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i found the fucker and captured it with the old "clear cup and piece of paper" trick. i caught it and took it to the backyard and threw it in a trash bin. hardly killing it, at least it's not in my room!

you know it's gunna be back to haunt yoooouuuu *wails* :rolleyes:

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my sister is visitng me in seoul and ridiculed my breakfast habits...

"bread and cheese? thats so poor college student!"

and in my mind i was like bitch cheese in korea is mad expensive!

i snatched the bread out her hands and said no breakfast for u and then gave her the crazy face, bitch needs to lose weight anyways....

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i have to train this Guatemalan lady at work. She's not new. But hooooooooollllyyy fuck is she annoying. She repeats the same questions over and over. Her accent is really getting under my skin. Generally, i have good people skills and can let things slide but its been like this for the past week and i just want to kill myself.

"zuba, ez dees how i do et?" "zuba, can you tell me if dees eez correct?" "zuba....."

If she calls me zuba one more time im gonna shit where i stand

this lady's sister was taken as ransom in Guatemala :(

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Would it be considered an online scam though?

As a gentleman and scholar, it would only be a scam if you intended it to be a scam and took actions to make it look that way. Being deceptive, turning them against each other by posting lies, then filing a paypal claim against him.

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is there "yellow fever" in gay relationships like there are in some of the hetero relationships? i've heard the term "rice queen" used before....

and if so, is the asian guy usually the bottom? and is there a backlash against the asian gay by other white gays for stealing gay white boys liek there is a backlash against asian girls with white guys?

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it's too hot to mail chocolates out so they're sitting in my nicely cooled closet until the heat dies down a little..hopefully tmr.

I'm sorry :x

I think I'm going to get some waffles with fruit & ice cream during lunch hour.. :cool:

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Guest bambam

do you get hella funny looks/comments for your cloths? i used to live there and when we went back on vacation my mom said i would be the only guy around wearing tight jeans

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i found a dress int he back of my closet that I forgot i owned.

my great aunt gave it to me when I was 14. It belonged to her in the late-ish 40s I think...

at the time it didnt really fit so I forgot about it but now it fits be PERFECTLY and i look so goooooooooooooooooood in it.... but where can I wear a teal floor-length silk cocktail gown these days??? NOWHERE. DAMMIT.

it has a hilarious "union made" tag in it, lol

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the common frat bro will give me the stanky eye now and then, but for the most part people are just curious.

most people already know that i just like clothes alot, they get over it quickly.

also lived in mexico for eleven years, funny looks aint no thang.

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