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you have love for W Bush ? hell fucking yes ban your punk ass .. asap

Bush is tax cuts and dead terrorists. The guy doesnt take shit from anyone. does what he says he will - I have mad respect for the guy.

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Guest itsmeJT
Seriously Ive had enough of that racist, homophobic, non-skinny wearing, W Bush loving, sack of shit. ban that motherfucker.

this isnt a funny thread, nobody fucking cares. please stop trying.

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Bush is tax cuts and dead terrorists. The guy doesnt take shit from anyone. does what he says he will - I have mad respect for the guy.

you're saying shit from japan, you can't fucking talk. keep living over there and not seeing shit. please don't vote next election.

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^^looks like someones feelings got hurt.

seriously... why arent you in iraq fighting for the aussie army? you talk alot of shit but youre just a punk with a military fetish.

My eyes are fucked up homie..tried to get into the military twice..not happening.

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I wouldn't be sad to see him go. I'm going to be frank here and say that his shit talking, superiority complex, and his streetwear highhorse are tiring. From what I've seen, day after day, you make it a point to trash Chard for something, or start something with a new poster like you're the streetwear messiah. Maybe there's a self-deprecating irony in there, but I have a hard time detecting it. Fact is, Chard looks better than you every day. It's great that you have such a great lineage, such wonderful contacts, fantastic mastery of whatever it is you feel you have mastery of, but, in my eyes, you look like every other Otaku. I realize I'm not a streetwear guy, I wear skinny everything, but that doesn't stop my opinion from being valid. I'm totally sick of it. Maybe if you weren't such a self-assured, in-your-face forum dick, things'd be different, but you're not. Always hostile, always haughty. That's all I've ever seen in my short time here, maybe it used to be different.

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I wouldn't be sad to see him go. I'm going to be frank here and say that his shit talking, superiority complex, and his streetwear highhorse are tiring. From what I've seen, day after day, you make it a point to trash Chard for something, or start something with a new poster like you're the streetwear messiah. Maybe there's a self-deprecating irony in there, but I have a hard time detecting it. Fact is, Chard looks better than you every day. It's great that you have such a great lineage, such wonderful contacts, fantastic mastery of whatever it is you feel you have mastery of, but, in my eyes, you look like every other Otaku. I realize I'm not a streetwear guy, I wear skinny everything, but that doesn't stop my opinion from being valid. I'm totally sick of it. Maybe if you weren't such a self-assured, in-your-face forum dick, things'd be different, but you're not. Always hostile, always haughty.

Eat my green shriveled ass newbie and bow to Streetwear Yoda

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Bush is tax cuts and dead terrorists. The guy doesnt take shit from anyone. does what he says he will - I have mad respect for the guy.

You're right there. He certainly "does what he says he will" against the will of the American public... such as his support for the genocidal ethnic cleansing going on in and around Israel in the name of Zionist globalization (while claiming he invaded Afghani and Iraq in the name of "humanitarianism") because Israel is an awfully strategic territory for western interests, tax cuts for the wealthiest 1% of Americans thus turning our economy into a fucking playground, claiming he reads Camus when he can't pronounce anything over three syllables, "TAKING (eating) THE SHIT" of a regime that uses him as a frontman for what has become Americas driving force... consumerism (not information and technology). do your research, bimbo.

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Guest doubletap
You're right there. He certainly "does what he says he will" against the will of the American public... such as his support for the genocidal ethnic cleansing going on in and around Israel in the name of Zionist globalization (while claiming he invaded Afghani and Iraq in the name of "humanitarianism") because Israel is an awfully strategic territory for western interests, tax cuts for the wealthiest 1% of Americans thus turning our economy into a fucking playground, claiming he reads Camus when he can't pronounce anything over three syllables, "TAKING (eating) THE SHIT" of a regime that uses him as a frontman for what has become Americas driving force... consumerism (not information and technology). do your research, bimbo.

you sir are an idiot. I dont like Bush either for what he is, but to say that Israel is conducting genocidal ethnic cleansing for protecting the land that was theirs for thousands of years, wayyy before Arabs ever colonised Israel or even before the invention of islam, is simply wrong and not based on history, but just propaganda bullshit. Besides, the palestinians were on the ethnic cleansing tip for hot minute.


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you sir are an idiot. I dont like Bush either for what he is, but to say that Israel is conducting genocidal ethnic cleansing for protecting the land that was theirs for thousands of years, wayyy before Arabs ever colonised Israel or even before the invention of islam, is simply wrong and not based on history, but just propaganda bullshit.

Good logic there. How's about we return the United States to it's rightful owners, the Native Americans and their descendents? Everyone else can be relocated to ghetto districts chosen by Native Americans based on whether they declare said lands to be holy or not. The same goes for Australia.

The funny thing is, those two examples are far more recent, relavent and plausible than citing a right to a 'holy land' quoted from a 2000 year old book, but I doubt you'd support such relocation of population.

I'm not coming down on either side here, but that argument is frankly piss stupid.

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Guest doubletap

dont see too many cherokees strapping ballbearings and explosives to their chests and getting on a bus full of civillians do you?

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dont see too many cherokees strapping ballbearings and explosives to their chests and getting on a bus full of civillians do you?

Way to generalise an entire racial group with the actions of a minority. It'd be nice if you made a justified argument rather than spilling out the same tired rhetoric.

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