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what are you eating today?


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Forget what this was called, but it has lychees, sev, milk, jello, nuts, etc.



i feel a strong yearning in the bottom of my stomach to ravenously devour pretty much every item posted on this thread excluding just a few...and i love nuts too (please don't take that out of context)...but this looks like a gross casserole dessert sort of concoction. like something your grandmother made. it compels you to eat it out of observance of her tedious efforts but you just have to hold back a sour look of disgust during each chew. happened to me about three times this summer.

ugh, pitooie. fuck grandma.

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Guest sousvide

After work snack... picked these up this weekend at the market, but too lazy to cook on the weekend..

First of the season Matsutake mushrooms...


Seared local scallops with sauteed matsutake's and spring onions.. Really tasty but too rich, too much butter/oil for my liking. I should have added some acidity to cut the richness.


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Guest sousvide

How are those matsutakes compared to Mexican or Japanese ones?

I wasn't aware that mexico had matsutakes. But the ones from the pacific northwest have been sent to japan for years. The demand for matsutake's in japan is a lot greater than in north america I suppose. So all the nicest ones will go to japan.

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Guest sousvide

How are those matsutakes compared to Mexican or Japanese ones?

japanese ones are the best

And WHY?

Cause I mean if they are the exact same species and grow under the same circumstances how can you say one is better than the other.

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Guest sousvide

^^ ya definitely, there's a whole system for grading matsutake's 1,2,3,4's. All the 1's from north america get shipped straight to japan. ( so I've been told)

But in my opinion, as long as they arent full of worm holes, soggy or dry as hell, then they'll do just fine. Of course foraging for them yourself, then cooking them, would definitely make them taste better.

But then cooking them correctly, that's a whole other topic i guess.

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And WHY?

Cause I mean if they are the exact same species and grow under the same circumstances how can you say one is better than the other.

the ones that grow under japanese red vine are far more superior.i guess the climate and soil is the perfect condition just like how some of the best seafood comes out of japanese waters.the environment is just right.since you sauteed the matsutake it really doesn't matter because that takes alot away from its scent.eringi mushrooms would have been suitable for your dish but i guess the matsutake can add a michelin star to your dish so to each his own.people in jp often times eat it as "dobinmushi" where it is steamed in a cover tea pot with some other ingredients

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Oh my..the foie gras, laksa, chicken rice..

Can you like, please add an address to where u go for the food, or the name of the restaurants..

Pretty Please..

Singapore is a transit city for a day or two, every month for me..i'm done eating the same food that i know..

Please Please do tell meeeeeeeeeeeee...

" "sushi" "....

Not going to defend it, I didn't care for the rice nor the apricot sauce. My last serving was pure foie gras.

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foie gras was a one-time special party that soepom invited us to. see me dancing for the cost to get in.





chicken rice was from 天天 at Maxwell's Hawker center in Chinatown.





Laksa is a walk, but not far from Arab street, i think. Whizkit?

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Back from holiday


Wiener Schnitzel (teh original @ Austria)


Pasta with self gathered mushrooms (chantarelle and dunno the name)


cushioned sea food with different oils @ Schöneck, italy


cocoa baked calf filet & small burger with truffelsamosa, pea purree and fresh truffel @ Stucki, Basel, switzerland


raspberry & staranis sorbet and parfait with pecan crumble and anis-sesame tuille @ Stucki, Basel, switzerland

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