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Random Thoughts...

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prof- Stove is the best way to go. Could even put a bit of alcohol on the end of a piece of paper, and then put it against a hot stove to make the flame easier. Again, probably not the safest thing but when you need a smoke you need a smoke

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ah, that's an insignificant amount of smoke for an alarm to pick up, Just make a run for a window sweetie, god you must really want one now with all this stressin

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lol, really random thought that just came to my head.

this white kid is supposed to be such a badass. he's like one of the greek frat douche bag type kids that like to dick around a lot. anyway, friday he fucked around and got 2 days of iss for cursing and talking nonstop in class. people were asking him about it today, like, "what's up? why aren't you in class?". dude was so embarrassed to speak on it, it was hilarious. then when i'm leaving the school house i see him walk out of the office, with his head down looking like he just lost his best friend.

oh man, if you guys could've seen it lol.

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Just found out that my chinese aunt who rode my ass for 20+ years about needing to study harder and is snooty as fuck about your grades/college has literally no idea who George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, or Abraham Lincoln are. I was taking her to see the memorials and she was questioning whether I was wasting her time because she had no idea who these ppl were.

I've known her all my life but mostly avoided because she's retardedly conservative but showing her around America has blown my mind on how small her worldview is. Took her to see Lion King and afterwards she was like "now I understand that a Broadway play is this thing with all these puppets and singing in African." I had to explain that this is just ONE show and that it is not representative. I don't think she understood that concept. Also she argued with me on whether Baltimore was a real city or not because she had "never heard of this city before" and therefore wanted to make sure that I was not driving to a place that I made up in my fucking imagination.

This is a woman who is in her late 60s, has access to TV/ magazines/internet, and has lived in China's biggest city her whole life. Yet talking to her sometimes is like talking to a time traveler from the distant and shit. I'm still in shock.

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