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The Flat Head 3001 World Tour


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last night there was a celebration for ab fits 20th anniversary of selling jeans to the people of san francisco. the crowd was subdued and the food and drink matched the mood, with waitstaff bringing around plates of hor d'oeuvres, and the drink options either sparkling or red wine.

my plans of giving you alll a pictorial rundown of the events was foiled when en route i went to take my camera out in order to get fit pics and discovered that my SD card was at home sitting in my computer.

luckily b i z z y was on hand on the walk home through chinatown so that she could take a fit pic.


Please help us preserve this piece of art! It's very hard to get it. and destroying it means the lost for everybody!

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today i made my way over to my favourite part of the city; mexicotown [24th st/mission district] for lunch with yardsale, on the menu today was tortas from los picudos. i decided today was the day to step up and finally try the cubana with it's five different kinds of meat in a sandwich as big as my head. in a food coma haze i walked yardsale back to his office and had a look around.

the rest of the afternoon was a bit of a blur as everyone ounce of my body's energy was needed and being used to digest, really there was not much else to do but get home for a siesta, followed by an earlier than usual trip over the hill to 22nd st caltrain to meet b i z z y.

on our way to farleys to check for the latest issue of oyster magazine, we came across a car transport that had underestimated the gradient of the hills and was in desperate need of a towtruck to regain mobility.


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as has become usual i barely found time to grab pics over what turned out to be a fantastic weekend. full of eating, a low key party, and a fortuitous stop into a place that normally drives me crazy by getting everything just that little bit wrong urban outfitters.

when i was 13 years old more than anything in the world i wanted a pair of black 10 up dr martens, at that time in the 80s they were reasonably hard to come by outside of the uk. there were two shops in new zealand that had them and once they were sold out the only avenue was to source the mail order catalogue for shelly's and order from them.


given the scarcity and at the time relative expense of the boots, me and my friends fetishised them in a way that would be familiar to the regulars of superdenim. how often you polished, whether you used dubbin or another waterproofing to help the boots soften without cracking. we would admire and discuss the relative merits of the creases and differing toe shapes that came with different kinds of wear.

yesterday as we walked into the sale section of urban outfitters for the first time in a while there they were, worn 1460, after discount $20/pair, i ended up with both a black and a cherry pair.


almost forgot watching the all whites versus italy this morning was a fantastic way to wake up.

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  haptronic said:
as has become usual i barely found time to grab pics over what turned out to be a fantastic weekend. full of eating, a low key party, and a fortuitous stop into a place that normally drives me crazy by getting everything just that little bit wrong urban outfitters.

when i was 13 years old more than anything in the world i wanted a pair of black 10 up dr martens, at that time in the 80s they were reasonably hard to come by outside of the uk. there were two shops in new zealand that had them and once they were sold out the only avenue was to source the mail order catalogue for shelly's and order from them.


given the scarcity and at the time relative expense of the boots, me and my friends fetishised them in a way that would be familiar to the regulars of superdenim. how often you polished, whether you used dubbin or another waterproofing to help the boots soften without cracking. we would admire and discuss the relative merits of the creases and differing toe shapes that came with different kinds of wear.

yesterday as we walked into the sale section of urban outfitters for the first time in a while there they were, worn 1460, after discount $20/pair, i ended up with both a black and a cherry pair.


almost forgot watching the all whites versus italy this morning was a fantastic way to wake up.

What are the "all whites"? Oxblood is killer. I need to replace my broken laces.

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  beatle said:
Yo, Hap....The All Whites might make it to the next round - cross my fingers for u

i know the talk about the italy game was that it was a huge upset, but from my perspective nz looked like the better team and seemed unlucky not to come away with a win. the next game should be interesting as we have more than a mathematical possibility of advancing, i mean all we have to do is beat paraguay...actually perhaps it is better if you cross your fingers.


yesterday was spectacularly uneventful, with most of the day spent waiting for a good time to use the local laundromat, you will have to excuse the lack of documentary evidence, but i am quite sure that it would be ill advised to be making posts of b i z z y's underwear.

