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all I'm thinkin is cotton on (gasp) or online somehwere. I really don't get the bonds pricing. Lame quality too. The target staple plain tees are better quality.

Hey SS_Zac...ordering next batch from LA round mid of July..should arrive round begining of August. I shall let u guys know. Shoot me PM if any of urs interested.

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those supreme drops are just hype! ppl are lyk yo deres been a supleme drop ast supply, friends are lyk yeh man lets get down there and pick up box crew jumper..fuk dat

Yeah I agree. Even US$98 for an oxford is absurd, as discussed in the supreme thread on here, just wanted one for something different in the arsenal. Anyways $100 for a tee is just as bad as resale price, better off trying to get a deal on ebay or the marketplace here.

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A little foodie heads up. It's amazing how many people think that good laksa can be found anywhere. But being a fan of it and having lived in Singapore, Malaysia for awhile.

The most legit and definitely tastiest laksa to be found in Australia, never mind Sydney, can be found at Cafe Jimmy's in The Galleries Victoria. Do yourself a favour and make sure you get the chicken one. Back there, I don't think you can actually FIND beef or fish laksa.

But yeah, it's by far the most authentic tasting variety, not to mention tastiest. It's not too pricey neither [7 dollars or something for a bowl. Consider it's in the city] but it also has erratic opening times. I don't think it's ever open for dinner, although I could be wrong.

Anyhow, ever since having eaten there, I refuse to eat it anywhere else. Anything else is just a compromise.

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so far good laksa has been impossible to find for me. here its more like curry prawn noodles. the prawns have great texture but little flavour. the soup is way too watery and the noodles aren't the thick rice noodles.

its probably because i'm so used to good ole katong laksa, where its thick and creamy and chock fulla flava. i cannot say that i've found any laksa in sydney to be tasty. the textures and flavours are pretty pedestrian. its not even about authenticity, its just that all the ones i've tried in sydney don't even taste good.

i tried the laksa house in qvb and omg was that shite. i'll take your tip and check out the tgv one tho styles. hopefully another reason to love the tgv more.

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so far good laksa has been impossible to find for me. here its more like curry prawn noodles. the prawns have great texture but little flavour. the soup is way too watery and the noodles aren't the thick rice noodles.

its probably because i'm so used to good ole katong laksa, where its thick and creamy and chock fulla flava. i cannot say that i've found any laksa in sydney to be tasty. the textures and flavours are pretty pedestrian. its not even about authenticity, its just that all the ones i've tried in sydney don't even taste good.

i tried the laksa house in qvb and omg was that shite. i'll take your tip and check out the tgv one tho styles. hopefully another reason to love the tgv more.

mmmmmh i aint a big fan of laksa, but I heard tamasek is good. I dont knowwww....just go to viet resturant order urself a Chicken Curry Rice Noodles with viet bread roll.:eek:

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^ temasek's in parramatta and its ok, quite passable for the most part.

the ramen place in tgv is ichiban boshi, right outside the entrance to kino on the 3rd floor. i'm told there's better but its a good start, location wise.

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Ramen joint is Ichiban Boshi. It's not bad, but there definitely are better.

Still, not a bad place if you feel like waiting forever during dinner time. At least you get to have an ice cold beer with your meal.

The place near Central Station... I've heard rumours. I've been directed that it's in a shopping mall that has an old cinema in it. And it's on the 2nd level or something. Don't know details but maybe you guys can fill in the gaps.

Laksa's definitely worth it. One of a kind.

kpnv: If you're from Singapore/Malaysia you'll definitely enjoy the TGV laksa more than any other one in Sydney. Not particularly creamy and yet not too dilute some of the HK places that make it. As close to home as you'll get.


Just a heads up for anyone interested.

1/213 Palmer St. Darlinghurst.

FLIPSIDE Distribution sale.

Definitely worth checking out.

Brands include Carhartt, Edwin, Pointer, UNDFTD for all you hype monkeys out there. Big puffy Carhartt jackets that RRP for 500 are going for 80 bucks. A few decent Edwin leather jackets there too.

Supply brands include the in-house Supply, aNYthing, very very very limited Supreme.

Those looking for bags or little pouches should check out the HeadPorter stuff.

Prices, as far as I can remember.

Tees - 20

L/S tees - 30

Polos - 25

Sweats - 50

Knits - 40

Jackets - 80

Shoes - 50

Pants - 50 [i think.]

Scarves, beanies etc - 5

Shirts - 30

HeadPorter stuff

Bags - 80

Wallets - 50



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Pretty depressed at the moment. Have to do a supplementary exam for fucking Physical Chem. What a gay subject.

But I'll try making other people happy. Here you go fellas. Buy something for yourself, make your girlfriends happy, I don't know. Pick one.


Start Time:Friday, June 20, 2008 at 7:55am

End Time: Sunday, June 22, 2008 at 5:00pm

Location: South Sydney Corporate Park - Alexandria

Street: 4, 85-91 O'roirdan st, Alexandria (Behind Office works)

City/Town: Sydney, Australia

Brands are as follows.

- Alice McCall

- Natasha

- Buddhist Punk

- Religion

- Obey, Pani

- Nookie

- Tight Knickers

- Freesoul

- Coton Candy

- Ra.Re

- Somethign Else

- Sass & Bide

- Minus Ung

- Vintage Vantage

- and House of the Gods


Have fun.

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A little foodie heads up. It's amazing how many people think that good laksa can be found anywhere. But being a fan of it and having lived in Singapore, Malaysia for awhile.

The most legit and definitely tastiest laksa to be found in Australia, never mind Sydney, can be found at Cafe Jimmy's in The Galleries Victoria. Do yourself a favour and make sure you get the chicken one. Back there, I don't think you can actually FIND beef or fish laksa.

But yeah, it's by far the most authentic tasting variety, not to mention tastiest. It's not too pricey neither [7 dollars or something for a bowl. Consider it's in the city] but it also has erratic opening times. I don't think it's ever open for dinner, although I could be wrong.

Anyhow, ever since having eaten there, I refuse to eat it anywhere else. Anything else is just a compromise.

Have you tried To's in Nth Syd or East/West in Chatswood Mandarin Food Court, imo their better than that place in TGV.

on the topic of malaysian/sp food ... har mee on thurs/sat/sun at East/West Chatswood mandarin Food Court and Sat (some other days too) at Makan@Alice's Thornleigh is pretty awesome....

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kind of feel

guilty posting this but its hilarious and i had too. was catching the train home from work this afternoon and one of those mx newspapers was lying around. so i opened it to a random page to see what was going on in the world of metropolitan travel gossip. anyways a page i stumbled on made me laugh and reminded me of sufu so bad. i had to scan and post pics. every single line literally makes me laugh, its fucked up.

links only cos i think resizing will fuck up the text...



dont mean to hate on these guys but its kind of sad the lack of awareness and appreciation towards fashion, any sort of aesthetic and general consumerism. anyways whatever floats your boat i guess...

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^^ Superhero i think you would need to sign up for a DJ's card. not entirely sure what it all means to get one though. maybe lurk vogue australia forums for info.

and mx is the shit for boring train rides. the best bit is when they have all these people writing in section. i read one which had one person complaining about a guy pissing into a bottle on the train. he responded saying he had no choice. then the next person said like "did mommy forget to tell you to go?".

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how do u get further discounts at department/nondodgy stores like DJs?!

the old tag switch.... i havent tried it but i know people who have... as long as it isn't from a concession store it should be easy to get away with, especially when they just have those racks of stock out.

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