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The John Mayer is a Fucktard Thread


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  I_miss_lily said:

Also I work with this cute little chick from Tokyo, shes about 30 but you'd never know it, looks 18........ anyways she HATES Fujiwara, she likens him to Paris Hilton for being famous for doing nothing. She feels he has no real talent except for hanging around other cool people.

Well tell that girl shes pretty dumb coz Fujiwara is famous for the exact opposite, he DOES everything. He can skate, produce music, make music, mix, design clothes, style, write, edit and recently he pioneered the fixed gears craze in Japan.

And if she wants to tell you he just does all this stuff as a hobby tell her to look at any clothes or baggage produced by Fujiwara (not all designed by him these days but with his direction) by GoodEnough, Resonate GoodEnough, Electic Cottage, Head Porter, Head Porter Plus, Base Control, Fenom, Fragment etc etc.

Tell her he works for a lot of big time companies as a consultant too, including Nike,

Tell her to listen to any of his original music or mixes, the guy has impeccable taste.

Your cute friend is misguided.

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  MilSpex said:
Nah he didnt. Did you read his blog?

As soon as he got rich he started looking at expensive watches, picked one he liked, read a couple of pages on the internet about it and went and paid cash, then felt like the shit coz he was `only` 24 at the time. Now he thinks he knows shit and he can tell people what the `hot` watch of 2007 is going to be.

How is that love?

well, i say this much, as soon as i make some loot, i'm gonna go buy a porsche.

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what's wrong with buying whatever the hell you want if you can? i guess i'd be bitter too if i had only a fraction of mayer's bank account and haven't gotten pussy in years. both of which are much much more important than knowledge of 'cool guy' gear or being apart of bullshit underground communities. they're just products, putting so much faith into 'cool' brands is truly fucktarded.

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  jl3969 said:
what's wrong with buying whatever the hell you want if you can? i guess i'd be bitter too if i had only a fraction of mayer's bank account and haven't gotten pussy in years. both of which are much much more important than knowledge of 'cool guy' gear or being apart of bullshit underground communities. they're just products, putting so much faith into 'cool' brands is truly fucktarded.

haha, I like this guy. Good post.

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  MilSpex said:
Well tell that girl shes pretty dumb coz Fujiwara is famous for the exact opposite, he DOES everything. He can skate, produce music, make music, mix, design clothes, style, write, edit and recently he pioneered the fixed gears craze in Japan.

And if she wants to tell you he just does all this stuff as a hobby tell her to look at any clothes or baggage produced by Fujiwara (not all designed by him these days but with his direction) by GoodEnough, Resonate GoodEnough, Electic Cottage, Head Porter, Head Porter Plus, Base Control, Fenom, Fragment etc etc.

Tell her he works for a lot of big time companies as a consultant too, including Nike,

Tell her to listen to any of his original music or mixes, the guy has impeccable taste.

Your cute friend is misguided.

Meh, had a listen to some of his mixes and thought they were pretty bland actually...

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  CactusArmy said:
Let's be honest if any of us had that kinda money, we'd be going crazy too. Even buying stuff we "don't know" much about.

ah yeh this is my point. We might well buy shit just coz its expensive and `cool` buuuuuuut...


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  • 2 months later...

bumb for this thread and +1 for John Mayer being a fucktard.

sunday, while waiting for my gf to go to the movie, i was kind of watching the red carpet thing before the grammy and some ET dude asked John mayer something about Jessica Simpson and the moron replied in japanese and well, let's just say his japanese is pretty non-existent, his accent horrible and well, seriously it sucks. for whatever reasons you have a new found passion for japan, you don't have to start speaking japanese to ppl who don't understand it, especially is the only thing you can say is that Jessica Simpson is a nice girl. reminded of the anime-crazed otakus that were in my japanese class in college...

