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why is the worst pain you have had


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broke my wrist in 5th grade. because i had some stupid smarties, they couldn't put me to sleep to replace the wrist (the hand had moved like an inch off my arm). i remember the doctors telling my mom that she probablly shouldn't stay and she said no problem, she had no idea what was comming. i've been in a lot of pain in my life, but nothing like this, one doctor was pushing on the broken bone while the other was pulling my hand. it lasted 10 min and i pretty screamed at the top of my lung for the whole time. i've broken my arms much more severely after that (i have screws in both right and left arm), but nothing ever hurt that much. my mom almost passed out too...

getting kicked real hard in the nuts is pretty close as it hurts like hell, doesn't last too long, but fuck it hurts....

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breaking my right pinky finger while pitching in little league hurt like a son-of-a-bitch...

that and getting electrocuted by god knows how many volts while working in a slaughterhouse factory and standing in a puddle ... the right half of my body hasnt been working the same since

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while playing a club soccer game, my teammate played a line (passed) directly towards me leading me too much so i sprint after the ball and the goalie sprints directly at me and he kicks the ball and the ball hit me right in the nuts...i tried to play it off but i had to get off that fucking field. worst pain ive ever had.

fucking soccer.

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  Kasper said:
broke my wrist in 5th grade. because i had some stupid smarties, they couldn't put me to sleep to replace the wrist (the hand had moved like an inch off my arm). i remember the doctors telling my mom that she probablly shouldn't stay and she said no problem, she had no idea what was comming. i've been in a lot of pain in my life, but nothing like this, one doctor was pushing on the broken bone while the other was pulling my hand. it lasted 10 min and i pretty screamed at the top of my lung for the whole time. i've broken my arms much more severely after that (i have screws in both right and left arm), but nothing ever hurt that much. my mom almost passed out too...

getting kicked real hard in the nuts is pretty close as it hurts like hell, doesn't last too long, but fuck it hurts....

lol, fucking smarties

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i was holding a stick when i was a little kid and my cousin ripped it outta my hand.

the part of my hand where the pointy and thumb meet was sliced open, bleeding like crazy, and a bit of bone visible.

had to go to the hospital to get stiches and put back together.

i remember i was like "MOM AM I GOING TO DIE?"


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first time was when i was in 5th grade i had a microfracture from skateboarding, anyway somedays it would act up and hurt and somedays it would be fine, well i was walking home from school on a dark day then suddenly i felt this great pang of pain going up and down my shin it hurt so much i just laid down on the sidewalk all curled up, a neighbor saw me on the sidewalk while driving by and drove me home. another was last year, i was wearing sandals and my cousin ran towards me with a bag of fertilizer so she runs into the shpping cart to break her speed and my big toe was caught under the wheel and it cut off the tip of my toe, oh shit worse injury over, i thought i was gonna faint, the tip of my toe was flapping when i walked, shit shit, and i had water polo so it took so long for that shit to heal.

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riding my bike in the embarcadero (sf) on the bike lane.. tried to get on to the sidewalk via 1inch driveway.. front wheel got over.. rear wheel didnt want to follow on the 1 inch lip. skid.. tried to follow the skid to stop.. rear wheel locks up, bike runs into a 4 foot tall pole. i fly at 20mph in the air. front flip on my head (no helmet), ankle skids (denim was cuffed to midcalf) on concrete (2 inches of skin missing). biggest headache for 3 days after..

no medical coverage + bike accident + possible minor concussion = not very fun

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The pain of a broken heart... *emo tear*

Nah it would have to have been when I tripped on a crack in the ice while night skating, fell backwards, and broke my wrist... assuming it was just a sprain, and trying to let it heal at home. Had to skate 5 km back home hoping to god I didn't have to break my fall again with my arm. Excruciating pain persisted for 2 weeks, medium pain for the next two months, and minor pain for another 3 months. All better now. Fuck doctors. Damn I'm an idiot.

Still, nothing like being stabbed. That's pretty hardcore.

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I broke both my arms flying off a fifteen foot cliff when i was skiing. Somehow managed to land my arms on a thick slab of ice. Totally unmarked and if I knew there actually was a cliff I might of been able to land safely. Then the ski patrol took forever so I ended up skiing all the way down to the lodge. My dad had the bright idea of playing doctor so he grabbed my arm, flung it in the air, and asked "does it hurt?"

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  rok said:
riding my bike in the embarcadero (sf) on the bike lane.. tried to get on to the sidewalk via 1inch driveway.. front wheel got over.. rear wheel didnt want to follow on the 1 inch lip. skid.. tried to follow the skid to stop.. rear wheel locks up, bike runs into a 4 foot tall pole. i fly at 20mph in the air. front flip on my head (no helmet), ankle skids (denim was cuffed to midcalf) on concrete (2 inches of skin missing). biggest headache for 3 days after..

no medical coverage + bike accident + possible minor concussion = not very fun

damn, sympathy

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Passed a kidney stone back in December. And for those that don't know, you have to piss that thing out. If you've ever seen the Seinfeld episode where Kramer passes one, it's pretty true to real life. I passed it @ work and when I came out of the bathroom, people thought that I had died, or was about to go postal.

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when i was 15 i was riding a strop bike [built from parts]...to the video store to rent suburbia...to get it dubbed onto a vhs with future primitive...i was jumping my bike off a 30cm high gutter when my front wheel fell off...i landed on the forks and my face...


neil young harvest t

levis supertaper [tapered more at home]

i dont remember the pain from the landing...but getting the gravel taking out with a tooothbrush was really painful...

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Fuckin OUCH!

I actually looked like that around the same age when I was bucked by a horse into a tree, but the pain did not compare to pissing out a pebble that felt like felt like a boulder.

Also, probably even more painful than the kidney stone was when my Basset Hound Sindey Viscious died. RIP SID.

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i can't even begin to imagine the pain of the kidney stone..

and i am glad that i don't remember...leaving half my face on the road by falling out of a moving car when i was 3...or the boy next door biting a hole in my cheek when i was 2...all on the same side of my face...

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