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celebrity encounters

Corbin Law

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i saw one of the guys from project runway in starbucks...somewhere on 6th, near urban, which i thought was funny. he walked in with a posse of guys that were overly eurotrash. this guy:


then i was walking passed stussy and one of the guys from dipset walked next to me. exciting right???? (i didn't know which one it was, someone had to tell me it was them)

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i had lunch with fat joe and his neice i was trying to fuck, back in high school.

he ate two diner cheeseburgers.

i made it rain on that hoe.

EDIT: i rode the bus with afrika bambaataa. my cousin eric used to chill

at Bam's war councils and shit, but got disillusioned when they started

jacking people for their dough. i still think Bam is the shit, because he

still lives in the projects.

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I've met Jessica Alba at Preston High school, she glows-- like has an aura around her. I've met Jude Law at 42nd when TRL was playing, and I met Jim Jones in front of Genesis on Black Friday. Jessica Alba is easily my favorite-- I have a picture somewhere I think.


It's obviously not me, but it's my friend who organized the visit for Preston. I skipped school that day-- and was one of the many guys who went to an all girls school for a day. <3

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Have seen Jeanine Garofalo and Julliane Moore in passing in the village a number of times.

Met Will Ferrell in Central Park.

Ed Norton was filming down the street from me for like 3 months so he was around a lot. Never talked to him, didn't try. His crew was obnoxious.

Sucker punched Julian Casablancas when he tried to steal my beer at a concert.

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In high school, I was working at a Japanese supermarket in NJ, Yoko Ono walked up to me and asked me where she can find some 'hijiki' (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hijiki). Recognized who she was right away for some reason, but since it was only my second weekend working there I had no idea where to find what she was looking for - the manager came and escorted her away, later on I got yelled at for not memorizing where merchandise are placed.

I can care less about Yoko splitting up Beatles yada yada yada...what about a sensitive kid getting humiliated because of her? That Yoko Ono, she up to no good.

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Dave Chapelle did his set at my college in 2001 (pre-Chappelle's Show, but after his first HBO special). Since I went to school in Western New York, it was curious when my buddy saw him aimlessly strolling around our piece of shit town the next day. They're conversation goes something like;

Buddy: "Hey, you were amazing. What the hell are you still doing here?"

Chappelle: "Just chilling...(pause)...Actually, I'm looking for weed."

Buddy: "Sure. Yeah, we have plenty at my place if you want to swing by."

Chappelle: "Nah, that's cool. I'm set."

Buddy: "Okay. But, yeah, we really do have plenty."

Chappelle: "Yeah, okay. I'll be there in a bit."

Weird -- you'd think Chappelle tour bus or whatever would be fully stocked. So anyway, Chappelle swings by like 10 minutes later with his bodyguard -- this big Russian dude named Moose, and we're all (like 14 of us) getting high Dave Chapelle. Including Moose.

Moose is calling us pussies because we use water in our bongs, not vodka. Meanwhile, Chappelle is being weirdly quiet. I kind of assumed he was freaked out by 14 white kids all trying to make him laugh, and hanging onto everyword he said. I also think, and I know this is heresy, that Chappelle was a bit of lightweight. Like 45 minutes in, and it becomes clear that Chappelle's nodded off. I really don't think we were that boring. Anyway, Moose becomes the life of the party, and despite being responsible for Dave's safety, doesn't seem to mind getting completely wasted. Dave's only out for a bit, wakes up, decides he's hungry, and slowly leaves our place. Wanting to extend the fun, we let Dave know what bar we're going to later, and tell him to join, knowing that there's no chance in hell we'll be seeing him again.

Or not. Because 10 minutes before the bar's closing time, Chappelle shows up and follows us back to our place to smoke some more. By this time, word's gotten out that Chappelle is still in town smoking with us, and everybody we know, like, hate, and don't know is basically on our porch trying to get in. Before the scene turns into a full on mob, a slightly sketched out Chappelle finally bounces for good.

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  ProfMonnitoff said:
Mostly film/art people.

I'm friends with the sons of Werner Herzog and Andre Heller, so I see those two relatively often. I never had a random encounter on the street though.

incredible. i am obsessed with herzog. you can't have a real-life conversation with me without me talking about the man. wow. wow wow.


