just hoping stretching on these isnt APC territory

and did they shrink back to a tight fit nicely?

They stretched out a little bit but nowhere near APC stretching. The denim is a lot heavier, sturdier, so it will keep stretching to a minimum. when i first got them the thighs were tight but they slowly loosened up. I then lost 30 lbs so they now are loose on me (which looks good, they look nice oversized).

after a hot soak they probably shrunk back some, I imagine that a hot wash and then a dry would shrink them more. can't compare to the original fit since the weight loss. i think they are probably the perfect fitting jean for me, fit to my preference....kinda loose but still look normal, still have a nice fit. i'll try to get some pics of me wearing them so you can see an oversized pair of dukes.

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lol the black ones don't really bleed at all...

and they're stubborn as fuck..

...don't buy imperials for the fade, buy it for the fit!

mine are fading nicely. i don't know if you can tell in the pics or not but there are some nice vertical lines going on and they are fading very nicely. the black ones might be a bit different, though.

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