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superfuture: is it worth it?


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NO! I like leaning but not totally going over to how TFS is full of bitchy goodness. Superfuture is not just for lovers... it is for knowledgable and entertaining haters as well!

Remember how some people started hating on all the love some people get on the board and compared waywt to a circle jerk???? Superfuture love cannot exist without superfuture hate. Superfuture is for revolutionary faux poets like corbinlaw, it is for the hedonistic yellow-fever infected like poly and milspex, it is for the concieted cheapasses, the encyclopedically knowledgable, the utterly stupid, the attention whores, and everyone in between... it's even for that guy that wears his grandma's curtains. VIVA SuperLOVExHATEfuture.

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ha ha no i dont think so, he was just using it as an example...

Ooops, I guess superfuture is for the slang-nazis too. I mean't "carpe" not cop.

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Christ, you think this is unique to Superfuture?

On every single long running forum across the internet, there is a cycle of around about 2 years in which a veteran starts a topic announcing their departure because the forum has 'gone downhill', everyone either bitches or harks back to a 'golden age', the new people wonder what all the fuss is about, and two months later the veteran who started the topic starts posting again. It's been happening since before SF was even conceived.

quoted for truth...

they always come crawling back... if u really didnt care u wouldnt make a thread.

anyhow SF is fine, its not as informative, but thats only because its 3x more active, and 3x more content, much of which is "useless"

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Is there a SuperWiki in development?

I think that would clean up the redundant APC, Nudie, Dior, etc. sizing questions and threads on SuperDenim as well as alot of other frequently asked questions on the board.

Someone be in charge of a SuperGayWikiâ„¢, it'll make things less headachey for the sf'ers who've been fielding questions for months on end...:cool:

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is all like, i love you, your so hot, man those look great, i love you

If this happened on SuFu I would be desperately trying to find the "delete account" button. I mean, fuck, at least people are being honest... besides I never really felt too bad around here. But to be fair, noobies should start out on the other SF, then come here... makes them prepared for what is to come.

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If this happened on SuFu I would be desperately trying to find the "delete account" button. I mean, fuck, at least people are being honest... besides I never really felt too bad around here. But to be fair, noobies should start out on the other SF, then come here... makes them prepared for what is to come.

I don't think Corbin is saying he wants it to be like HF here.

HF is on one side of the spectrum--overly friendly (maybe a little too friendly)

SF is about 70% hate, and 30% (maaaaybe) constructive criticism.

I think Corbin is saying that the general SF approach could be different. You can still say you dislike an outfit without saying "fucking terrible" or some other derogative remark without offering anything constructive.

Besides, if you are trying to convince someone that their fit is bad, attacking them isn't going to change their mind. I'm much more willing to take criticism seriously if there is some logic behind it and not just a lot of hot air.

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yeah i think i might have overexaggerated my approach but i guess the general jist was got

honest forum, i would say is full off too much love to the extent that theres nothing constructive about it, you dont learn much other than where to cop true religions

but i do think that we need to just ease up the approach a bit,

the problem is that hate and constructive criticism have spread too far apart

giving someone general hate does nothing, its just as bad as going all

honest forum style and saying "i love you i wana birth your children"

if hate and constructive criticism are fused, i think everyone would be get more of the full potential of every post.

and a definite, yes to the superwiki idea, that would be a helll of a lot easier to navigate than our little superenycleopedia of random threads and posts and other random ass resources.

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I think being dissed / hated on when you post in waywt thread is essential in your fashion evolution. If you keep doing the same thing over and over and no one says shit, it won't slap you in the face that what you are wearing is fucking gay. Some veterans here, I'm not going to name names but your first waywt post's were so wack compared to what you guys wear now. And I bet you wouldn't have changed your fashion sense if it wasn't for others influencing you in one way or another.

