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waywt? saved my life

sycamore no more

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johnny, vibskov scarf is cool, cardi is cool (but not the two together). stray boys hoods is alright. everything else I'd get rid of.

tho I have the feeling you weren't really out for advice on this one.



steven alan


grayprils (trying to decide if I should bother with hemming)

trovata vans

apologies for the blur. clearer pic in the regular.

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EG = Eric Glennie?

Yes. That is correct. PM him on one of the various forums for details on how to order.

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Your fits increase 10 fold when you hide your face.

Yeah the only comments I get are to cut my mohawk, which isn't going to happen. So I decided to do a few more wawyts with my face/hair hidden.

I'm just trying to get some feedback, but it's not helpful when the only comments are about the one thing I'm not going to change.

yeah but thats not saying much with the shit green hoodie with the electric blue vest. the fuck do you post on sufu for? you dress more poorly than the average person i see on the street. atleast try to improve.

AA hoodie and vintage home-made vest, is it really that bad? I mean, I know I'm not going for the normal sufu asthetic, but I also know I'm not like fearitself. Anyway, thanks for the feedback

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keep it! subtlest vibskov piece I've ever seen. I think it looks great.

e0d9n0b5, that looks awesome. I was't sure about the suede CPs, but they slay with that outfit. what jeans are those?

Thank you, they are Nudie Thin Finn ultra indigo coated... Which will be prematurely derailed(I wasn't expected much fading) when I get my Ande Whalls.

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