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How to avoid knee bulging?


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I am looking into getting a new pair of tight raw denim. The problem I have had with my past pair (levi, yeah I know) was the knees got quite baggy and I really hate that look. I have been checking out pictures of many different brands, and the only denim that doesnt seem to do this after wear is dior and samarai. Any cheaper brands that seem to stay tight in the knees? Thanks!

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to cut off the legs below the knee?

You are kidding right? Everyone knows in order to keep the bulges away, you walk around in crutches. Some people use a wheelchair with the leg elevator.

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I think stacking (near the shoe) makes it worse. Specifically, it pushes the fabric up a little and makes the bulge stick out more (as opposed to cuffing/hemming, which seems to make it drape better).

p.s. A tailor.....wtf?

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Walk like a penguin, or rather, w/o bending your knees.

Seriously I think its utterly impossible to avoid those buldges.

I had a dior raw some time ago and after only like a few days of continueous wear, the buldges started coming.

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I definitely seen jeans which don't have knee bulges after many wears, they are usually in Japanese fashion mags. I think another trick may be to have stacking in the knees.

How can you tell how many times the jeans have been worn from the picture in magazine? :)

Knee bulging is cool.

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so there would really be no way to tailor this? it really looks retarded on my favorite pair, everything else fits *perfect* except the knees =/

for your own sake i don't think anyone's gonna be like "heyyy those are really sick jeans, but your knees are really fucked up, yo"

think about it this way

if you tailored it, your jeans would look more retarded later on

then there's gonna be that one time you need to run somewhere, and your jeans rip because your knees can't bend

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for your own sake i don't think anyone's gonna be like "heyyy those are really sick jeans' date=' but your knees are really fucked up, yo"

think about it this way

if you tailored it, your jeans would look more retarded later on

then there's gonna be that one time you need to run somewhere, and your jeans rip because your knees can't bend[/quote']

it's just annoying that's all. besides, whoever really cared about a little knee rip? :)

i wonder if it will shrink/get better after the first wash. these are still very new

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oh i understand, heh..

my legs are pretty thick, so when i'm wearing jeans with a taper or slimmer leg opening my knees bulge quite a bit

after the jeans soften up (a few washes) they should fall properly

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