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Supreme 2007 S/S


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Prima, since my intentions of asking are not to figure out whether Supreme "is still trendy" or something ridiculous like that, I'm sure you'll understand when I say that your post does not apply to me.

Maybe this way of thinking is very uncommon or something but I would simply like to have a discussion about it that rises above the typical pretentions that one usually sees in this thread. I think doctorgnar was right on the money when he warned me that what I am looking for would be nearly impossible to find here.

Is it really so hard to just get a good-natured, attitude-less response that begins with "In my opinion, Supreme..." and actually bothers to make points that are meant to carry on a conversation? I guess it is.

Let me just temporarily answer my own question by saying that yes, the real trendsetters have moved on months ago to Slug Cluthing and we are all being left in the dust.

Anyways, more importantly, prima are you gonna be home in August? Or perhaps in Taipei/Tokyo? I haven't seen your ass in a long time (Sun God doesn't count).

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You see supreme being worn regularly, because reguardless of who else is wearing it it's still the brand doing it for them- staying true to the skate scene not blowing up like certain brands. There's a reason why they only have a few things on display. There's a reason why the clothing is expensive and limited. They don't want there shop to look like just a silly chain mall skate shop with tons of gross low quality goods just sitting around like clutter that was made just to roll in the cash and support the whole publicized skate image. They don't want your average joe sporting a box tee he got from his skate shop at the mall near his towns main area. The shop has everything you really need from hardgoods (decks/trucks/wheels etc) to all the high quality clothing you would need, often made in the US / Canada. It's expensive for that reason. James Jebbia said it himself in an interview, it's not for the masses, its for the people who just know whats up with the brand.They don't reveal much about themselves because it all goes along with what the brand is about, and it's exactly what they want and all the original skate rats want from the area.


I feel some of what yor saying, but I'm gonna quote myself to make what i consider to be an important point:

My favorite memories have nothing to do with a rich history of sneakers and premium quality t shirts. They are made up of a fucking tapestry of late nights, getting high before art class, skating the same metal curb for 2 hours straight. Dirty fingers. the Smell of NYC school lunchrooms. No such thing as limited edition clothes. Brooklyn banks bymyself cause I didn't know no one down there. not being a apart of the scene. ABC NO Rio. Building my first bike from a pile of rusty parts at Recycle a Bike and riding that fucker literally till the wheels fell off. Hopping off a freight train, feet touching the gravel of Newark New Jerz, and going straight to the nearest egg sandwhich spot... double fried with cheese lotta hot sauce...

These are things that not even the slickest, most in the know, down with the scene label can fuck with. When I see kids on here like: "I hate people who wear (insert respected REAL NY brand name here) without understanding the meaning, and the culture it represents", I just laugh a little bit. not at them, nah... I just laugh at the idea that peole think that a brand like Supreme or Xlarge constitutes or represents a culture. Are you fucking Joking? talking bout aNYthing, and how ingenious their shit is. Get the fuck outta here!!!! I respect anyone grinding for theirs, so by all means go get yours. But Half the kids who run and run with the people who are now known worldwide as Streetwear icons are the kids of New york's power elite. It's the same fucking cocktail party boys... and guess what, You aint invited.

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yeah i was there from 1998 to 2002. i was in Supas, Forbes, and IIIs for most of 2002. Went to grad school since, quit an attorney job, and, to keep things on track, now can wear SUPREME a few times a week.

big shit? i am prob too old.

Ah, that was just a quick reference to T.I.'s having performed at this year's Sun God.

It was a supreme performance, for lack of a better word.

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Oh snap, the last sun god was...Mos in '03. I snuck backstage with my old House Manager UCSD Operations Polo.

Anyways, does anyone know if "sign of the times" in white was available at Supreme LA. Might make a lunch on monday? Thanks.

Oh, and the light parka is indeed crap. The fit is awful, and only the tiger stripe camo was available when I was there.

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Nice replies by all including Westsides...

I guess I'll ask my question again in a more refined state because I'm kind of curious about the answer.

What does the more underground skateboarding culture think about Supreme these days? And I don't mean any old skate group, I mean the real trendsetting kids who were responsible for the brand's rise in the first place.

First off... the kids who set the shit off ain't kids no more... You'd be surprised where some have ended up... From Huf to firemen to RIP.

