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Just got this in my inbox from some TS guy


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Thankyou sincerely for terrorizing my forum last night and forcing myself and another mod to weed through every post and the server log to find and record all of your guys's ip addresses so that we can attempt to figure out where the hell all this was coming from.

I can't for the life of me figure out what the hell you guys were thinking but all I can say is do not do it again. If it wasn't for the nice admin staff over here I would probably be talking to your individual ISP's / school network admin’s right now.

You were welcome to post over at TopicStyle but we have our own TOS and rules of conduct. Registering user names with the intention of starting trouble and being banned is extremely reckless behavior. All of this could have been avoided if from the start you had pointed out any offending comments to me or my moderation staff. We would have taken care of it swiftly, and I will add that we are already taking action against any offending parties on our end regarding this matter.

In the future please use better judgment in a situation such as this, as the only people you are pissing off are the people that own and operate a site.




Didnt join your forum to start trouble. I only defended myself and dropped some knowledge/showed a slightly different perspective on style. I was curteous to any posters who treated me with curtesy. You should be grateful I posted on your boring forum. whatever, you sound like you taking life way too seriously. Relax..



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On another forum I frequent there were actually several threats of lawsuit from private individuals regarding "copyrighted"--they simply attached their own watermark on their own amateur digital images--photos of how to polish shoes and also over revealing "private information" which consisted of simply names.

There was also an FBI investigation brought on by the forum moderators against a rogue poster who had dared question the senior members' tastes.

So, as one can see, the Internet is Serious Business.

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I love when dudes think they've got you cold with an IP address. Oh nos! they're complaining to your ISP because you flamed an abercrombie messageboard!

i look forward to any e-lawsuits from topicstyle to be litigated in the court of the honourary judge ed lolington.

Yeah, haha, well if they`re gonna they better complain in Japanese coz my ISP no abla the englais...

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Yeah I sent that. Fuck spelling. I think he could understand so who cares?

like i said, peep my sig. i look into shit a bit much and when you leave out the "o" it becomes curt, which has a contradictory meaning...doesn't mean shit to 99% of people.

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you posted your fit - so you were following rule on the forum . How you acted is personal - they shouldnt have shit to say about it . ESPECIALLY since the other members started ish with your about YOUR style . They were ready to flame you retaliated ..

fuck um

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I got a PM and I didn't even sign up. I replied and didn't even get a reply back. I love the scold and run tactic, especially when they probably found my IP in the log from lurking and viewing this debacle.

Well, sorry to burst the bubble, but I just enjoy watching the shit flinging.

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Got the same PM, my response:

"Lol Damn, need to chill. Didn't even post anything on your God foresaken forum, and if you talking about who could get banned first? Review the post again, just a small bet of who could get banned first without using anything offensive. Does that mean terrororizing your forum...no.



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Only people I feel sorry for are Jayson and Trubble for having to sift thru that mess.

The rest of them can blow me.

but why do they have to? Just leave it as is..might give some of their members some new ideas..? After surfing their forum for a couple of days I kinda wanna dress like a preppy kid off OC sometimes now..you cant front on a thin cashmere sweater and chinos - perfect match for my coming soon rolex..

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