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WTB: Red/Black Tiger Fleece W+H size M


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When i'm in new york for a few days later this month i'm gonna look out for some. If i see any good w+h hoodies in s-l i'll just buy it and post it on the forum. Nom de Guere is in soho, right?

Hopefully, the NA stockists will see how fast these sold and order more. Maybe be able to pick some up in the spring and wait till winter to wear it.

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When i'm in new york for a few days later this month i'm gonna look out for some. If i see any good w+h hoodies in s-l i'll just buy it and post it on the forum. Nom de Guere is in soho, right?

Hopefully, the NA stockists will see how fast these sold and order more. Maybe be able to pick some up in the spring and wait till winter to wear it.

i don't think they have full size runs down there. plus, you'll never really make your cost + ridiculous NYC sales tax back. yeah, NDG is in soho, next to swatch down the stairs. bleeker and broadway

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