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What to do with all the denim picture threads?


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There are a lot of people around here who are anxious to show off their jeans. So, rather than clogging up the evolution thread with random shots, post your pictures here.

However, if you do have some pictures from before/ after a wash, before/ after an alteration, before/ after a fight, etc... toss them in the evolution thread.

Otherwise, if you just took some pictures of your jeans (irregardless of brand) and want to show them off, let's toss them here. k thx.

I'll start. Just took some shots of my Imperial kings at about 4.5 months. I've been wearing them pretty regularly, and I think they're starting to look good.






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those honeycombs are odd.


they are looking good. keep at 'em.

i don't understand this thread...

we've got the "let's see what you've got" and "evolution" and now "pics of your denim"

not complaining.

thanks for the denim p( )rn.

Thanks for the compliment.... I bought them pretty tight, so I figured the 'combs wouldn't be very vertical.

About this thread though, I thought superdenim needed something to act like a picture aggregate - kind of how "small questions" acts for the little questions that are all over the place. Rather than posting in "lets see what you've got" which looks like it is getting used to post collections, and evolution which should be used to show how jeans evolve (before and after shots), "pics of your denim" could be used to just show off some of the more unclassifyable shots.

Specifically though, this could clean up evolution, a thread that really frusterates me. While pictures of jeans at X months of wear show steps in an evolution, they lose that context when they aren't compared to earlier and later pictures.

Ideally though, if someone wanted to post pictures of their Imperials, H&Ms, Nudies, A.P.C.'s, et cetera, they'd post them in their particular threads from the enclyclopaedia. However, as nice as that would be, I don't know if it would happen...

Otherwise, this thread could stand in place of that.

Minya or Tweedles, what do you think? Is this thread a decent idea? If not and it only adds to the clutter, please delete it. Thanks.

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I'm not really feeling the direction of this thread. Or actually, the way it started out.

I think this should be a place for everyone to post their jeans whenever they feel like it, but for things like 4.5 months in, I think it can go into the evolution thread, since you see drastic wear compared to a new pair of raws..

This should be more for the 1 month denim or other denim where there's very little wear compared to what it looked like new.

just my .02

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I'm not really feeling the direction of this thread. Or actually, the way it started out.

I think this should be a place for everyone to post their jeans whenever they feel like it, but for things like 4.5 months in, I think it can go into the evolution thread, since you see drastic wear compared to a new pair of raws..

This should be more for the 1 month denim or other denim where there's very little wear compared to what it looked like new.

just my .02

That's cool. Maybe I'm just a sucker for organization and the whole before/ after idea, but posts like this are perfect for evolution, and posts like this could be better suited elsewhere, like in a "what do you think of my jeans" or "here's a picture of my jeans" thread.

Pictures of 1 month old denim would be perfect here, as would any shots where someone just wants to show their jeans.

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i'm going to listen out for a few more comments and figure out what to do...giantsdrink has a point with the frustration in the evolution thread, but we've got tonnes of pictures all over the place - DDML rightly points out let's see what you've got as one strange thread.

let's hear it from more people

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That's cool. Maybe I'm just a sucker for organization and the whole before/ after idea, but posts like this are perfect for evolution, and posts like this could be better suited elsewhere, like in a "what do you think of my jeans" or "here's a picture of my jeans" thread.

Pictures of 1 month old denim would be perfect here, as would any shots where someone just wants to show their jeans.

I think we're thinking almost along the same lines ;)

I agree with everything you're saying, it's just that I don't think people need "before and after" for the evolution thread, seeing as everyone knows what a new pair of raws look like.

Also, I agree that the 'lets see what you've got' is more of a 'let's show off how much we spent on our denim collections' thread

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yeah, i say the lswyg "let's see what you've got" thread should work for this purpose. for some reason until now, it's only been about people's collections. but why not have people post any denim people are excited about? something they feel like they could show off.

but the other problem is, is that there are a bunch of new people who post pics of new or slightly used jeans we've seen hundreds of times before. i don't think there's any appropriate thread for that.

btw, if i saw giant's imperials (above) in the evolution thread, i'd think they still have some ways to go, but i'd appreciate how it's coming along nicely. personally, i think they belong in the evo thread.

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yeah, i say the lswyg "let's see what you've got" thread should work for this purpose. for some reason until now, it's only been about people's collections. but why not have people post any denim people are excited about? something they feel like they could show off.

That would be great, and that's kind of why I posted this thread.

However, lswyg it seems to have turned into a great thread for collections, and Partytaco, Tony Hige, Chicken, Airfrog, cultpop and especially zk4025 and others have shown some great pieces. That’s why I think lswyg works for the collection purpose, and this one could work for the "denim people are excited about and feel they could show off".