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yeah his jacket on stage was the acronym blazer thing right>? well guys all I can say is be happy he's a fucktard, no one really thinks of him as cool and so they prob wont emulate his style and try and buy any of the brands. He is fucking jessica simpson which there is nothing wrong with. And judging by his decent intelligence he's obviously just doing it so he can fuck her....so you gotta hand it to him there.

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  jmatsu said:
milspex, i respect/admire the hate, but mayer will definitely jump on to whatever other fad that gets big in japan. nobody who really matters (or who i respect) takes him, kanye, lupe or etc. seriously. he may have industry connections and money, but i'm sure your wardrobe could destroy his. viva hate!

since when did hate become something to "respect slash admire?" man, this thread never should have begun in the first place, shit!

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  MilSpex said:
ah yeh this is my point. We might well buy shit just coz its expensive and `cool` buuuuuuut...


JESUS FUCKING CHRIST. some people on here have way too much of that whole "i knew about if before you so it can't possibly mean the same thing to you" attitude. FUCK, i wore cross colors and bugle boy while Mike D and James Lavelle were rocking BAPE (insert your favorite brand here) before ANY of you fools knew about it, yet LOOK AT ME NOW - fuck i'm wearing a BAPE t right now.

stop and ask yourselves: do you think Mike D and James Lavelle sit around all sweaty and nerdy typing on internet forums about how they "really know what this street wear thing is all about" and how MILSPEX is a fucking retard for spending his hard earned cash on clothes they don't even give a shit about any more?

fuck, as in everything in life there's always going to be someone who does that shit before you/wears that shit before you do/listens to that shit before you but it doesn't mean you can't adopt those same ideas and have them mean something equally "real" to you so GET THE FUCK OVER IT.

can you "respect slash admire" that hate?

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Dude, as much as you might hate John Mayer for his over-the-top Harajuku-wannabe image, he gets tons of free shit from NBHD, W)TAPS, Porter and Bape, he hangs out with everyone you wish you could hang out with, and he fucks Jessica Simpson.

I really don't think you can hate on the guy that much. He pretty much epitomizes the position 99.9% of this board would like to be in. Whether or not he has a lame personality is one issue, but I don't think you can rag on him because he "acts" like he is in the know.

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ever since Jessica appeared on Newlyweds i have ceased to find her attractive...but overall i'd still say Mayer > Edison for swagger and style. I don't see the hate...i don't dig his music, but after reading his blog i don't find anything irritating about him. He was one of the better dressed dudes at the Grammy's too IMO (Armani & Nike!)

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  fade to black2 said:
ever since Jessica appeared on Newlyweds i have ceased to find her attractive...but overall i'd still say Mayer > Edison for swagger and style. I don't see the hate...i don't dig his music, but after reading his blog i don't find anything irritating about him. He was one of the better dressed dudes at the Grammy's too IMO (Armani & Nike!)

That's funny. I would say she has gotten infinitely more attractive since the show. She has gone from being a pretty conservative religious girl to wearing tiny sexy-as-hell bikinis and washing cars in her videos........

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  englandmj7 said:
That's funny. I would say she has gotten infinitely more attractive since the show. She has gone from being a pretty conservative religious girl to wearing tiny sexy-as-hell bikinis and washing cars in her videos........

who are you kidding england. you just watched that show in hopes that nick lachey would take off his shirt.

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  soundune said:

stop and ask yourselves: do you think Mike D and James Lavelle sit around all sweaty and nerdy typing on internet forums about how they "really know what this street wear thing is all about" and how MILSPEX is a fucking retard for spending his hard earned cash on clothes they don't even give a shit about any more?

Getting on late? Wore a lot of Ape from around `98, Wtaps aswell. My taste just stays the same. I still like what I liked back then, just coz its nostalgic I guess. People think I`m getting on late but I just dont give a fuck about fashion, I care about style.

oh yeh and "haha" you PMed me coz u didnt know what TNF stood for.

btw Jessica Simpson`s face looks like a dude. Way more fuckable women in the hollywood set than Jessic fucken simpson.

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