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waywt? saved my life

sycamore no more

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Could just be the pics but the bottom of the jacket flaring out is irking me, but other than that... very fucking refreshing chard. I like the contrast between the blacks in the denim and your jacket.

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  GoodHustle said:
The bottom being buttoned kinda bugs me though, but that's just a personal preference.

Yeah, the shirt is too long to leave it untucked, it'd go halfway down my legs! I think it'd look really off if I left the bottom two buttons un-buttoned with the tuck.

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Icarus, you mean the right undershirt for the grey details right? Maybe a dark red/blue would work. Normally i'd pair grey with a brown cardi like that, but with the grey detail right where the shirt would be, it makes it tougher.

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I'm not asian but i'll try to join in.


Anyone want to buy me a better mirror/camera/clothes?

I'm not gonna lie, the prada denim looks pretty sick.

Where did the shemagh trend come from? I kinda like it, but i just don't know where it all started. When/how did it become so popular?

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  chronoaug said:

Where did the shemagh trend come from? I kinda like it, but i just don't know where it all started. When/how did it become so popular?

where i'm from (Montreal), I've seen ppl wearing them for as far as i can remember (lots of arabs and north-africans here). separatists here also seems to love them which is weird because basques and catalans also loves them. it's also been popular in Scandinavia for a while.

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tangerine: that second pic is awesome! dukes + varvatos is a sick combo!

Let me cross-post some of my recent ones here as well...

today was some same old stuff, I look like this like most of the days, like when I don't wanna think about what to wear... w+h hoodie, recon tee, dh 19cm, vans slipons...


this was me shooting some jeans for Self Edge Fri night after the my company party, which was quite lame... I was wearing a Hanes Beefy-T + my trusty 19cm:


This was my outfit for the company part friday night, hugo boss tux jkt, cafe coton shirt (tucked in btw), iron heart 634s-b, h&m web belt, neil barrett boots...


This was the gf's outfit for the company party, we were easily the best dressed couple there, but that isn't saying much at a high tech company in silicon valley... yes this pic was taken with studio lightings, I had to setup the lights for the denim shoot for selfedge (pic #2)...


Earlier Friday, before heading into the office, loopwheeler pullover classic hoodie + Fullcount 1108's + vans eras:


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