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The jokes are pretty tasteless.

Kid ran away over something silly, granted. But he was like 15 or something... kids do stupid shit, it just happens that the end result here was pretty tragic. Have some compassion, it's not like the poor kid tried to die of hypothermia to get back at his parents.

that's right he was 15, not 5.

like clopek said, i feel sorry for the parents and not for the spoiled brat.

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Don't get me wrong, I don't have sympathy for the kid when he runs away - it was a patently stupid and selfish reason. BUT once it turns into an actual loss of life where he's freezing and lost in the wilderness, presumably deeply regretting what he's done... well, that's another story. It's easy to lose sight of the fact that even if he was stupid in leaving, it's still just a little kid.

Even if you disagree with that, which is fine, I still think a moratorium on the jokes is appropriate if for nothing else but of respect for the family.

I'll quit playing the role of Cpt. Bringdown, though. As you were.

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How do you die from the cold when the coldest it's been is like 2 degrees? Maybe he went for a swim first. If he was really addicted he would have found someones house to break into, log on to COD4 and hit up one of his "friends" for a place to stay.

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wow. i'm amazed by some of the tactless responses here. it's easy to judge and complain after the fact that "oh, it was only 2 degrees/it was only a couple of minutes' walk/he's stupid/this and that" but the fact is you don't know the whole story and you never will. it's a death for crying out loud. can't you just pay some respect to the family if not the kid and just leave him alone?

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I guess. What a loser. The kid is clearly either disturbed somehow, on a mental level (hence - running away after getting a computer game taken away), or actually the stupidest human ever.

As much as I feel for his family (I mean, most people will never know the kind of fear these people experienced in any way, much less the misery upon finding him dead)...actually, I'm pretty sure he had some issues beyond what we would consider normally stupid.

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Where'd the bitchassness come from to infect the thread?

where is the cheapest place in the city to get absolutely wasted off my face.

I liked Baby Huey's when I was there, but I've only been when Kyle's dj-ing and have limited experience with Toronto bars. I remember it being fairly cheap :confused:. Oh, pretty sure I randomly spotted you and Skins walking towards campus on wednesday from the Go bus. Super-spotting.

Tonight was an important lesson; Kings of Leon are indeed worth something. $670 to some random bros, hah. My group of friends sold off their tickets after getting there late and missing WAS.

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where is the cheapest place in the city to get absolutely wasted off my face.

BISTRO! I think sean can back me up on this one.

The worst i ever got was at this place, I spent like 10 bucks too. Mind you it was game night and some other table full of granola galls kept giving me their prize's.

it was those damn free slippery nipple shoots which brought me down.

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nah, the best afterparty is the old UofT buldings near queens park. dont know them by name but the doors are always ajar when your in need. i once stole a kareoke machine just because. it made a great centrepiece for the road. breaking into the music hall was a first date i once had and although i chose to forget it, the girl swears it was the most romantic thing that ever happened to her. there are entire libraries and even a billiard room. if you wanna maximize you gotta roll deep enough to fuck up any security guard that might bust you, but once your at that level, its like an acadamia amusement park. ill +rep anyone who jacks a tuba.

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