Maybe some re-titling could be in order? Disassociate the collections from lswyg, and start using it for showing off single pieces?

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how about a stickied and locked thread with before and after shots of different brands/models, picked up from the various threads with pics. kind of like a gallery? i think this has been discussed before but it died out...

but i don't know if it'd stop people from posting things that already are in the hypothetical sticky or if it would inspire them to post their pictures instead. and who are we to stop people from loving their jeans and wanting to post pictures of them... ok bad idea.

ok new idea: how about a couple of stickied threads, one called "Pictures of denim, New to 2 months" and another but for "3-6" and so on. That way people like me who doesn't really care about someones brand new h&m sliqs can avoid that by just looking in an, imo, more interesting thread ("1 year+ & liger dyed").

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I've always seen the lswyg thread as one to highlight entire collections.

Maybe we need a denim version of Recent Purchases, for people to show off newly aqcuired single pieces that they are excited about.

As far as the Evo thread goes, before shots aren't neccessarily essential. Once a jean has been posted the before shots already exist for each future post.

None of us like the shots of jeans that show little to no wear- but I think they are inevitable. Even if there was a "jeans with no noticable wear" thread the Evo thread would still get clogged with such pics. Its an unpleasant reality of SF and while not ideal, seems to me to be at worst only an inconvenience.

Just scroll past em.

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here are my sugarcane 47s that were originally bufo's http://www.superfuture.com/supertalk/showthread.php?p=240151#post240151

then bathtime bought it and relisted it after a week

they came to me 2-3 months old with 3 warm soaks

pretty much deadstock when i got them

these are pics of the canes with 2 weeks of wear from me





left honeycomb


right honeycomb


*pictures taken WITHOUT flash

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Maybe we need a denim version of Recent Purchases, for people to show off newly aqcuired single pieces that they are excited about.

Recent purchases is a great idea, as is Beefcake's "Gallery" suggestion. How about rolling out something that combines the two? Posts of new purchases, just showing off," I took a great picture of my jeans last night", etc....

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okay i have never even looked at the "lets see what you got thread" i thought it was thread for shoeing off your collection of things you collect like denim, t-shirts ect. So is that thread actually to post random denim pics or full collections?

also the evolution thread i thought was to post evolution pics. No shit people know what a raw samurai, raw ande wall or raw imperial look like. But i thought the evo thread ment you post 3 month pics of your denim next to 6 month pics of your denim or a monthly pic next to each other. Kinda like Ruy's sugarcanes.

and i thought a recent purchase thread already exists in the suppershopper thread.

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honestly, i think that a general "pics of denim" thread is a really good idea. i feel like something that's all encompassing/doesn't have a time or number element associated with it fills a space that hasn't been really accounted for.

i know that ideally people would post in the appropriate brand threads and not post new jeans in the evo thread, but that's not happening. and honestly, i'd personally enjoy having a place to just look at shots of denim in general. not everyone knows about each specific brand so for some (myself included), simple ignorance of what's out there leads to not expanding one's horizons. what i'm saying is, you can't find something if you don't know what you're looking for.

i'm voting yes on a pics of jeans thread.

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how's this, a thread each for

1. general denim pictures - whether new or old, functioning as a general picture thread for all those people who want/need to post up their latest purchases (whether or not we've seen it countless times), work-in-progress 3 month old jeans, repair work, post first-wash, post baby-poop, post...whatever

i can simply retitle the evolution thread into #1

2. worn-in jeans - this would function as a gallery; ideally there would be minimal chatter on this thread, and people who have jeans of note would post up their pics here

this would involve going through the current evo thread and moving the notables...once that is done hopefully everyone will get an idea of what belongs here and what should go into the general thread.

3. collections - for those who have a nice rack (of denim)

this would of course be the let's see what you've got thread, maybe renamed.

something else i figured - i could sort out the how jeans fit thread properly so that it's more organised and functional, since everyone who hasn't seen a particular jean is going to want some idea of how it looks without having to sift through a billion other new standard/RRDS/dior homme photos

the last point is still just thinking aloud

comments about the first three?

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sounding good, tip.

i'm a little concerned about potential double-posts between #1 and #2, but maybe things will work themselves out.

yeah something has to be worked out there. maybe closer modding, at least until everyone figures out (properly) what goes where.

btw giantsdrink i hope you don't mind that i renamed this thread...to make it more relevant since it's taking on more of a discussion than a photothread.

more thoughts anybody, it's going to need a bit of work though, the bloody evolution thread has over 120 pages.