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I dunno i think this board could do with some diversity i find it sometimes to be a lil one sided and i guess as a result of that it can get some what insulting

but yeah it is what it is no complaino

the tide is changing mens fashion is evolving and i think its great that there is a discourse about it so ill come back for that and hopefully not get anymore "black jokes" or "hip hop guys suck" comments

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Reading back on my post that started this, while I certainly feel that I fall under the umbrella that Minya is pointing out, I think there could be steps taken to at least try to reduce the number of pointless threads. For instance, in Super Denim, the Small Questions thread or whatever seems to be working at least fairly well. I think that putting one in SuperShopper as well could really help eliminate clutter and help people get their questions answered more quickly and not simply get abused, particularly if you insist that their are no posts that do not explicitly answer said questions.

As well, it seems that we could borrow a few other thread ideas from SZ that might eliminate some threads that simply ask a basic question, for instance, the 'yes or no' thread at SZ, which could also be a catch-all for the "this peacoat or this peacoat, what do you guys think' threads.

Just trying to balance out my complaints with suggestions, here, take em' or leave em'

or you could just ask your posthunting e-friends(carl, ddml, cheapmuthafkr, kixslf, 5 other users I forgot) to stop with their useless posts in superdenim and delete 30-90%, varies from person to person, of the posts they've made to this date.

of course, that would never happen, and they sure dont get any warnings from their e-friend moderators.

the weirdest thing has to be carl becoming a moderator, did he have the highest amount of posts per day?

I like to read about denim, not someone's boring inside jokes or look at "funny" pictures. It's a little better now, but there were at least 10 users who deserved a ban 2 months ago.

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or you could just ask your posthunting e-friends(carl, ddml, cheapmuthafkr, kixslf, 5 other users I forgot) to stop with their useless posts in superdenim and delete 30-90%, varies from person to person, of the posts they've made to this date.

of course, that would never happen, and they sure dont get any warnings from their e-friend moderators.

the weirdest thing has to be carl becoming a moderator, did he have the highest amount of posts per day?

I like to read about denim, not someone's boring inside jokes or look at "funny" pictures. It's a little better now, but there were at least 10 users who deserved a ban 2 months ago.

Damn dude, i think you might be the most butt hurt human being on the planet. I could probably count the number of positive posts youve made here on one hand. Did mommy and daddy not hug you enough as a kid? Why do you care how many useless posts people have? Are you really gonna tell me that all 1500 or so posts of yours have been worthwhile?

Who the fuck cares how i became a mod? If you really want to know why dont you just ask instead of being a dick about it?

If things are so bad for you just leave.

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Damn dude, i think you might be the most butt hurt human being on the planet. I could probably count the number of positive posts youve made here on one hand. Did mommy and daddy not hug you enough as a kid? Why do you care how many useless posts people have? Are you really gonna tell me that all 1500 or so posts of yours have been worthwhile?

Who the fuck cares how i became a mod? If you really want to know why dont you just ask instead of being a dick about it?

If things are so bad for you just leave.

The best thing here is that you agree rather than disagree with what I said. Before you became a moderator very few of your posts had any substance. The reason I care is that you are destroying something that I like. If you don't have something to add, then just don't, especially not in superdenim.

I don't want to know how you became a moderator, that's why I didn't ask how.

I just wonder how you rationally explain your response that I am "butt hurt"? You obviously agree that you've posted a lot of crap, but it's easier to attack the one pointing it out to you, than to take it to heart and just change your ways, isn't that it?

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The best thing here is that you agree rather than disagree with what I said. Before you became a moderator very few of your posts had any substance. The reason I care is that you are destroying something that I like. If you don't have something to add, then just don't, especially not in superdenim.

I don't want to know how you became a moderator, that's why I didn't ask how.

I just wonder how you rationally explain your response that I am "butt hurt"? You obviously agree that you've posted a lot of crap, but it's easier to attack the one pointing it out to you, than to take it to heart and just change your ways, isn't that it?

Oh, i could easily change my ways but i enjoy posting on SF, even if it mostly junk. Does every post on a message board have to be either comedic gold or something out of the denim encyclopedia? Your ideal vision of SF is way off the mark. And "especially not in Superdenim"? The fuck are you talking about. The number of posts ive made in Superdenim probably equal the number of positive posts youve made on this board. Very fucking few.

