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  rgray said:
I am living in Sweden until June and will be in Europe until mid July. Can anyone recommend some 'western/traditional' tattoo artists worth checking out in Scandinavia/Germany/Poland/Italy/Belgium etc...

I am willing to make some trips while I am here.

Thanks in advance.

Check out Erik at http://www.eaststreettattoo.se/



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so the general consensus here is that the tattoo artist has to charge upwards of $140-$200 an hour and you have to book months and months in advance in order for them to have any credibility?

i guess if you find an artist in which you find his/her style relevant to your interest, you should make sure first that a) their rate is high enough B) they are busy enough, in order to give them a chance?

it's the same dickhopping that happens in everything else...something (or in this case someone) gets hyped for whatever reason, they jack up their rates (cause they can), get a bunch of eager clients and now theyre the shit because "you have to book 7 months in advance" (what artist is going to turn down clients...do salesmen turn down sales?) and "i pay like, 200 bills an hour yo, so you know he's good"

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Quick question here. I've had upper arm tatts since I was 18, that was 11 years ago. Im looking to get more ink & have really gotten the itch lately & have been bouncing around some ideas in my head. Looking maybe to go full sleeve at least on one arm. However, I have a question about employment. Im a new attorney (less than a year) currently working in personal injury, looking to make a big move very soon. My question is on a professional level has anyone had any problems being judged for their tattoos when trying to get a job?

I really want some new ink but not at the expense of not being able to get this new job that I really want. I realize that i will be wearing sleeves to the interview & suits while working but that doesn't mean that they will NEVER see me without sleeves on. Im thinking about waiting untill I (hopefully) get the job to make the move.

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  Headmut said:
so the general consensus here is that the tattoo artist has to charge upwards of $140-$200 an hour and you have to book months and months in advance in order for them to have any credibility?

i guess if you find an artist in which you find his/her style relevant to your interest, you should make sure first that a) their rate is high enough B) they are busy enough, in order to give them a chance?

it's the same dickhopping that happens in everything else...something (or in this case someone) gets hyped for whatever reason, they jack up their rates (cause they can), get a bunch of eager clients and now theyre the shit because "you have to book 7 months in advance" (what artist is going to turn down clients...do salesmen turn down sales?) and "i pay like, 200 bills an hour yo, so you know he's good"

I've been going to my artist for 2 years now, dude started off charging $125 an hour, now the standard shop rate is $160 an hour. Naturally as people become busier, they're going to charge more. I could walk into the worst shop on long island and pay $140 an hour for the prison quality shit tattoos. There's over a year wait for an artist I want to go to next, and the wait is so long because he's good at what he does, not because people nutswing on him. Your logic is pretty shot. If you think "$145 an hour is ridiculous", have fun getting shit work. And if you can find someone who does solid work for under that, then kudos to you. Ultimately, you get what you pay for.

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  Headmut said:
so the general consensus here is that the tattoo artist has to charge upwards of $140-$200 an hour and you have to book months and months in advance in order for them to have any credibility?

i guess if you find an artist in which you find his/her style relevant to your interest, you should make sure first that a) their rate is high enough B) they are busy enough, in order to give them a chance?

it's the same dickhopping that happens in everything else...something (or in this case someone) gets hyped for whatever reason, they jack up their rates (cause they can), get a bunch of eager clients and now theyre the shit because "you have to book 7 months in advance" (what artist is going to turn down clients...do salesmen turn down sales?) and "i pay like, 200 bills an hour yo, so you know he's good"

I'm pretty sure that while I am scouring the internet for tattoo artists I rarely, if ever see their wait time or hourly rate... And if I stop in a shop and look through an artist's book it rarely, if ever has a credibility meter or hourly rate... Usually when I get a tattoo, price is discussed when booking. But that's just me.

If you find an artist in which you find his/her style relevant to YOUR interest and their rate is NOT high and they are NOT busy, then go get a tattoo...

Maybe if someone gets hyped it is for the simple reason that they are good at what they do? You're on a forum that generally discusses higher end, expensive, rare, quality goods so it shouldn't come as a surprise that people are discussing expensive and 'hyped' artists too...

I'm just not sure how someone gains credibility and doesn't get busy as a result. "Oh 'johny' is really good and everyone raves about him, he's really cheap and he's never busy." But no hate, just not sure what your point is.

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Hit up my local shop to catch up with two of my homies that work there.


Some flash art collaborations from the apprentice and a few of the artists


My friend Chris showed me a few of his recent pieces that he picked up.. This one is from Chance of Black Hive tattoo. The colors were amazing


Picked up a print from Shauncey, one of the artists there


He's selling them for $50 if anyone is interested..


sorry for the long post.. figured you guys would enjoy the photos

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  Subculture said:
Quick question here. I've had upper arm tatts since I was 18, that was 11 years ago. Im looking to get more ink & have really gotten the itch lately & have been bouncing around some ideas in my head. Looking maybe to go full sleeve at least on one arm. However, I have a question about employment. Im a new attorney (less than a year) currently working in personal injury, looking to make a big move very soon. My question is on a professional level has anyone had any problems being judged for their tattoos when trying to get a job?

