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your condition before finding the truth.


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i was a much more flambouyant dresser

i loved diesel

i was into the whole generic 29 year old metrosexual look

diesels, ugly shoes from aldo, and like shit from urban outfitters and guess

i even had a feauxhawk.

i also did the whole girlpants thing just prior to the whole scenester thing fianlly reaching highschool

once i saw the kids straightening their hair and buying their own girlpants

i got rid of them

then one day it struck me that i just wasnt very comfortable dressing in like express shirts underneath urban sweaters and polos over button ups and stupid shit like that

i realized that if i just wear a simple logoless t shirt with my jeans

i am perfectly fine,

i used to adjust my clothing constantly and fixing my ahir adn shit

but with just a t shirt and cardigan i really dont have to work as hard

i still put effort into looking good and shit, its just become much more simplified

this all happened right around the time i bought my RRDS in march of 05 and then a few months later discovered sf.

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Perpetually drunk and single rocker-musician-type. Tight shredded Levis (never Lees or Wrangler), engineer boots or Docs (sneakers were for pussies like Anthrax), t-shirts and motorcycle jackets (regardless of outside temp) with hair down to my ass.

But that was when most of you were still riding your Big-Wheels.

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lots of streetwear, baggy levis and graphic tees with matching Jays, Forces or SB's. Steadily i've gotten into a more simple look, although my love of sneakers is still going strong. Luckily, my love of denim that bleeds a lot has kept it in check.

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Let's see. Typical mainsteam skate brands: etnies, quicksilver, etc. shirts or fruit of the loom shirts. I also thought $35 Levi's 501s were expensive.

Now, I'm a mix of the hypebeast, and SF. Spending $200+ on jeans dosent phase me anymore. However....buying a w+h hoodie still shook me up last week haha.I still think it's a godly amount just for a hoodie but whatever.

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hmm...well, i remember the first time senior year of high school when i wore a button down under a sweater and got some compliments, so then i thought my style was the shit. in college, i had...oh man, i had so many ill-fitting things that i put together, and looking back at pictures now, i want to vomit. i was wearing all of this stuff from H&M, but not the good shit from H&M, the terrible, ugly, stripey shit that just destroys my mind. going out? where's my stripey h&m shirt? i'm putting it on! terrible, terrible stuff. and too much hair gel.

this proceeded for a long time, really...i started wearing diesel jeans and don't really have any problem with them now. i'll get another pair in due time.

all throughout this time, as i go back and think about it, most of my stuff felt uncomfortable. either it was cheap and itchy or it fit poorly or i was mixing it with an ugly jacket or some terrible jeans or something like that.

now, my style has changed and i've been trying to sell off most of my wardrobe. well, it's really more of a closet, and not a wardrobe, since that implies some level of style.

i'm currently only wearing three pairs of jeans: my RRDS, a pre-washed Nudie ralf, and a great fitting pair of paper denims from urban outfitters that fit me exceptionally well. i also realized that it's all about fit and comfort, and as such, your style will fall in place, so now i wear mostly un-branded stuff from wherever -- banana republic, gap, h&m (merino wool, not that itchy shit) and pair it with my onitsukas or chucks, and i'm out the door. it's all about comfort, and when you're comfortable in your stuff, you know you're killing it.

so right now, i'm killing it in a plain t, some jeans and my socks, and i'll be killing it tomorrow in a plain sweater, my jeans and some shoes.

i still can't get the hair thing down though.

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Before SF I dressed pretty much the same way I dress now. The only change that has occurred since I've joined is that I've become more interested in actually owning and wearing higher-end, non-streetwear pieces as opposed to simply admiring the stuff from afar, but that's not completely SF's fault.

Wayyyy before SF, when I was a poor high schooler, there was a ton of H&M in my closet. A ton. Way too much. As I've grown older, it seems that things have balanced out in my closet, although I'm eager to get rid of a bunch of things that I can't really stand... like this Blue Blood cardigan which would be fantastic if it didn't say BLUE BLOOD SZ. M on the back in huge letters. Why the fuck did I buy that? Why did I even bother stopping in Atrium after hanging out at Nom De Guerre? Stupid, J., stupid.

