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waywt? saved my life

sycamore no more

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Guest jmatsu
  JohnnyRed said:
I love the fit without the hoodie, but it looks really feminine from the back. I'm not sure I dig the butt flap

i agree. from the back it looks like an winter one-peice for women, with pants worn under it to fight cold weather.

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Guest jmatsu
  corned beef said:

Loose Beanie

Stone Cold Face

Flight Club LA Tee

gappidy gap jeanz

Nike Leather Blazers


corned beef, recently i've actually started not hate your fuckin ass... so don't push your luck, buddy.

the over all fit vs. physique here is okay. i do not like your flight club la tee. the pieces are just boring or mediocre. next time write some shit like "clothes i got for free, clothes i stole, or found in the dorm" or something.

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derome brenner

nice collective

alternative apparel



neil barrett

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Guest DUM

Didnt plan on wearing the hoody with what i was wearing really, I just wanted to take some pics of it now.

Thanks for the comments.

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From a while ago, just never posted.

Thrift T

Thrift button-up



Amd here's Coachella recovery mode. Still trying to figure out how to rock these shoes. Small cuffs working? At least until I get them hemmed, this is the best I can do.

Thrift T

AA hoodie



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  Lucas said:
hahaha omg. super cuteness.
  b i z z y said:

eww Lucas... you have b i z z y cooties...

looks like you guys both have jpgm cooties....this is about 3 1/2 years ago, and i hadn't bathed in weeks. probably explains the nasty itching sensation that has been bugging you guys for the last few months.... :D


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haha wow man we are all connected i am happy to have shared this location with both of you. The forums were one of the most photogenic places of my trip.

p.s Your fits always look stupendous my friend.

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