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  dino might! said:
i have absolutely nobody to dorm with next year and it really fucking sucks.

im bugging the fuck out.

same but with apt/job/city. good luck, du

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  dino might! said:
i have absolutely nobody to dorm with next year and it really fucking sucks.

im bugging the fuck out.

  jeepster said:
^yo buddy, I might swing an apt for Spring... not sure yet though, gotta figure out my money situation before then.

Negrodamus for see's lots of this and lots of this if you room together.

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  Mr Calvin Oscar said:
foo i thought u said u was dorming no matter wut
  Mr Calvin Oscar said:
trev and/or max pm me if you really dont have anyone to live with

scott and i are trying to get something going for next year

yeah i have to dorm. so, sorry, but no dice. i wish.

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it sucks I have to go on the housing waitlist every year because I took a semester off. I really want to live with my roommates from freshmen year but Idk if I'll be able to. My current roommate is cool but he is moving to Brooklyn and I kind of want to stay (relatively) near campus.

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  Mr Calvin Oscar said:
i love my girl friends

but why must they all be bad drivers

no bullshit, one of my girl friends FINALLY managed to pass the driving exam. at age, get this, TWENTY. in the...4 or so months she's had her license, she's hit 4 cars while trying to park her own. yes. that's one vehicle per month. she's hit more cars in 4 months than i have in 2 years (fyi, i've hit zero).

women lack the spatial awareness to drive. i'm sorry ladies, but i've yet to meet a good female driver.

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  Mr Calvin Oscar said:
i don't see how meeting me would help

i'm not doing anything soooooooon. we can meet whenever u b in the city

like getting to know eachother and such, i was just in the city today too mayne, damn.

i will be there soon though so i will let u know.

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idk what that means I've never had a shaved head.

i've had long hair pretty much for the past 6 years, damn. I need a shorter cut for the summer. I just got a haircut two weeks ago and it's pretty much already back.

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today i was in the library and there was this incredible looking girl... i think i fell in love. i was walking out in front of her and we alternated holding doors for each other then she came back later and was sitting far away but when the seat in front of mine opened up she moved to it. seriously the best looking girl and the only girl with style of seen on campus.

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  mpcec said:
today i was in the library and there was this incredible looking girl... i think i fell in love. i was walking out in front of her and we alternated holding doors for each other then she came back later and was sitting far away but when the seat in front of mine opened up she moved to it. seriously the best looking girl and the only girl with style of seen on campus.

I hope you acted on this.

if not,

Craigslist >>> missed connections.

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fuck... no not really. yesterday was one of my most depressing days recently and today i was getting shit done like whoah and making so much headway but i plan to stalk this girl like whoah so maybe there will be a part two but i think she has like 4 years on me... i want to invite her to go eat pho with me

always a mya concept (writing style)

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