Thats also exactly why i think that you are, with out a doubt, one of the most butt hurt people i have ever come across. You act like the majority of people here are worthless. What the fuck have you done to make SF a better place, besides piss, bitch, and moan about threads/posters/everything? I wouldnt have a problem with alot of what you were saying (as you already pointed out I agree with alot of it) but its just the fact that you are such a little bitch about it. If things arnt perfect you throw little hissy fits.

"OMG cheap and kixslf are gaying up my precious denim thread...they're talking about something other then the weft of Oni Reds! BLAH BLAH BLAH...i have sand in my vagina"

This might be tough to swallow for someone as self righteous as you are, but by god its the truth.

Come over to the Culture...its a mighty fine place.

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I didn't say you posted a lot of crap to upset you, I said it because you did post a lot of crap.

I'm going to say it like it is and not in any other way. ddml who often makes very good posts used to posthunt too. The reason I'm saying this is because users here are not treated equally.

Some people are given more space than others. It seems that people think that if you've achieved a certain status on the board, you are allowed to make crap posts, or if you made 10 good posts, you're allowed to make a few bad ones.

I on the other hand think that a bad post is always a bad post, no matter the author.

I'm not going after anyone person because I dislike them, and I'm sure people don't like hearing this but that is not going to keep me from saying that spammers are spammers.

I'd like to know why you think that on a denim messageboard, there should be posts about things other than denim?

Since the subject is the quality of the board, I think that what I said is very relevant. Basically, the moderators need to be aware of this and change their behaviour. People that definitely should have gotten one or more warnings did not.

In my opinion, the amount of redundant posts in superdenim has made it less interesting than before. I want people to be warned if they spam, no matter if they're a forum profile or not. I know that if I said this it would never have been said.

I didn't put this as well as I would have liked, because English is not my first language, but hopefully it can be discussed on a more factual basis than you have done so far.

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jinx...i think you make some pretty fair points. but carl has a point too when he says that the boards are a catch-all, and while my interest in denim doesn't usually lie in discussing about the latest brands and fits, etc, no one user can say yes or no to whatever someone else posts.

at the same time, all that about quality...it's true that being a catch-all there will be some sacrifices made in post quality, with more irrelevance and what could probably pass off (if judged more strictly) as spam. ideally we would all be like ddml and post loads of information, as well as the regular random youtube video.

to be honest i'd love to see superdenim completely dedicated to denim and its technical aspects, heritage and all that jazz...but again i think it would be too presumptous of us to take it into that direction. what i can (and would like to) do is to clean it up, slowly - i don't want to take either side of this argument, but rather i want to stress that there has to be some sort of equilibrium between a seriousness and flippancy...there are plenty of funny moments i enjoy on the boards as well.

(sorry for the edit)

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  • 5 months later...
What's wrong with it? I signed up *just* for WAYWT and supertrash.. o_O

obviously not that much is wrong with it, since every single person who bitched and moaned and made rediculous dramatic queen sized exits in this thread are still here to this day.

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And also, apparently, to resurrect seven months old topics. Good job.

Wow, how the hell did that happen? I didn't search for this kind of thread or dig it up or anything.. Sorry :o

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I may possibly win the award for the most annoying member on this site, but i've defenitely garned a lot of information and gained more knowledge about brands i already know or that ive just recently heard of..

Regardless of the ridiculous posts that i've made or that anybody else has made, ive come to the realization that without pain there would not be love. Its all about creating a balance and i beleive this site has done that for me..It may not be the best environment, but everytime you come on here, you learn something new and thats all that matters to me.. I usually come on here, talk a lot, but after all the talking, im always doing research on new things.

This is just the beginning for me, being a newbie just gives me an even bigger opportunity to really develop a new sense of things, take criticism(even if i bitch about it), and move forward..Because in the end of all of this, knowledge is power and ignorance will never overpower it. In the words of samual johnson:

Knowledge is of two kinds. We know a subject ourselves, or we know where we can find information on it.

Superfuture is my information bureau.

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