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Fuck fuck fuck. I was feeling so good between 9pm-1am because i was on the most amazing coffee high after having 2 drinks at the place while working on this group assignment. I was fucking bouncing around, listening to the Wu, feeling great. Now i'm all tired and shit and have this 5 page paper due at 8am and shit's already 2. I'm still on the fence about if i'm going to try and sleep at all or just finish this thing around 4-5, then dick around till class starts. Is 2-3 hours of sleep even worth it?

Fuck. I just realized that if i make extra time in the morning i can get Chic-fila breakfast before class. Chicken biscuit and a 4count chikin-minis sound amazing right now

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In the fall of 1831, the Menominee tribe negotiated a land cession treaty with United States federal government. Approximately five hundred thousand acres were ceded to the "New York Indians" (also known as the "waubanockies"). Approximately two million and five-hundred thousand acres (four thousand square miles) of land was ceded to the United States federal government, from Milwaukee to Green Bay.

The New York Indians were unhappy with the land ceded to them in this treaty, and demanded more. Chief Grizzly Bear on the NY Indians:

"We were too generous - agreed to give them too much. But these NY Indians were not satisfied, and if we had given them half as much more they would not have been satisfied. . . We cannot do just whatever these NY Indians want - They are always wanting more - . . . Father you told us that these NY Indians said they bought a great deal of our land - I ask you, with what did they pay for it - We received nothing nor did any of our people receive anything of consequence - How then can they say they bought our land?"

Here Grizzly Bear rose in an enraged state, decrying the terms of the treaty. The governor commanded him to stop, but Grizzly Bear continued:

"These NY Indians are hard to be satisfied - They are made like you are - They have education and pride themselves upon it. But Father they have no ears - They are like dogs. When we give them a piece they want more. They have no hearts or souls."

The Governor negotiated the terms of the treaty with the NY Indians, who would not budge. Nor would the Menominee. A Stockbridge leader came forward with evidence that a white lawyer - Samual Beall - was instigating the conflict: as long as the treaty remained in conflict, Samual would recieve $600 a year in return for legal assistance to the NY Indians. These falsehoods were made clear to both tribes the NY Indians quickly accepted the original terms of the 1831 treaty.

happy columbus day

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SUP LAB- I'm really upset now because i realized that UF vs. Georgia tickets went on sale monday at 6pm and i fucking forgot. If i would've been able to get a ticket during the madness (i think just call in and hope you get lucky) i would've been able to sell it for $200. Needed that money too. The only game i can make money off of now is kentucky homecoming. Sorry the vols suck

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why the fuck are kings of leon tickets so expensive, and how did they sell out in a couple days? sometimes I am completely confused by toronto. $250 for a single ticket on ebay for a show that was maybe $40 on ticketmaster.



how are you gonna say thats not the catchiest song of 2008?

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Turns out that all those expensive cold remedies could be a waste of time after a new study into nasal congestion has unearthed a rather unusual treatment for men; masturbating!

According to a paper in the Journal of Medical Hypotheses' date=' a man ejaculating could be "a potential treatment of nasal congestion in mature males."

"The emission phase of ejaculation is under the control of the sympathetic nervous system, which of course has lots of adrenergic receptors. The author reasons that ejaculation will stimulation adrenergic receptors in the refractory period immediately afterward, and stimulation of your adrenergic receptors will give you relief from your cold." [/quote']

Explains why I haven't had a stuffy nose for awhile.

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Rock Band Monday at a bar I like. Like 6 regulars there because it's raining. Some dudes roll in and start freaking out asking if all of the DL'ed songs are on there. At least 300 are, so yeah. Turns out they had just played a show two doors away (absolutely no promo by the venue or MTV who was sponsoring) and now wanted to play their songs in the game.

So. Played Rock Band with a bunch of cool dudes, me and some friends will probably be on their video tour diary on MTV because we could beat their song and they couldn't. Oh and the band was Locksley (I'd never heard of them) headlining the Choose or Lose tour.

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I still haven't played rock band. I'd like to get it and play with friends, but my friends and i are so busy i'd never get a chance to and that shits like $150. Don't they have weezer songs? Can i belt out "tired of sex" as loud as i can and win points?

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Also, i'm sometimes confused on who is a night owl, who doesn't go to sleep, or who just are in different time zones.

Leon/alex- did you sleep at all tonight? You're on eastern time zone and i see your posts at all hours. I dunno

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i'm in the gmt+1 timezone but i go to sleep when some (few actually) americans do. around 2 or 3am most of the time, sometimes a bit earlier... if you're up when i have lunch you're a night owl.

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how excited are we that whitney port is getting her own show.

of all the interesting characters, why her.


audrina should get one instead.

I just had dental surgery and on the way out, the dentist said "hopefully that tooth was where the pain was coming from". not very reassuring but I really hope that's what the problem was cause I'm about to get on a plane in 2 hours and won't be back in town til sunday night :o

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I still haven't played rock band. I'd like to get it and play with friends, but my friends and i are so busy i'd never get a chance to and that shits like $150. Don't they have weezer songs? Can i belt out "tired of sex" as loud as i can and win points?

Yeah it's expensive and gets a lot more expensive when you realize all of the songs you want to download are either $1+ a pop or some deal for an entire cd (e.g. Pixie's Doolittle). The Weezer songs I can remember are Say it Ain't So, El Scorcho, and a few tracks off of the new cd. But damn is it fun, even for people who don't play games.

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good luck with that tooth

audrina should get one instead.

I just had dental surgery and on the way out, the dentist said "hopefully that tooth was where the pain was coming from". not very reassuring but I really hope that's what the problem was cause I'm about to get on a plane in 2 hours and won't be back in town til sunday night :o

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audrina should get one instead.

I just had dental surgery and on the way out, the dentist said "hopefully that tooth was where the pain was coming from". not very reassuring but I really hope that's what the problem was cause I'm about to get on a plane in 2 hours and won't be back in town til sunday night :o

as long as you got those pain meds you should be straight, have fun visiting the grandparents!

random thought:


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