i did manage later in the day to grab a fit pic of [in my mind] a failed attempt at late 80's/early 90's style, paper bag waist with a bloused top. it may be the shape of this bloused top or the fact that lifting the perceived waist worked much better when i was 17 and the line that is created was not at the thickest point on my body. whichever is the case this is the only picture of it that i am posting and to limit the damage this could make to my reputation i am making it a world tour thread exclusive

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  beatle said:
Yo, Hap....The All Whites might make it to the next round - cross my fingers for u ****

Just another XY - did you ever post waywt pics ?

not too often, i guess i'll start doing that again before hopping in here :3 :P

the pictures are awesome all around though, great job guys! (i especially like hap's photos, as i <3 sf quite a bit)

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football photos football photos baseball

this was the extent of my day, in fact since all the games in the world cup are now desisive i can't help but want to watch them all.

oh i did find time to update my terribly pretentious blog or the poetry whatever after talking to branespload about collaboration nomenclature and then talking to b i z z y about the use of the mathematical symbols involved.

i also managed to eat a mc gangbang and read the latest thrasher magazine. one thing that is great about living in the city is how often you are likely to come across local spots in magazines and in skate videos. the wall ride [0:14] in

is one block from my house.


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yesterday morning started with football which the highlight for me was a portuguese player getting yellow card for diving in the penalty box, good to keep the players on their toes like that.

i had an 11am coffee date with beth hughes, no wait, let's try that again. i had an 11am coffee date with beth hughes, we talked a whole lot about message boards, what they mean for traditional media, how the growing membership numbers has changed the face of the commnutiy, and what it was like in hong kong when she was there writing for the wall street journal.

then it was time to pop into self edge to say hello to ginno, lando was there, which reminded me that he made a drunken promise about a thread involving heroin, needles, and a single testicle, on second thoughts i am glad he never started it.

derek and sharkey came in so we wandered over to dolores park with a case of olympia [it's the water] to check out the transgender march, and let the dogs play.

there is nothing like a tranny singing the blues

back to dereks place for some skate3, more olympia, and pepperoni slices from serranos.

the walk home included several offers of crack cocaine, being escorted through the craziest block on mission by a man who said it was his block and he needed to clean it up for the children, a short life story of a homeless man from san antonio, and having it explained to me that turning up to a housewarming party with a crack pipe and a handful of rocks would not only not be appropriate, but would not be that funny; [being in a foreign country it pays to ask these kind of etiquette questions] oh i manged to get some pics


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the denim party at self edge on sunday was a fantastic get together. something special indeed when a group of people manage to get together and take each other as they come. these meet ups have me thinking how good it is that i have been lucky enough to meet the people through the forum that i have.

if you haven't been to one of the parties i highly recommend it as you may find despite the fact we all met through something as inconsequential as jeans there is a language and culture that we now share that means a whole lot more.

since i didn't get pictures of the event here is a link to shubharamani's


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last night turned out to be quite sizable, starting out at derek's spot with some quiet beers video games and general some skate nerdery, zero 'strange world' gnarly rails quite grimy filiming and effects with some classics in the soundtrack including this gem


nothing gets me going like so gold old fashioned death rock.

we made our way to benders for whiskey and beer night as well as to play some pool, but as is often the case with benders it once again lived up to it's name, after closing i found myself on my way to diamond heights with some people i had just met and the early hours of the morning turned into a musical adventure.


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  • 2 weeks later...
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Who's next?

Jeans are at SESF right now..

Can we make a current list of everybody that's already participated and add all further participants to the list?

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1. captain5640 (passed on early)

2. Soraanaam (LA, visting China)

3. Cameland (Melbourne)

4. Justiz2 (Malaysia)

5. Largo (Thailand)

6. Cotton Duck (Amsterdam)

7. twistedtrees (Chicago)

8. ordo (Vancouver)

9. adsurgo (NJ, visiting Japan)

10. PG2G (LA)

11. Mrip (San Jose)

12. fallen_angels (SF/China)

13. Largo (part 2)

14. TG76

15. Beatle

16. Jimmy (TX)

17. Kiya (Japan)

18. Aho

19. Lendo (Virginia)

20. Salaami

21. Medine (Chicago)

22. Hap (SF)

i hope i didnt miss anyone

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  beatle said:
woah, 22 is a record..

That ain't shit, i want to hit 50 with this one.

Who's next?

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