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waywt? saved my life

sycamore no more

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that's right. I'm an individual, Diamonds. I'm a unique butterfly.

Really just makes you seem like either an attention-seeking dickhead or an inconsiderate dickhead. There's a reason why there's etiquette in those situations and if you don't understand why you're probably a little bit of both.

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I realize I'm on a fashion board and shit but I'd probably say these exact words if it were my wedding: "dude. are you really wearing this to my wedding?"

(not that I plan on getting married)

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I can't stand weddings. For years I've been able to avoid them altogether, now I'll only go to very close friends' weddings.

That I can wear a suit I never can otherwise is the only good thing there. I love to wear a good fitting suit.

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Hang and Dis, I probably should've posted this initially, but it was an outdoor ceremony and reception, and it was specified to be casual. When I said everyone was dressed like a funeral, I meant in all black. I've been to PLENTY of weddings this year, most of them were semi-formal, and one formal. Wearing a full suit would have been inappropriate in this situation and would have been out of place. I appreciate the critique, though. And no, Hang, I wasn't trying to be a "dick" or put the attention on myself. Wearing a suit would have made it look that way.

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