Second... there's an underground scene? haha. Just kidding... Kids know about Supreme if they are up on their skate 'culture'. But most kids don't give a fuck about that. They just wanna see some hammer thrown down. And emulate their icons...

Going back to the first point... the icons ain't kids no more... so we've seen a maturation and change in the brand as well...

Resellers may be everywhere in our eyes but ask the average teenager who Tony Hawk is and they'd be able to answer you but Supreme... nuh uh... so in perspective Supreme is unknown...

Another point... if you know what's up and you see a kid rockin' Supreme you can pretty much see if that kid knows what he's wearing by scratching the surface a little... So for me personally I don't give a fuck... I happily skate in my Supreme T's and if I see a kid rockin' Supreme in an unusual place (airport) and he seems to know what's up (and I'm not talking wearing the latest jap denim n' vans) I give a nod.

Also, as an aside, what other skate brands out there are doing anything remotely close to Supreme? None*. And hence why I'm always drawn back to them.

*Girl/Choc/etc are loved BUT their design aesthetics are completely different to Supreme... atleast since 2000 or so... after the nollie-heel-nose-slide closer...

*Bring back 101 or Menace and I'd be rockin' that shit hard again...

Nostalgia is a killer and I'm fucked.

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*Girl/Choc/etc are loved BUT their design aesthetics are completely different to Supreme... atleast since 2000 or so... after the nollie-heel-nose-slide closer...

*Bring back 101 or Menace and I'd be rockin' that shit hard again...

word, there are lots of other dope skate companies out there like chocolate but nobody else makes anything wearable.

shinchrono my summer is way too busy

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There we go, I knew you'd give me exactly what I was looking for.

I had thought about the fact that the kids who were first into Supreme have aged quite a bit since then but I don't know whether many of them were still participating in the same sort of culture/friends that they were back in the day so I was just waiting for someone who did.

I'm stoked about your answer because it reflects a sort of feeling (that sounds supergay) that is missing whenever most others talk about Supreme and how great it's been since the beginning, etc. etc. It's Supreme's impact on people like you that interest me in the brand so much, which spurred me into asking those questions in the first place.

I'm quite humbled (and perhaps a bit jealous :D ) at the fact that I simply wasn't there to experience it all from the beginning. Now I've had my fleeting experiences with skate culture ever since I was a little kid (I think it really took off when I was a tiny boy and I realized that skate shoes were more comfortable than basketball shoes, to be honest) but I sure as hell don't have any false pretensions, I'm just an simple admirer. But hey, that's better than acting like I've known what's up this whole time, right? :)

Case closeddddddddd, thanks 78!

prima, hm, time for a mini-LA meet in the begnning days of August? I can try and set something up :D

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it seems like a lot of the "legit" and non-mass marketed skate brands kind of exist as much outside of skating as much as they do within. brands like RVCA, altamont, supreme.. all are a skate brand, but their creators are heavily involved outside in art, design and other projects. its not like supreme is all in your face about being a skate brand either. i've always seen it as a lifestyle store that existed within the umbrella of skateboarding, with that as a main influence.

do brands like this have to only be a skate brand? why? who cares. everything is inspired by skateboarding and its culture. its why i exist, i know that much, but i'm not 100% skating all the time, if at all anymore.

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Hah, unfortunately the one I saw was a bright blue box cap (on a relatively overweight and angry looking asian guy) :D

Interesting sidenote, though, I met a couple of random people at Sungod through a friend and they turned out to be sufu members :D Lurkers though. I commented on one guy's Nudies, next thing I know the other one is turning around and I see a pair of half-arctruates and we all know what that means! Supergay.

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i've always seen it as a lifestyle store that existed within the umbrella of skateboarding, with that as a main influence.


This thread gives me dejavu.

It's the same shit over and over and over again.


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*Girl/Choc/etc are loved BUT their design aesthetics are completely different to Supreme... atleast since 2000 or so... after the nollie-heel-nose-slide closer...

*Bring back 101 or Menace and I'd be rockin' that shit hard again...

Nostalgia is a killer and I'm fucked.

My friend/roommate had an old Alien Workshop tee the other day... it got us talking about Chocolate, Four Star, Plan B, Girl etc. Definitely made me think of the old school CCS catalogs I used to get back in the day... (used to get Dan's Comp too haha.)

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