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I thought paper denim cloth were actually good jeans and I spent time tracking them down on ebay :(

I read about all these brands on super future i even upgraded myself to nudies and apc's but it wasnt till i was in teh dressing room at BIG busting my hump getting on some 19 0z samauris did i understand what quality denim is and what being a denim enthusiast is about

I ended up getting some PBJ's but I still have more to learn

hopefully this wont look stupid to me in a year or two

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wore a lot more suits/suit jackets...was a major victim of the suit jacket and tee shirt/hoody craze of three years back, and the stupid ironic shit screenprinted in weird locations craze. wore a lot of thrift/consignment designer pieces. prada/gucci dress shoes/boots everyday and very very little denim (mainly an late 90's diesel, and a couple of old pairs of 501's). met my girlfriend in spring of '05 and she tought me A LOT about textiles & denim (she's a textile engineer) around the same time as i stumbled on to this board as a lurker about a week after geowu made the first APC post. a week later my friend and i walked over to Mercer St. and bought a pair each (L'Anglais).

in general, it simplified my wardrobe, but i still wear some of the better designer pieces i accumulated after college and before SF, but pair them with much simpler things like basic jeans and tees/shirts/sweaters. main thing i gleaned from SF quality>flash.

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haha skate style too, baggy jeans and oversized tshirts,

i got rid of everything from that period and now it's all rock 'n roll style:

leather/military jackets, skinny jeans, tshirts, chucks

but i mix it with brands that i got to know from sf, like n(n).

my style has been influenced more by music i got into (rolling stones, ramones, ny dolls, strokes, libertines)

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I've always been into style, but my interest in "fashion" was really spurred 3 or 4 years ago when I moved back from one hell of a year in Portland Oregon (fuck that place...) into my boy's house in williamsburg on n havemeyer. It was any old place, but unbeknownst to me came with a year subscription to Vogue magazine courtesy of his Girl, who just forgot to change adresses or what have you.

Once a skater always a skater, once a writer always a writer. That was what it was back then. I was in the mix, out alot, rooftop parties, gallery openings, the open bar circut. Cocaine adled house parties. My choice of outfit reflected that. Ipath's or 1's (always filthy, never crisp...if you came with em crispy one of us would step on the toes...nothing was precious, ya know) with some "dirty denim" or carhart's. Thrifted vintage button up's. Rocked this one crazy paisley shirt that alot of my friends would try and clown. Surplus camo jacket (standard), Marmot Gore-tex, face backpacks. Manhattan portage. Friend's band or t-shirt company shirts, or white/black plain tee's. One leg up when I rode the track bike. Shaved head with jaw-lines, or a goatee. you can picture it. Shit was like a uniform in NY back then. Went riding freightrains around 17. Filthy tan Carhart double knees, Black and red Marmot. Collected a gang of mesh backs on that trip. Still have some.

But back to vogue. Started looking through all of them and collaging them, incorporating pieces into my blackbook. Became interested in the way that lines work in clothing as well as in Letters and words. Found that there was always good new typography and the like. Wifey's mom introduced me to the "overprice fashion mag" and that was that. The hunger began. Started with consignment shops. Slimmer D&G jeans (still love that one poair) ferre's w leather pockets (laughable, but i pulled em off) paired with Workwear tops. Fitted's with custom crew embroidery.

Now I spend more than I should on clothes, buy stupid magazines like the new famous aspect or Huge (full of shit i can't/or shouldn't afford) and look like a mix of Hipset/DocGnar/SxxE or sometimes more of a CMF/DDML/BILL steez.

Thanks Future...

and Red...fuck you for starting a thread that gives me a chance to get nostalgic. Cause I always write an essay.

That's all.

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"your condition before finding the truth."

The same......but cooler.

I have decided I just want to wear Jeans and vintage Powell & Peralta / Santa Cruz tees.

However that may change tomorrow.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i guess i was always trying to find what i like, i still dont think i have found a style that defines me. i was everywhere, diesel, paper denim, ecko, hugo boss, rustler, just about everything to trying to find what i fit in to. i like some of the stuff posted here but most brands dont make stuff for bigger guys, so i stick with my samurai and polo.

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i posted a long ass post in the thread and it somehow got lost in all the crashes and i'm way too lazy to write it again. in summary, mostly skate/snowboard brands mixed with some stuff from digital gravel (i stopped buying from there before the hypebeast thing got crazy though), some Polo and sneakers. not too different from now, just pants have gotten slimmer, less and less sneakers and more i've become more difficult about brands i wear.

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  • 2 months later...
Oh shit, I have that same Penguin sweater that Carl is wearing above. In fact, I thought the photo was of me until I saw the jeans/Nikes.

The feeling that I'm Carl and Carl is me is something I never want to experience again :D

wanna rep me for that out of body experience?

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