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How about one thread for every denim pic imaginable (basically the current Evolution) and a locked Super-Evolution thread that culls the best of the best, like mandatory 1 year wear with a couple of time points in between and a brief writeup of the process? Not only would that get rid of "these are my three week Nudies" but it would lose the "OMG I need those Sams now".

I know this is mod-heavy, but it would drive people to improve the context of their Evolution posts so they could be straight copied into the superthread. The only other thing that would work this well would be a site like Ryu's for the forum, which someone out there has to be bored enough to design and host.

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Guest jeffvyain

i wouldn't mind a year or more thread, but fact is, you're still bound to get people with 7months on their sliqs that don't even have creases set thinking their jeans belong in that thread. if this was simply a mod directed thread that only they could transfer posts into, i think that'd be awesome. while it's hard to set some sort of standard for what belongs in there, there are also certainly quite a few pieces that certainly belong. i think this type of thread could be very useful though. i get people asking me here and there, "Why the hell do you do this?" and i want to just show them the type of stuff i'm aiming for, but i have to sift through 1,000 posts on the evolutions thread to find a post by tony hige and his two-year-old jeans. anyway, tip, just wanted to say you're onto something. it'd be nice, but i think it'd be best if only mods could transfer posts into it. i don't even know if this is possible though, but a really awesome denim gallery on this site would be key.

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I think that your #1 is too general and won't aleviate the problem that most people have with the evo thread- having to sift through lots of junk to get to the goods.

It'll be like going to H&M.

There needs to be a spot that is clearly for new jeans(Recent Purchases), a spot for showing progress and major developements(I say leave the Evo as it is- hopefully the Recent Purchases thread will clean it up considerably), a spot for collections(Show Us What You Got), and I love Poly's idea of a Graveyard or Retirement thread, where you post project jeans that are either done or have reached Serge's "Weekend Jean" status.

I also think Thatguys idea is interesting- but maybe it should be a Hall of Fame thread. Chosen by the mods or even a panel of SF heavyhitters- think of the lobbying, cajoling and backbiting that would go on both by SFrs wanting to be on the panel and by posters trying to get their jeans in to it! It would add a whole new dynamic to the Future.

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how's this, a thread each for

1. general denim pictures - whether new or old, functioning as a general picture thread for all those people who want/need to post up their latest purchases (whether or not we've seen it countless times), work-in-progress 3 month old jeans, repair work, post first-wash, post baby-poop, post...whatever

i can simply retitle the evolution thread into #1

2. worn-in jeans - this would function as a gallery; ideally there would be minimal chatter on this thread, and people who have jeans of note would post up their pics here

this would involve going through the current evo thread and moving the notables...once that is done hopefully everyone will get an idea of what belongs here and what should go into the general thread.

3. collections - for those who have a nice rack (of denim)

this would of course be the let's see what you've got thread, maybe renamed.

something else i figured - i could sort out the how jeans fit thread properly so that it's more organised and functional, since everyone who hasn't seen a particular jean is going to want some idea of how it looks without having to sift through a billion other new standard/RRDS/dior homme photos

the last point is still just thinking aloud

comments about the first three?

I really like this idea TIP, but as thatguy and jeffvyain said, it would be nice to have a 'best of the best' gallery that was primarily managed by the mods and had little chatter. if it's asking too much of the mods to move everything from the 'evo #1' thread to a new 'best of the best' gallery, then maybe the mods can start it off and people can follow suit and the mods can just delete superfluous chatter from time to time. and the 'how jeans fit, descriptions and pictures' thread needs to be resurrected, it was a great thread when it started out.

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...but maybe it should be a Hall of Fame thread. Chosen by the mods or even a panel of SF heavyhitters- think of the lobbying, cajoling and backbiting that would go on both by SFrs wanting to be on the panel and by posters trying to get their jeans in to it! It would add a whole new dynamic to the Future.

panel of voters? lobbying and backbiting? yes! that would be awesome!

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ok i have an idea...

i got this from an art thread

what they did was have 2 SEPERATE locations to post about the same shit

1. thread will be all the creators art

2. this thread would be the feedback

the pics page would have pages of pages of art on top of art

then other ppl would just comment about it in the feedback thread

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OK- More on the Denim Hall of Fame idea:

Anyone can nominate an article of denim for inclusion in to the Hall by posting pics in the thread. The nominees are voted in or out by a panel of judges comprised of members that have exceeded a certain post-count in Superdenim- probably ought to be at least 250- but non- Superdenim posts cannot count. Anyone whose jeans are voted in gets an automatic exemption on to the voting panel regardless of post-count. Nominees must get at least 75% of the panels votes to gain entry. Nominees that make the cut remain on the thread, ones that don't get deleted. An article can be nominated as many times as it takes, but cannot be re-nominated more than once every month(orlonger- that can be determined by the panel).

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