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Best Burger I EVER HAD was...


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I've had Corner Bistro, JG Melons, PJ Clarke's, Shake Shack, and Burger Joint in NYC...but I think I've had more satisfying burgers while in college.

Dotty's Dumplings (Madison, WI)

Culvers (Midwestern Chain...mmm butter burgers)

In NJ, it falls under the slider category, but White Manna in Hackensack is pretty darn good - esp when you chomp on it right as it comes off the grill.

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  corporategrunt said:
White Manna in Hackensack is pretty darn good - esp when you chomp on it right as it comes off the grill.

stopped by earlier today actually

id almost forgotten how fucking delectable those things are

if it was a bit less crowded id be there a whole lot more often

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i think i was about 11 years old... 1988-ish

remember the McDLT at McDonalds?

this was when they gave a f*ck about their quality beef

anyways "cold side stays cold and hot stays hot"

all in a white styrofoam package

now i wont even touch a burger from McDonalds

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  reignmkr said:
i think i was about 11 years old... 1988-ish

remember the McDLT at McDonalds?

this was when they gave a f*ck about their quality beef

anyways "cold side stays cold and hot stays hot"

all in a white styrofoam package

now i wont even touch a burger from McDonalds


the EPA must've had a shit storm over that packaging...

PS - it's worth the watch just to see a young, thin, un-bald costanza in action.

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  mizanation said:
had burgers all around the world. some very expensive, some cheap.

the best burger i've had still is in-and-out. don't know why, i just love 'em.

in and out ftw.

when i think of in and out i think of the girl skateboards mouse video.


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Shake Shack is tops. People line of for that for a reason. Burger joint is good too. Golden Star north of Toronto is fantastic, a Toronto institution and it's not even in the city. I'm sure all the local members will agree. Also Le Tub north of Miami is good - 13oz, Number 1 on GQs list of 20 burgers to eat before you die. So good I put up with the horrible service. They get so busy they always say it's a 2 hour wait even if it's only ten minutes.

Also, I've tried the 2 Toronto $37 burgers (Bymark, Czehoski) and while they were both pretty amazing, I would rather have two 4.25 Shack Burgers any day.

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Shake Shack is good but I can't stand in line for 45 min to get a burger. I only get it when it's early or raining. Same with Burger Joint, it's a good burger but I only get it when I'm in the area. It's only a burger, there is much better food in this city.

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Shake Shack is tops. People line of for that for a reason. Burger joint is good too. Golden Star north of Toronto is fantastic, a Toronto institution and it's not even in the city. I'm sure all the local members will agree. Also Le Tub north of Miami is good - 13oz, Number 1 on GQs list of 20 burgers to eat before you die. So good I put up with the horrible service. They get so busy they always say it's a 2 hour wait even if it's only ten minutes.

Also, I've tried the 2 Toronto $37 burgers (Bymark, Czehoski) and while they were both pretty amazing, I would rather have two 4.25 Shack Burgers any day.

  StuckOnStupid said:
  jmatsu said:

No website. it's a few blocks from the crib though. $36 bucks for a burger is just too...fuck, i don't know? hypebeast? it started as a joke...the most expensive burger in town is $37. and you dont even get fries with the damn thing.


Not on the menu anymore. And under the burger it said somethign along the lines of Side of Fries -$5 from a place down the street.

I think it was priced at 36.97 as the other burger (Bymark) was priced 36.98

and polishmike while I agree there is fantastic food in the city, I think sometimes I enjoy a great cheeseburger and fries just as much as a meal at chantrelle or masa or wd-50 etc.

With that being said, I'll never do lunch at those spots, always grab them as snacks at off times.

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Yeah I'm the same way but I just wouldn't get out of my way to get a burger. I enjoy grabbing one with a beer but I would never spend $30 on one. There are so many places that server kobe beef burgers and I just want to laugh at all the idiots buying them. Now I usually end up at Corner Bistro or Jackson Hole, sit at the bar and have my burger.

It's similar with stakes for me. I either get my own meat and make it at home or go to Luger's.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  snugglepony said:
actually, this is a spectacular burger.

not the best, but very very good. worth the wait.

Agreed...The Father's office burger is great, but the quality dropped and is nowhere near what it was 4 years ago. The dry aged beef is just not the same. In fact that establishment is not the same since Richard left!

The Counter in the Venice area has some choice burgers as well.

In-N-Out is like the Sierra Nevada of burgers. It's not the best but very good and consistently so. Never dissapointed. You get what you expect and crave and you have to appreciate that.

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