I really want some new ink but not at the expense of not being able to get this new job that I really want. I realize that i will be wearing sleeves to the interview & suits while working but that doesn't mean that they will NEVER see me without sleeves on. Im thinking about waiting untill I (hopefully) get the job to make the move.

Any thoughts?

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i assume that you will wear long sleeve shirts and perhaps even a suit jacket to work if you are a lawyer. if that is the case then as long as you don't do any 'jobstoppers' i.e hands neck and face, there is no reason that anyone at your work would need to be any wiser.

here in new zealand is interesting because of the maori traditional full face moko, by law you are not allowed to discriminate against people you are potentially employing for having tattoos. doesn't mean that it doesn't happen [depends on the tattoo], but i have seen bank tellers and government workers with ta moko.

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  Subculture said:
Any thoughts?

I can't comment on working in that type of environment with tattoo's but...

what is the difference if you get your arm's done before getting the job or after getting the job if they may only see your arms X months in the future. Either way they are going to see them eventually, so when you get the tattoo is irrelevant.

What is relevant is if they are going to care however I think if you work to your employer's standards and keep in line with your employer's dress policy, you should be fine. In all fairness, unless you go to a non formal gathering with coworkers they would probably never know. From all the Law and Order I have watched I don't recall them ever wearing short sleeved shirts so I say get the tattoo's.

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  haptronic said:

i assume that you will wear long sleeve shirts and perhaps even a suit jacket to work if you are a lawyer. if that is the case then as long as you don't do any 'jobstoppers' i.e hands neck and face, there is no reason that anyone at your work would need to be any wiser.

here in new zealand is interesting because of the maori traditional full face moko, by law you are not allowed to discriminate against people you are potentially employing for having tattoos. doesn't mean that it doesn't happen [depends on the tattoo], but i have seen bank tellers and government workers with ta moko.

  rgray said:
I can't comment on working in that type of environment with tattoo's but...

what is the difference if you get your arm's done before getting the job or after getting the job if they may only see your arms X months in the future. Either way they are going to see them eventually, so when you get the tattoo is irrelevant.

What is relevant is if they are going to care however I think if you work to your employer's standards and keep in line with your employer's dress policy, you should be fine. In all fairness, unless you go to a non formal gathering with coworkers they would probably never know. From all the Law and Order I have watched I don't recall them ever wearing short sleeved shirts so I say get the tattoo's.

Thanks for the imput guys. I think what it comes down to is not them being comfortable with my ink but whether Im comfortable or not. Youre right...they will never know I have tattoos when & if they hire me but there are several occasions where you see co workers without long sleeves. When it gets to that point I will already have the job & Im pretty sure I wont be fired for having tattoos, its just a matter of whether Im comfortable with them judging me or the stigma that comes along with anyone having tattoos. They could possible view it as childish or unprofessional. Yknow, the kind of stuff allot of uninformed people come to conclusions about people with tattoos. Its easy to say who cares what people think, but in this case interacting & having apositive relationship with my coworkers and bosses (who will be a little older & more conservative than myself) is essential. Once I figure this all out, I'll decide if I want them or not.

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People still freak out when they see my leg...

Moko from the knee down over my right foot.

I remember running into my local bank branch after my cards were stolen on the beach. The regional head of the bank who happened to be there saw mine ( quite high up,he was in the board of directors) and showed me his...

Full on back piece and two sleeves in Japanese style, done when he worked for the bank in Japan.. Amazing tats

I now look at my local bankclerks a little different...

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  GoatJuggernaut said:
Get tattoos from people who's work you like. Period.

It has been my experience, however, that the more you learn about tattoos and what a well applied tattoo from a skilled craftsman really looks like - the more most people are willing to pay for quality work.

this here.

got negg repped, haha, obviously a few people didn't understand my 'logic'...

it's just these guys on here saying if you pay $145 or under for a tattoo, it's shit....or "if you can book a chest piece in 4 days you shouldn't be getting it done by that artist."

it's true that nowhere do artists list their prices or wait list until you actually have a consultation...so how do you have any idea of how much you should pay in another city, state, or country? do you tour around internationally getting tattooed?

yes this message board is for more expensive, and usually higher-quality shit...but to judge the ability of an artist or wait time is just silly....

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for sure, if you're unsure enough to switch pictures like that, I'd think about it for a week, a month, whatever. the option of getting either image is going nowehere, but getting something on the whim is not a very good idea.

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  mpcec said:
That is so different from what you previously posted... and you're getting it started this weekend? I would sit on it for a bit man.

Very true, I'm trying to get something set up this weekend with a shop in Austin, TX. A bit undecided on which one to get first.

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