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SHIT! Dino that mini ramp is a thing of beauty! I have plans of building another one in the future when/if I buy a house. Thats perfection. Did you build it yourself?:D

  dino might! said:
its a revolution, iVIVA LA TOPSIDER!



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Since I can't rep him I am going to give Crillz props in both threads. This is an awesome, awesome outfit. Well, the new era is terrible, but it's not too grievous.

Can we get some better pictures of the shoes?

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Oh Icarus, will you never approve of the streetwear elements of my clothing? ;)

Thanks a lot, by the way, I really appreciate the props.

The sneakers are a brand spankin' new pair by a brand called "Easy." Cheap made in China affairs, come in black and white, for $38 bucks. I like 'em, they fit well, and I'm planning on buying a bunch for summer instead of ruining one expensive pair really fast like I always do.


(please excuse shitty laptop-camera pic)

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Yeah, those look incredible. Chinatown? They look like Eras with pointier toes/ no vans bulge. I'm still looking for the perfect pair of all black lo-tops.

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A store called Eleven in the Lower East side, probably coulda found them for cheaper in C-Town somewhere but I'm too lazy to look through there... it's tourist season.

PS - Thank you for the negative rep re: the tightness of my jeans Carl. Have fun smoking weed alone and taking pictures of yourself.

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  Crillz said:
A store called Eleven in the Lower East side, probably coulda found them for cheaper in C-Town somewhere but I'm too lazy to look through there... it's tourist season.

sorry to break it to you, crillz, but i have the exact same shoes that i got in chinatown, about 6 blocks down on mott for $7. i can't find the white in my size, though (except at Eleven).

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yeah, it didn't take me very long to find the black ones but last time i was in town i walked around for about an hour looking for the whites in my size. i ended up buying 10s but they're way small. at least you didn't pay the $50+ topman or office were trying to charge when i was in london.

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wowch, well, I dunno, I can't exactly say I'd trust shoes that came from the streets of Chinatown unless they were hermetically sealed or something. Not trying to be snobby or anything but it is straight up dirty there, just a fact of life.

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mini superfuture meet to check out the SExIH launch... thanks to gamma888 for helping us taking this pic...


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Speaking of Eleven though, isn't it fucking amazing there? Stuff is pretty unfairly priced but nearly everything is deadstock, or has the vintage feel but no wear that would damage it like holes. Ugh I just want everything, and their new stuff is amazing curated as well, Comme Des Garcons wallets and fantastic fucking jewelery. Blahhhh.

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  ayn said:
mini superfuture meet to check out the SExIH launch... thanks to gamma888 for helping us taking this pic...


haha, Kiya and Tangerine need some sunglasses... Oh that harsh SF sun... hehe... I thought all you SF SuFu guys had glasses from Spectacles for Humans... hahha....

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  Crillz said:
Speaking of Eleven though, isn't it fucking amazing there? Stuff is pretty unfairly priced but nearly everything is deadstock, or has the vintage feel but no wear that would damage it like holes. Ugh I just want everything, and their new stuff is amazing curated as well, Comme Des Garcons wallets and fantastic fucking jewelery. Blahhhh.

i agree. i don't usually go for the vintage store thing cuz i'm surrounded by thrift stores here, but their selection was a lot better than most. and aside from the markup on those shoes, i think a fair amount of their stuff is fairly priced. i remember i was there with my friend a couple summers ago and she was going ape shit because they had like racks of $10 dresses.

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  Crillz said:
Speaking of Eleven though, isn't it fucking amazing there? Stuff is pretty unfairly priced but nearly everything is deadstock, or has the vintage feel but no wear that would damage it like holes. Ugh I just want everything, and their new stuff is amazing curated as well, Comme Des Garcons wallets and fantastic fucking jewelery. Blahhhh.

what is this Eleven and why have i yet to shop there? school me!

and, i need to hunt down these 7 dollar shoes. tell chinatown i'm coming.

how long before they fall apart from normal wear and tear, ya think?

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Onemancult -- Eleven is on Prince, east of Broadway, but I forget the ave. Venture out of the Bronx sometime and I'll show you :D. I don't know about the half-life of the kicks, but I'm guessing they're not gonna be around forever if you know what I mean.

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  Crillz said:
Onemancult -- Eleven is on Prince, east of Broadway, but I forget the ave. Venture out of the Bronx sometime and I'll show you :D.

i was just out in your neck of the woods til 7am last night.

where were you? i thought you were a mildly coke-soaked

15 year old party girl underneath all the punk aesthetic

and penis pubes.

EDIT: i googledoogled Eleven and now i know it. ive walked

by this place many times and never went in, it always looked


the outside. They have clothings for the males, you say? Or

just footwears?

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Oh yeah I'm always enthralled by the Irish girl's accent. The store has more men's stuff than women's, vintage Metallica and Star Wars shirts, vintage flannels and denim jackets, combat boots, Comme Des Garcons wallets, etc. etc. I was definitely too busy smoking on a roof in Stuy Town to be in my own neighborhood haha.

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