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Underrated Denim Brands...?


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Most members who follow these boards are probably familiar with the usual suspects of top denim makers--Samurai, 45RPM, Sugarcane, Studio D'Artisan, Denime, APC, Nudie, etc.

Does anyone have any suggestions for denim makers that are more under the radar and maybe don't get the attention they deserve on the boards?

I'd be really curious to hear about and get schooled on some of the lesser known brands out there.

For starters, I'll throw out the Japanese brand Omnigod. I've mentioned them in a couple of previous threads and I know a lot of people here have heard of them, but they have some really nice jeans and are also one of the few makers who do a really good job making natural-looking prewashed/distressed selvage jeans.

Some Omnigod links:




I look forward to reading people's responses and suggestions.

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ace jeans aka dress-o-rama aka ace-o-rama ... Very nicely priced .. VERY high quality denim ( the material itself ) ... kaihara that is ..

at least all the seasons before now were - dunno bout this years

construction is above average me likey

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Iron Heart and Flat Heat.

hands down the two most underrated..

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whoa! Omnigods have orange selvedge, ooooh! From what I see people tend to be pretty focused on samurai and sugar canes, and the slub meisters like pure blue and oni. People dont follow eternal or full count half as much, even though ive seen it said eternal have the best fabric and full counts are made from the best cotton. These are not really unrated but they dont have the hype samurai seem to be snowballing in. I cant really see why.

I just dont get SDA, maybe im not a repro guy, but I just dont get em.

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5EP makes some pretty mean looking jeans, and i don't see many of them on the forum.

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Flat Head is seriously amazing stuff, everything from the pocket stitch design to the denim quality is tops.

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fullcount, farmer's, flat head, bootleggers, denime...

Hey coldrice, could you (or anyone else I guess) give a little more on your impressions of farmer's jeans?

A chain in my area started carrying them, and I checked them out a little while ago, and I thought the pockets and some of the detailing were pretty wacky. Anyways, I was looking for a little more info on the jeans and background on the brand, so I talked to a couple clerks that were, unfortunately, clueless. Thx for the insight.

BTW, I really like this thread. Any underrated jeans from outside of japan? Maybe some italians, americans or swedish ones?

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Guest Berget__

Well I would necessarily call them underrated but heres some pretty unrated swedish denim.

Bay Icon: http://caliroots.com/system/search/search.asp?manuid=117&_ot=0&_gt=0&csid=0&msid=0&offset=12

Ok quality and nice cuts but there are better quality jeans for the price

Svensson: http://caliroots.com/system/search/search.asp?manuid=107

Pretty much all about the cuts.

Dr Denim: http://se.zoovillage.com/store/brand.asp?brandid=332

Cheap pretty good quality selvage jeans.

Denim Circus: http://se.zoovillage.com/store/brand.asp?brandid=278

CHEAP jeans. Again all about the cut.

Elvine: http://se.zoovillage.com/store/brand.asp?BrandID=173&CategoryID=2&Position=1

They make nice stuff but their jeans are just ok.

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5EP makes some pretty mean looking jeans, and i don't see many of them on the forum.

styleforum is like fucking sponsered by 5EP and Rag & Bone.....every word out of anyone's mouth over there is either 5ep or rag and bone. check over there for more info on those brands, people here prefer japanese denim from japan...

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Love those pocket linings coldrice, kinda weird how the coin pocket goes beyond the facing though.

I have always though Denime never gets much attention around here.

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whoa! Omnigods have orange selvedge, ooooh! From what I see people tend to be pretty focused on samurai and sugar canes, and the slub meisters like pure blue and oni. People dont follow eternal or full count half as much, even though ive seen it said eternal have the best fabric and full counts are made from the best cotton. These are not really unrated but they dont have the hype samurai seem to be snowballing in. I cant really see why.

I just dont get SDA, maybe im not a repro guy, but I just dont get em.

Sugarcane is more of a faithful repro than SDA's. SDA's are very nice, my 103's are on the backburner due to the contest. I never followed full count, never stood out in my mind, and eternals are very nice, the fades are unmistakable. but they are so bad a sizing in my experience....don't understand the stretch factor on em.

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I have always though Denime never gets much attention around here.

i got one of the euro denimes at a good price and am quite impressed with how blue they are. (i wonder when i'll get around to them, though.) i've also seen the pics of low-rise 66s around sf and they do look good.

seems like they're more appreciated in japan. iirc, mr. yamane of evisu learned the ways of blue jeans working for denime.

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denime's fade pretty fast too. i wore mine for about 3-4 months and had significant fading. i have a bunch of front pocket fading because i carried my wallet (not safe in the back in china) and had to carry my passport around (hong kong and japan). guess they preserve that experience in my life though :)

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