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  mass said:
that's tight. so are you actually writing shit too?

Ya, right now, its for school, but I know a few editors for community papers. I've been gathering a lot of material so I have a bunch of boxing pitches to make.

I want to have something in the papers by June. I think I could do it.

Also, just finished 7 straight hours of writing a story for tonight's workshop class. Have to go to the boxing gym in four hours.

I'd like to thank Folgers, and its convenient provision of caffiene for this victory.

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  Minou said:
what just happened here?

i meant englishman, he was alone. all i know it's that it's a gay friend of us (me and my flatmate), he's posh as fuck (wearing 2 poped collar polo polo and loafers). i punched him in the balls a couple of time during the evening but i didn't know he sleptover, last time i checked he wasn't playing xbox with the others in the living room (nor was sleeping with me for fuck sake)... WEIRD.

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  freecat said:
i meant englishman, he was alone. all i know it's that it's a gay friend of us (me and my flatmate), he's posh as fuck (wearing 2 poped collar polo polo and loafers). i punched him in the balls a couple of time during the evening but i didn't know he sleptover, last time i checked he wasn't playing xbox with the others in the living room (nor was sleeping with me for fuck sake)... WEIRD.


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  samsikle said:
today i was working with my coworker, she got off of work, then came back and brought me a two mini cakes for my birthday. SOMEONE HELP ME EAT ALL THIS CAAAAAKE

ok .

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Turns out getting a job in a city in which you don't live is difficult.

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  freecat said:
i meant englishman, he was alone. all i know it's that it's a gay friend of us (me and my flatmate), he's posh as fuck (wearing 2 poped collar polo polo and loafers). i punched him in the balls a couple of time during the evening but i didn't know he sleptover, last time i checked he wasn't playing xbox with the others in the living room (nor was sleeping with me for fuck sake)... WEIRD.

a gay friend of yours was at your home last night, u touched his balls a couple of times and u didn't know he slept over. doesn't seem weird at all, u teased and got raped.

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speaking of tongue peelings..

two years ago, on a hot summer night i was fucking drunk and decided that i wanted sour bubble gum.


in less than an hour, i had went through all the pack, sucked the sour out of each bubble gum...

morning after, my gums were all fucked up and i couldn't taste shit for almost a week.

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this is fucking awesome. i just went over to campus to grab a bite to eat and sell my books back. they bought them all back except one, 147 bucks cash money. my wallet has not been this fat in a while.

i see a pair of petit standards in the near future. denimssss

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my brother turned 18 today, and since he and his friends have recently reverted to childhood they all went to toys r us and bought him a sick nerf gun and some laffy taffy

After getting it they grabbed some gas and then headed back to school, but got pulled over. OUT OF NOWHERE, 6 cruisers and 3 unmarked cars swarm them, cops approach the car with hands on their guns screaming at them to get their hands up and get out of the car, etc. At this point, they are all shitting their pants.

This happened because the gas station attendant is A RETARD and thought that the enormous, plastic orange "gun" one of them was looking at was REAL and called the cops. LOL!!!! Once they figured out what was going on apparently the cops were killing themselves laughing, and apologized for pulling him over on his birthday.

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