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APC's Fading WAY too quick??? Help...


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Hey, whats up guys.. I have a quick question...

I started on my New Standards 2 days ago, and am getting close to a rip already. I understand its because of the knucks, but i definately was not expecting it to move this quick.. I know you guys hate the knucks, but i always wanted em... any help greatly appreciated..

On a side note, can anyone guide me on japanese denim that fits like APC NS? Thanks



I do have a huge commute, and wear thes in school, so the seat fades the fastest.. Is this normal, or is this way too quick? Thanks again

Mods, if this is in the wrong place.. please move it thanks..

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It has nothing to do with the amount of time you wear them, it has to do with the abrasion. If you're sitting on subway trains or buses that have ridiculous hard plastic/fiberglass constructions and then you have a heavy metal pushing through cotton...well, you have those. You could just take out the knuckles now, since you have a pretty well defined look there already.

Unless of course you actually walk around with brass knuckles. o_0

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Isn't in certain states brass knuckles are illegal so if you were walking around with a fat brass knuckles imprint with it intruding out, wouldn't that make someone suspect....especially if you were on those kids wearing fruit loop jackets.

fruit loop jackets hahahaha

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just take 'em out, unless you have a purpose for them...ie sharkers on the subway and such. your biggest prob now is that you have brand spankin' fresh looking jeans with heavily faded maternitiy tits on your pocket. i think it'd look alarmingly fake, with time and wear being the only remedy to even out the overall wear.

for me, my wallet did the same shit...so don't discount the jeans; they're quality.

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Sacrifice two pairs of identical twin unicorns and bathe in their blood and you will be sancified.

Just take the damn brass knuckles that you'll never use and put them on a damn shelf.

the remedy is pretty fucking simple

im suprised no one mentioned this earlier.

supertards reccomending more all around wear


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woulda been cooler if it was some snuff or something...the brass knuckles thing just seems a bit juvenile to me. too much novelty factor, not authentic looking/feeling.

What??? In what world is a circle more authentic/creative than some knuckles?

Snuff is the one thing that's more played-out then knuckles. And yes, it just looks like a circle.

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Wow, I have never expected so many arguements over something so simple...Thanks to all the real replies.. and continue ranting about...

Technically, police cannot search you, without premission.. unless you get arrested... Then your in trouble..

I never doubted the quality of the denim... just kind of shocked at how quick it happened..

Well, thanks for your help guys.. and throw ideas about what else you trow in your back pockets..Stay cool, no need to get heated over something stupid like what you carry around in your pockets....

Thanks again

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skate tool is correct, b/c i would hate to carry around the alternate


as for the penis comment, i don't even see anything resembling a human phallus in my fade marks.

it's actually not that noticeable in my pocket anymore than a wallet, actually less so, if cats can have those huge redmoon-esque wallets that stick out b/c of their size, it's not that far of a stretch.

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