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Macbook black..


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It's fucking awesome and it is the sexiest laptop that money can buy. In fact I am writing you from my blackbook right now. In terms of problems I have never had any.

Yeah don't refuse buy it because of a mismatching power adapter... from what I hear it's a decent laptop

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it's just stupid that if you configure a white one with the same specs (the only difference is hard drive space), it ends up being 50$ cheaper. i know 50 bucks ain't a lot, but still stupid IMO that apple makes you pay more for a different color. it really looks good though and Apple is the shit. 13 inch screen can be a little small though.

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I don't think the black one looks very nice. Somehow, the thing looks cheaper than the silver ones--or white ones. The distinction of the black color isn't very compelling, in my opinion.

I still think the silver Powerbooks look better.

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^my white MacBook gets filthy instantly, I've had to use a separate KB/mouse in hopes of keeping it cleaner but it's still dirty... the keys turn yellow, the trackpad ends up grey, the matte finish holds onto dirt, this is the least satisfying Mac laptop I've had, ever...

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i had to do an econ project in my class and my product was macbook, like i wasnt into macs and all but after finishing the project i think the macbook is fuking awesome

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The black macbook is a serious deal in terms of bang for your buck - the major deterrent is that it doesn't have dedicated video memory, which is why I'm going to be paying the extra for a MBP. That and the MBP product design is better IMO, and the keyboard is superior, which makes a huge difference for me since I'm on it 4+ hours a day.

An important note is that RAM for Apple laptops is *way* cheaper after-market than it is when you make the original order. DON'T PAY EXTRA for memory from Apple. In fact, I'd say the quality of 3rd party memory is much higher. I paid an extra like $200 or so for an additional 256 mb of RAM (keep in mind my powerbook is 3 years old), and later upgraded it to 2GB for around $200 total.

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overpriced. build yourself a dell, same stats, half the price.

err id beg to differ. i mean i like my dell, but lately i've been wanting something new. i really want a Macbook pro. ive only played around with one, so im not really the one to say which is better between the dell and the mac, but i have to say the construction and layout of the mac seems much better. i have a Dell 710m and its a nice machine and all but aestetically its not much of a looker, and ive noticed that its become increasingly inefficient. the charging port on the right side of my computer isnt touching the plug, so now i have to put a marker under the plug so it will charger. i know for one thing, the magnetic charger on the mac would definetly solve my problem. plus ive heard that macs are efficent productivity machines.

what it's really like to switch: http://utilware.com/switching.html

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i got a new dell laptop last.. feb/march. and a few months later, i really started liking macs. i've had my eye on a macbook/mbp ever since then but i can't sell my dell. the market value dropped significantly so it'd be such a big loss to sell it... so i think i'll wait til this computer wears down to get a mac.

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it's just stupid that if you configure a white one with the same specs (the only difference is hard drive space), it ends up being 50$ cheaper. i know 50 bucks ain't a lot, but still stupid IMO that apple makes you pay more for a different color. it really looks good though and Apple is the shit. 13 inch screen can be a little small though.


the screen is fine for me though.

i've always preferred smaller laptops.

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thanks for all the feedbacks.. theres another thing i want to ask.. my last laptop.. samsung Q25 heats up like a fucking stove... overheats like a mofo.... is there any overheating issue with the macbook?

and as for macbook vs. macbook pro.. im not really a graphic's designer.. so the videocard isnt something that is very important(and since i dun play games much anymore).. anyone in the computer science business have any thoughts??

oh yah.. the upside of macbook over macbook pro to me is, the size.. its smaller which is my preference.. dun really want the 15 inch... even tho its nice to have a big screen.. and.. i dun have the dough for it..

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err id beg to differ. i mean i like my dell, but lately i've been wanting something new. i really want a Macbook pro. ive only played around with one, so im not really the one to say which is better between the dell and the mac, but i have to say the construction and layout of the mac seems much better. i have a Dell 710m and its a nice machine and all but aestetically its not much of a looker, and ive noticed that its become increasingly inefficient. the charging port on the right side of my computer isnt touching the plug, so now i have to put a marker under the plug so it will charger. i know for one thing, the magnetic charger on the mac would definetly solve my problem. plus ive heard that macs are efficent productivity machines.

what it's really like to switch: http://utilware.com/switching.html

I agree with you, i was referring to the stats (i.e. ram, cpu, etc), i actually like how the macbooks look and feel. Just that you can get a laptop with the same configuration as a mac (albeit w/vista) for a couple hundred less.

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i was thinking yesterday about how if i ever had a Mac, i'd probably never actually use it as a Mac and constantly run Bootcamp or whatever the hell it is called, so why get a Mac?

in terms of raw power, the playing field between Macs and PCs has been completely equalized for at least the past few years... everyone who thinks Macs are better for certain applications and PCs are only good for business applications is a victim of marketing hype and decades-old rhetoric.

basically, it is all about choosing what you feel more comfortable with at this point.

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