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waywt? saved my life

sycamore no more

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so much hate going on today.

origin of hate:

ichigo's jacket

then clopek posted

then jmatsu commented

then clopek responded

then everyone laughed

then ribideaux comented on some tranny

wallfles commented

then jmatsu and clopek went back at it

ribideaux went at joey formal and waffles

joey formal responded

tiranis jumped in

tiranis jumped out

ribideaux and joey formal went at it

this sum's up the past two pages



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Sorry MiniW, but do you actually have a look you're going for or do you just have a lot of money to blow on all the expensive designers that are hip on here? Because from what I can see, it's the latter.

let's just say that I was fuckin repressed as shit living in Baltimore the last year or two and the suburbs before that. been wanting to dress well/interesting for a long time and now that i've moved to nyc i feel a lot more comfortable wearing all the nice stuff i've been collecting. hope this answers your question,


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