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  freecat said:
i keep reading figures about americans and tattoo, like 36% of age 18-29 have at least a tattoo. is that close from the truth ?

i mean, i've been to england, and everyone's got one there, but in france, the only people i know who have one are the artsy/hipster type or girls that have a star on their wrist but that's pretty much it.

While I wonder how they got that number, the big thing to think about in America is how many different tattooing traditions we have. It definitely isn't something associated with one class, race, or ethnic group.

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  NatseOklim said:
You have a username like that and you don't know what colour to get them?

I already have a red one on my other forearm. I think the odd coloured roses look good, like turquoise with yellow petal folds, something like that.

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  Dead_Wizard said:
While I wonder how they got that number, the big thing to think about in America is how many different tattooing traditions we have. It definitely isn't something associated with one class, race, or ethnic group.

Yeah it is getting a bit out of hand in terms of numbers. I only go to a limited number of cities, but the last time I went to Vegas, I was really surprised at the insane number of people with tattoos, and not just small tattoos; totally sleeved out and neck pieces and shit. It was a weird situation...maybe there was a convention the weekend I was there or something.

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Anyone got any good images of Japanese/Western style flowers, Sugar skulls, or daggers like Lando's $60 one? Really liking that placement of the dagger on his ankle. Thinking of putting one there or on my inner arm, or maybe some flowers on my inner arm or sugar skull (all cliche I know). Much appreciated.

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@Soap: I think a big part of this is the increasing acceptance in the work place, combined with the prevalence of internet communities keeping people in a dialogue about tattoos. I mean now you can pay someone on the internet to design a tattoo, have it emailed to you, then bring that to an artist who you booked over e-mail too. It's a much more "clean" process than it was in the past. Not that this is the case in all situations, but this very thread is a testament to how the Internets changing tattooing.

And I laugh every time people fall into the dilemma of tattooing becoming too popular. It's a tradition that's existed in practically every culture since the dawn of civilization, and just now they're worried that it's played?

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  dino might! said:

you doods tip on top of the actual cost? i wouldnt know i dont have any legit tattoos yet and i forgot if i did or not with the lip

from my experience, tip well, I've tipped a pretty decent amount on every one of my sessions so far and they keep getting cheaper and cheaper. I'd say somewhere around 15% would be pretty good.

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curious if these dudes same dudes b cuttin up with $2 Hook trash from the gutter

just to let that first nut off :confused::confused::confused:

at least with hooks there's a chance you might *not* get sick..... fuck. more or less you're stuck with a silly flower / knife / cartoon ,for life.

just don't get why trash chat comes up as frequently as it does here

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  dino might! said:

you doods tip on top of the actual cost? i wouldnt know i dont have any legit tattoos yet and i forgot if i did or not with the lip

tipping on tattoos is customary. tipping can very, ive heard $20 per hour for dudes with high hourlys, or just be safe with 15-20% of the total.

on big pieces, i believe you should only tip upon completion, but some of my friends tip at every sesh in hopes of either a future hook up or just the ability to tip less at once.

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My rule of thumb has been to tip 20% - I figure a permanent mark on my body isn't the time to keep my wallet closed. I don't mind paying for good work, and I can't return it if I don't like it. My assumption is a well tipped tattoo artist won't phone it in if I've tipped them well in the past. I haven't had my strategy backfire yet.

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eli quinters is the MAN. thanks for the tip jolene

seriously the best person to get a cover up on

the dude literally drew on my leg--didn't draw it on paper first or anything

here's pics from my first outlining session

excited to get it filled









he also works amazingly fast. the actual tattooing took only a little over an hour--he 'sketched' on my leg for probably twice as long though

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  LetsGetSerious said:
Even a lower end tattooer is charging $80-100/hr so $10/tip sucks. Would you tip 10% in a restaurant or at a bar?

I spent $395 ($375 + tax) dollars for a 3 hour session, with $40 tip that puts up my total cost to $435. You're telling me I should be tipping $80. Considering that the artist is getting 50% of shop rate, I'd say $62.50 the artist is getting an hour, on top of the $13.33 he got extra an HOUR from me ($40/3) is pretty fair.

I think it is certainly more justifiable when you consider I make 500 dollars a week, which means I put in 35 hours of my work to just barely cover the cost of 3 hours of his time.

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no ones saying you have to tip 20% dude, it's just a nice gesture. you can't tip someone what you think is fair for putting something that's gonna be on your body for the rest of your life. i'm no tattoo artist or mr. fucking tattoo man but yo 20% tip is essential.

@yardsale, yo roxy is cute as hell, she was wearing a gold chain and had the most baller of all dog beds for real for real.

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  Headmut said:
point being, i think it's all relative. i know some people with ALOT of work who have never tipped in their life, and du made it seem like it was more insulting to tip $40 than to not tip at all.

but maybe your friends have actually made friends with dude or hooked dude up with a trade for tat or something, those scenarios are different. i'm not gonna lie, i too have not tipped for all of my tattoos, some were trade.


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  sycamore no more said:
no ones saying you have to tip 20% dude, it's just a nice gesture. you can't tip someone what you think is fair for putting something that's gonna be on your body for the rest of your life. i'm no tattoo artist or mr. fucking tattoo man but yo 20% tip is essential.

@yardsale, yo roxy is cute as hell, she was wearing a gold chain and had the most baller of all dog beds for real for real.

  Yardbird said:
@ Calvin

No problem man!! He's a real good guy, with awesome artwork to boot.

Did you meet Roxy, his pitbull?!

fuck yeah. that dog is baller. and really friendly too

going back this weekend to get it filled

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