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i owned the fuck out of this guy and thought you bored folk might enjoy reading it

tl;dr - dude complains about shipping prices without telling me he's fine without having it boxed and just wrapped in paper. i ask him how he wants to pay he says paypal. i tell him about paying the 3.5% paypal fee and he flips out (even though it's the first thing said on my thread basically). then i shove my dick into his mouth without being gay.


Let's do this deal already.

135 is the decided price

this 2 dollar box charge is pretty ridic dude

you either find a simple cardboard box or get a giant brown shopping bag and staple it together keeping the box perfectly safe inside.

both solutions are free lol... so c'mon let's do this thingno offense but you can't set the decided price.


box charge is not ridic as my shipping rate is clearly in my listing.

you'll get the brown paper bag then

how are you paying the 135


my bad, i meant i thought we pretty much decided on 135... but, 2 dollars isn't asking THAT much so i'll throw that in

137 then I'd like to pay via paypal if thats cool with you, I can have the money to you pretty much as soon as you give me your email. so get back at me dude

(hope this is all cool with you, let me know when you can!)



hope you don't trip over paypal fees...haha

with paypal fees it is 142 (3.5%)

[email protected] is my paypal


... fucking incredible

this has been the worst attempt at a transaction i've ever had

you sir, are a horrible business person

forget the whole fucking thing


you just want everything done your way don't you, even though sellers leave their rules posted up FIRST. the first things you read.

i'm not the horrible business person, i was going to call off the whole thing because of your bitching earlier but i thought i'd give you more chances, but you just ended up being a bitch through the whole thing

peace out pile o sticks (i guess this is the word switch from saying "faggot")


... yeah man whatever you say

first you highball the shit out of me with those denim dunks which wouldnt even BIN for 90 half the time

next you overprice the shit out of VNDS UNLVs by trying to charge me more than DS price

when i finally negotiate some sense into you, you only lower it to 130

you then high ball the shipping price to "15-20" when i've done a ton of west coast and canada transactions for >$10

you THEN have the nerve to nickel and dime me with a "2 dollar box charge"... complete and utter bullshit

finally... after we get to your stupid ass price of 137 SHIPPED... you have the nerve to charge me for paypal fees as if you I'd pay you with unsafe methods such as concealed cash.... ridiculous, that is included in the damn shipping TOTAL price

you sir, are a horrible person to deal with and if you had any feedback I would leave you one hell of a bad review

you have 1 post on NSB... definitely no right to dictate a transaction let alone nickel and dime an experienced buyer

fuck off.


hah, look here guy

the reason anyone charges up their shit is because they know the buyer will always want to go lower and give them the "yeah, that's better than before" thought and give it much more recognition. don't give me bullshit about my prices when people are willing to buy such as yourself at the price i was hoping for, i know what i'm doing, you obviously have no business sense for the life of you.

high ball shipping? you know for a fact that that was for BOTH shoes you were interested in, not only the unlvs

Darkadious (9:10:27 PM): i only charge what i need for shipping

SwAnK GFX (9:12:32 PM): give me your final offer than

Darkadious (9:13:00 PM): 220 + 17-23 shipping

i don't believe 220+shipping would be for unlvs alone, now would they?\

LOL @ the "after your stupid assprice of 137

you'll get the brown paper bag then

how are you paying the 135

i had enough of your shit so i just agreed to 135 and let it slide

and you pm me with this

my bad, i meant i thought we pretty much decided on 135... but, 2 dollars isn't asking THAT much so i'll throw that in
don't front like it was my bullshit, i was fine with the 135 finally, but you decided to be the "nice" guy and throw it in.

unsafe, hah, i've never had an MO (when did i ever say cash?) transaction go wrong either way, nor paypal. people getting scammed through MO is the sellers fault, they don't cash out before sending, paypal can go wrong so much easier.

i never tried to nickel and dime you at all, if you read the very beginning of my thread, it says 13 dollars. you then bitched about me about the box charge and not until the very end, you told me you didn't want a box, which would've been so fine if you told me that before you wanted to argue about it. i'm fine for negotiating the price on the shoes but the shipping is pretty much final unless you mention that you don't want a box than it'd obviously be two bucks cheaper, which, as said before you didn't say until way later.

i do have feedback on here, i just don't feel the need to make threads on it because i know, as well as other people that i'm a reliable person. i would love for you to post your "review" on me when i have all AIM convos and PMs ready to go, it would only make you look like an idiot and i'd be the dopest mother fucker nsb's ever read about.

experienced buyer? hah, dude you only deal with kids such as yourselves that allow themselves to be pushed around. (non pm note - this dude only has like 80 posts and been a member for 6 months or so, i've been on there for about 14 years and have one post but i'm cool as shit and he isn't.)

peace out faggot, don't PM me again with your bitch assness.

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i've slept almost 24 hours in the past two days, except there's still about 9 hours left

I've slept for like 11 hours since monday night, including a 2 hour nap yesterday night. i'm ok but i feel to lazy to work my school stuff...

i feel weird checking out highschool girls now that I'm in kawledge.

what's the cutoff? can freshman girls still be hot? sophomores? juniors? or am I only limited to seniors?

I remember a kunk's quote saying that it's ok if they're at least (your age)/2 + 7

should have made it my sig

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i owned the fuck out of this guy and thought you bored folk might enjoy reading it

tl;dr - dude complains about shipping prices without telling me he's fine without having it boxed and just wrapped in paper. i ask him how he wants to pay he says paypal. i tell him about paying the 3.5% paypal fee and he flips out (even though it's the first thing said on my thread basically). then i shove my dick into his mouth without being gay.

You shoulda taken the jmatsu route... ship by boat!

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you guys should have a whole forum section to talk about stuff like that.

it's kindda gross to read that shit when you're a girl

suzie it's useful for you too. that way when you're 30, and feel like running running off with a rich 50 year old on his yacht, you can say "no, no... he's 4 years too old for the law of age gap."

shit comes in handy, ya know?

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suzie it's useful for you too. that way when you're 30, and feel like running running off with a rich 50 year old on his yacht, you can say "no, no... he's 4 years too old for the law of age gap."

shit comes in handy, ya know?

homie, when I'll be 30 I'll still look like i'm 18, so my rich husband is gonna be younger than me.

ill abuse of his money longer.(9)

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stupid street wear transaction story

i have a story similar to this and surprise, surprise it had to do with a supreme shirt.

ill post about it later

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yeah honestly we need superbitchassness forum to post our girl related stuff, rants about stupid things, cry over lost y!japan auction ... where girl would be allowed but with a disclaimer.

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i just did a charge send from saks and god help me if the bitch didnt get it right.

im so anxious thinking that shes going to charge me wrong, but dont want to be overly pushy by calling like 3 more times to ask her what shes doing. :)

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i was wondering, how long are little kids still going to be able to draw pictures of shit? i had to draw a room the other day, and like the tv was a big box with two antennas sticking out, the lamp was a stick with a lampshade, the radio was an oldschool boombox looking thign and the phone was one of those old tabletop joints.

no modern tv, lamp, radio or phone looks like this nowadays. they all look like fucking flat rectangles or there is no standard shape. as generations go on and they get more distanced from the original stereotypical icons are they just going to be drawing rooms filled with rectangles?

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( 18 / 2 ) + 7 = 16

hey that's pretty accurate...

I totally agree with this -- I'm going to step up my game and go for some seventeen and a half year olds.

That's actually probably too young. Anyone who was born in the 90's just isn't proper.

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