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ddml ah that's why you came up with the Herzog statements in the other forum. I'm sure you know about these, but these two events are kinda hilarious (due to the degree of craziness). I'm stealing these from a film forum I used to frequent.

from yahoo news


German director Werner Herzog was shot by a crazed fan during a recent interview with the BBC.

The 63-year-old was chatting with movie journalist Mark Kermode about his new film, documentary Grizzly Man, when a sniper opened fire with an air rifle.

Kermode explains, "I thought a firecracker had gone off.

"Herzog, as if it was the most normal thing in the world, said, 'Oh, someone is shooting at us. We must go.'

"He had a bruise the size of a snooker ball, with a hole in. He just carried on with the interview while bleeding quietly in his boxer shorts."

An unrepentant Herzog insisted, "It was not a significant bullet. I am not afraid."

Video of Herzog GETTING SHOT


And, from imdb


Oscar-nominee Joaquin Phoenix was rescued from his car wreck last week by German cult director Werner Herzog. The 31-year-old Walk The Line star overturned his car on a canyon road above Sunset Boulevard in Hollywood after his brakes failed and he collided with another vehicle. Phoenix was saved because he was wearing his seat-belt, but has revealed he was helped from the wreckage by the 63-year-old, who has a home nearby. The actor says, "I remember this knocking on the passenger window. There was this German voice saying, 'Just relax.' There's the airbag, I can't see and I'm saying, 'I'm fine. I am relaxed. Finally, I rolled down the window and this head pops inside. And he said, 'No, you're not.' And suddenly I said to myself, 'That's Werner Herzog' There's something so calming and beautiful about Werner Herzog's voice. I felt completely fine and safe. I climbed out. I got out of the car and I said, 'Thank you,' and he was gone."

I love what I've seen so far from him, but I haven't seen that many (4 + all of his short docs available on youtube + him eating shoes ;))

EDIT: sorry it was off-topic... I had no random celeb encounters in my life... none :)

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when i was living in Whistler, i was having a couple too many pitchers this afternoon with some friends on a terrace on the village square. then, we saw David Hasselhoff in a ugly ass 80's style one-piece ski suit (you would think that he got enough money to buy a decent jacket, but no). anyway, one of my friend decided that it would be funny to throw him a snowball and then, and i blame alcohol for everything, we all thought at the same time that nothing would be funnier than to start throwing snowballs like maniacs. anyway, he kind of thought it was funny for the first 10 sec, but then got pissed and started yelling at us, so random ppl at the bar started to follow us and throw snowballs at him and yelling insults to him. it was seriously the funniest thing i've seen in my life, David Hasselhof getting banged with snowballs and everyone yelling at him how wack he his...

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one of my ex girlfriends was at a bar in hunnington beach where Pauly Shore tryed to hit on her and bought her drinks. They hung out for like half the day or some shit but she said she would have been into him if it wasent for the blatantly obvious heroine needle marks up and down his arms. He was really funny and cool except for being an addict and trying to get her to fuck. This was back in 99 or 2000.

Also had a friend back in college who claims to have snorted blow with britney spears on 2 occasions. He was some party promoter dude back then and did get to meet some crazy stars and shit. this was around 2001, 2002.

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  • 5 months later...

I met Matt Dillon at a screening of Crash in New York a few weeks before the film got released nationally. He was boring as shit. But I figured people always come up to his brother Kevin and compliment Matt's work, so I flipped it on him and was like, 'I'm a huge fan of your brother Kevin!'

I also met Paul Haggis, the director of the film, that same night.

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i met Bjork last week.

i was standing at the corner of lafayette and prince street and we're waiting for the light to change. i notice her leaning over to peek at my chest and next thing i know this pixie voice is telling me "i luff yoor necklace" and i'm all holy fuck, " thank you very much"... she goes "who makes it?" and i said, "i made it myself, actually."

bjork blurts out, "i'll buy one when you are famous" and scampers across the street while i stood there for five minutes trying to understand what had just happened.

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a. totally true.

b. i didnt take her because she was with her daughter. and it really seems

like matthew barney loves her a lot, and i'd feel bad.

c. i personally don't even think this necklace is that awesome, but here it is:


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