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Which Is It?


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It is best for your urine to come out clear-ish or more yellow... which is it?

I can't seem to remember what my biology teacher said many years ago,

and my pee recently was very clear.

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what does it mean if they float at first but then sink to the bottom like the Titanic?

it means you'll die within a fortnight

or that you washed your jeans too early

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clear pee is good (you're well hydrated), dark yellow is bad (drink some water ASAP)

I met a woman before that used to be fat, she was pretty fit when I met her and she said something like it helped her to drink TONS of water when she was trying to lose weight. "made sure my urine was always clear" or something she like that she said, it stuck with me.

also i think if your poop floats that's b/c it has too much fat in it (think post bucket of KFC or something). I worked in a hospital before... cheers.

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poop floats

It actually means the you have digested an adequate amount of fiber. It is healthy. Hard, sinking ( * ) means your diet lacks a healthy amount of fiber and roughage. Keep up the good work.

Butterfly has it backward, my wife is a nutritionist at a hospital

We have had this discussion before, gross huh. Yes well, that's the truth.

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  • 3 months later...
is this true?

I think its bettr if pee pee is clear, i feel very dehydrate when pee dark yello.

asparaguz pee iz wurst.

starbucks espresso pee is best.

seraphim said something about this in another thread... i wont contest it. i dunno

i just did urinalysis in human bio. if your pee is a rusty clear-to-rust orange, means you have too much sodium in your diet

if its light yellow-to-clearish yellow, too many carbs in your diet (careful of diabetes if it comes out wholely yellow every single time and you find yourself peeing upwards of 4 times an hour)

if its a dark-clear, too little protein is being absorbed into your body, and you should get your kidney's checked

same goes for if you pee blood or if your urine burns to the point of having to sit down and wait it out (enlarged prostate)

if its clear, doesn't burn, and doesn't give off an odd odor, you're good.

its not uncommon for pee to smell, it usually depends on what you eat. normally when i eat blueberry eggo waffles, it smells like them.

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if you eat beets your pee will turn dark red.

this happened once to me when i was a kid. scared the hell out of me, thought i was peeing blood, i remember telling my mom but she knew and calmed me down. dont like beets though so it hasnt happened recently

clear wee for the win

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