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Had to do it. Don't know how many people here give a crap, but I think football and fashion go hand in hand.....okay maybe not.

Who's your fav. team? How they doing? Any fantasy football players?

All things NFL related...

With that said, I will be rooting for my Chargers in week 14 since they will now have a chance to clinch a playoff spot! Needless to say after being a Charger fan all my life, there are have been moments of greatness, but mostly let downs. I am hoping this is the year for them.

I have been very impressed with Phillip Rivers' playing and LT, well, he's LT. Only being 3 scores away from setting an NFL touchdown record, the man will probably do it this week against the Broncos.

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my team are the niners. im hoping some christmas miracle will happen and we win the superbowl. gore is looking really nice, and ive liked him ever since i saw him running for miami. totally called it. no one believed me. and now i like smearing the shit all over thier faces. GORE IS GOD. alex smith needs another year or two to bloom to full potential. we need better wide outs. im hoping we use vernon davis more. and our defense is horrible. we need some good defensive draft picks next year.

as for the bronco situation, i like cutler. i like him more than leinart or young. i fucking hate bush.

LT is a beast. some one should assasinate him. he shouldnt be allowed in the league.

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Too bad the pics don't show up in the first thread and the link is bad in the other...

the pic for the first link is basically just a pic of TO. and the links closed because we already started the league. you shouldve joined.

here i come playoffs. SUPERCRAP YOURE GOING DOWN.

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Damn, I missed it! Ah well, I'll sign up next year.

I agree with you on Gore. And after living in Sacramento for a while I grew to like the 49'ers as well, although not as much as my hometown Chargers. I know Gore is a prime candidate for the pro bowl right now being the number 1 rusher in NFC.

I agree on Cutler, although for some reason he just doesn't look like an NFL player. lol, He looks like Adam Sandler! I think Vince Young was overrated going into the NFL, and he has a lot of learning to do. As for Leinhart, he is "okay" but in the NFL, everyone is okay or much better than okay, plus his offensive line on the Cardinals is not to forgiving.

Bush has been a let down alll season except for this last game where he scored three touchdowns! Where the hell did this come from? I think the moon was aligned just right that day...I do like watching the Saints though. Simply for Drew Brees, now there's a guy who came back from an injury with some style. We'll see how far he can take it though.

P.S. Do the niners have a chance at the playoffs?

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Damn, I missed it! Ah well, I'll sign up next year.

I agree with you on Gore. And after living in Sacramento for a while I grew to like the 49'ers as well, although not as much as my hometown Chargers. I know Gore is a prime candidate for the pro bowl right now being the number 1 rusher in NFC.

I agree on Cutler, although for some reason he just doesn't look like an NFL player. lol, He looks like Adam Sandler! I think Vince Young was overrated going into the NFL, and he has a lot of learning to do. As for Leinhart, he is "okay" but in the NFL, everyone is okay or much better than okay, plus his offensive line on the Cardinals is not to forgiving.

Bush has been a let down alll season except for this last game where he scored three touchdowns! Where the hell did this come from? I think the moon was aligned just right that day...I do like watching the Saints though. Simply for Drew Brees, now there's a guy who came back from an injury with some style. We'll see how far he can take it though.

P.S. Do the niners have a chance at the playoffs?

reason for the bush phenomena: 49ers defense.

agree with you on drew brees.

and yes. 49ers still have a chance.

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Guest Berget__

Well i don't know much since I live in Sweden and "football" (real football is played with your feet...) isnt big over here. But I like Raiders cause of Ice cube and NWA ;) Randy Moss ftw

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When I was a young boy Living in New York City...My Brooklyn Jew of a Grandmother (G-d bless the dead) knit me a 49rs Sweater...I loved and treasured it, and wore it proudly, sometimes in conjunction with my Gold 9rs Starter Coat.

I once saw Joe Montana on a plane, and of course didn't say shit to him...just stared up in awe as he made his way to his seat in First class ahead of me. I later suggested to my father that we name our "new" car (a 88 all-white Volvo) "Joe Montana"....We did.

The only Football cards I ever owned was the 49rs team set from when Young was holding it down. It came with a little golden Pin. I never wore it, but loved it all the same.

The 49rs are one of the best teams to playthe game. Period.

That is all...Thank you.

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The amazing thing about that birds/carolina game is that during the first half, they set an NFL record for most punts during a half then it went on the be a shoot out. Garcia looked alright, glad to see he can still huck it downfield. Hope they resign Stallworth, though I doubt it. Great ending, loving Lito this year. Bunkley looks like a joke so far.

Philly superfuture meetup for tailgate next year?

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hottest team right now = the bengals (not the cowboys).

they got off to a slow start, but the stats that palmer, johnson, houshmanzahdeh (spl?) have but up the last four weeks have been insane... plus they have the exact same record as the steelers did at this time last year... peaking at the right time.

the saints are really fun to watch on offense (mainly because of brees) but the defense is so god-awful, the only way the win is by scoring 45 points...

and how has no one mentioned how incredibly inept Rex Grossman is. it's almost funny at this point. its like every other throw is an interception.

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not if my eagles have any say on the matter.... how's mcnabb working out btw red? hehehehehehe

u in the playoffs?

well hows grossman working out for you? it just sucks that i gave you lj. fuck.

When I was a young boy Living in New York City...My Brooklyn Jew of a Grandmother (G-d bless the dead) knit me a 49rs Sweater...I loved and treasured it, and wore it proudly, sometimes in conjunction with my Gold 9rs Starter Coat.

I once saw Joe Montana on a plane, and of course didn't say shit to him...just stared up in awe as he made his way to his seat in First class ahead of me. I later suggested to my father that we name our "new" car (a 88 all-white Volvo) "Joe Montana"....We did.

The only Football cards I ever owned was the 49rs team set from when Young was holding it down. It came with a little golden Pin. I never wore it, but loved it all the same.

The 49rs are one of the best teams to playthe game. Period.

That is all...Thank you.

this made me all teary-eyed. the niners are one of my passions. not to mention, they may have the greatest colrway ever.

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