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deoderant that doesn't ruin your shirts

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+1 on the crystal pit stick, and I sweat like a motherfucker. I even use it when I jog at the gym... then I go work weights, and I'm sweating like you wouldn't believe. If I smell my pits, they're odourless... unlike some of those other stinky fuckers there who either don't bathe, or keep the same shirt in the gym bag and wash it at the end of the month. Disgusting sons of bitches...

Anyway, It won't mask odors like deodorant, or prevent sweating like an AP... instead, it kills the odor causing bacteria. So if you have stinky pits before you apply it, it won't do you much good, and you may have to apply it twice in one day. Best part is, it doesn't leave any residue and gunk build up or staining on the armpits of your shirts.

If you're concerned about stinking, use the crystal, let it dry, then use a single swipe of Tom's Natural over top of your pits.

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I used to have this problem so I feel I have to chime in an offer my experience. I used to get pit stains in all my shirts. I tried Tom's of Main, the crystal, and awhole bunch of Anti-perspirants with not much luck. If you're going to sweat, you're going to sweat and Anti-perspirants try and prevent you from doing what's natural.Then I found the solution: Deoderant NOT Antiperspirant. I've been using Speed Stick Deoderant Solid for years now and guess what? No more pit stains.


Hope this helps.

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I used to have this problem so I feel I have to chime in an offer my experience. I used to get pit stains in all my shirts. I tried Tom's of Main, the crystal, and awhole bunch of Anti-perspirants with not much luck. If you're going to sweat, you're going to sweat and Anti-perspirants try and prevent you from doing what's natural.Then I found the solution: Deoderant NOT Antiperspirant. I've been using Speed Stick Deoderant Solid for years now and guess what? No more pit stains.


Hope this helps.

hmm sweating is sweating then i guess

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I use Degree spray antip-perspirant in Extreme Blast. Smells good, dries quick, prevents sweat, and hasn't left any stains on any of my cltohes as far as I can remember.

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  • 1 year later...

I actually use that new gillette/oldspice clinical strength bullshit. All i really need is to use a little less than what they direct and it works pretty fine. You put it on at night and even if you shower in the morning it lasts all day and keeps you fairly dry and surprisingly fresh.

either one is fine, but right now i think the old spice version works better.

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I've got stuff called Hypercare that you put on at night. Effectively staunches sweat, or too much sweat, from leaving your pits. Then I just use Old Spice Red Zone Clear Gel and wait till it dries somewhat and then I put my shirt on.

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Guest binaural

pit stains are the worst. the best solution i found was Burt's Bees. i've been using it for year now. no more pit stains. the only draw back (for some) is the sage scent. i don't mind it, but it may or may not make you smell like thanksgiving dinner. lasts a long time, too.


anti-perspirant is no good. not healthy at all.

that adidas shit seems like a good option too, though i like to keep it natural.

the crystal does not work, from my experience.

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mitchums was yellowing my shirts and other deodorants didnt keep me dry. i tried gilette clinical strength and it was not that effective, so i switched back to mitchums. instead of applying it in the morning i followed the gilette instructions and used mitchums at night (like gouf said). i only need to use it every few days and it keeps me dry unless im doing a lot of activity. by far the most effective antiperpirant ive used.

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yeah I was using mitchums also and it did stain my shirts so I don;t know how people are saying it didn't. I read that any deodorant or antiperspirant with aluminum salts in it will stain your shirts.

I'll try that trick demetri, seems like it could work cause mitchums is some strong ass stuff I notice that I can usually go for 2-3 days w/o re-applying it.

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