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waywt? saved my life

sycamore no more

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That's hella weird that we thought the same thing. But I can see England being the eccentric lead singer cuz of the color contrast.

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I would like to tell the story behind the picture. England was held captive by anti-american insurgents in an abandoned part of town. They said he was a capitalist post whoring pig and needed to be executed. They called us in for the black ops rescue. Tangerine was the lead and I headed the communications, moy was in charge of wooing the fascist ladies and Ayn was in charge of logistics and scouting. So yada yada yada, beat up some terrorists, we jump from a moving train and end up having Dim Sum. Only the asian people ate the tripe though. England is safe again.......but will he post on sufu?

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Not after the tripe eating incident. He's absolutely disgusted at the thought of you and Moy with crazy eyes tearing threw rubbery tripe, ripping it in half with your bare hands.

I'm sure Tangerine wasn't scared of the tripe, though. He's too much of a badass to have some pathetic tripe scare him. Must have been the other way around.

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sorry, but wtf to that room?! do you still live wif yer rents?

Sure do, and yes it is a rather childish room (haven't changed it since late highschool 7 years ago) but I love it, it's my childhood memories frozen in time. Even my girlfriend and friends love it.

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