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Skincare recommendations


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  Lars said:
I have similar problems, oily forhead sometimes, dry skin in other places.. I've found that Biotherm homme works best for me. They have a product called T-pur which helps a lot about oily forheads. Their face soap is also extremely long lasting, it's like a paste that come in a really big tube.

Clinique is a wast of money to me.

This has been spot on for me as well.

I experimented with cheaper varieties thinking that the expensive stuff was a fad but, the biotherm does make a big difference. It may cost twice as much but will last you a lot longer. The T-Pur has some granules in it as well so its like a natural exfoliator.

On that note I think shaving is a form of exfoliating as well so maybe a good quality aftershave balm or moisturiser will do the trick.

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  Phyziks said:
Hey guys, any help with my skin would be greatly appreciated! Specifying products would also help, so I will know exactly what to get.

Anyways, my skin isn't terrible, but like most people I do get breakouts and stuff every so often. I have had blackheads on my nose, and redness right below the nostril, for a few years now. I can't seem to get rid of them, and I've tried quite a few things (blackhead scrub, biore blackhead stripes etc). The pores on each side of my face (beside my nose, below my eyes) are visible, but only very close up.

I noticed most of my breakouts occur below my mouth in my chin area, my T-zone, and directly below my jaw line.

I currently use a foaming clean and clear cleanser, a sephora brand toner, and nivea moisterizer. After reading most of these posts, it appears those are all the wrong things :( Also, I'm interested in a working eye-cream that reduces dark circles, puffiness, and the general tired look.

If someone could reccommend a regiment for me, and list the specific products, I would really appreciate it. I'm especially concerned about the blackheads on my nose.

Thanks in advance!

If your breakouts are limited to the larger hair follicle areas (beard area/under nose/brow), you may have folliculitis (do you have coarse dark hair?)... find a way to not shave as long as possible or be more methodical about the way you're shaving and this may help a bit. There are lotions you can apply that work at keeping the follicles regulated as well, I think Anthony makes one.

I don't get blackheads, but I do have larger pores and I like to stand there at the sink for a couple minutes with a hot washcloth on my face after a long day to get the pores opened up before I use a gentle face wash and I think this might help you too, with your t-zone. Tone afterwards with a non-alcohol toner and you should be ok.

It mainly sounds like you're using the wrong kind of stuff. Most stuff they sell at supermarkets is pretty terrible and overly chemical for your face, but that doesn't mean you have go buy eight $40 tubes of stuff, just research a little. Weleda is good budget facial care that they do sell at supermarkets, for example...

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From a little more expensive brands I recommend Urth, Malin + Goetz, MenScience and best bag for the buck Baxter of California (with Man-u close second).

I use Baxter, Urth or Man-u face wash, Baxter or M+G moisturizer and Urth or MS scrub. I have many samples of night creams so I still didn't decide on one brand.

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i've tried various "high end" facial cleansers for men, none of which proved to be that effective. i also used proactive (although i only have the occasional breakout), and it works decent, but not worth it. after a lot of experimentation with high end stuff and supermarket level products, ive found that the best treatment is to simply use cetaphil - apply after showering. i occasionally use lab series for men anti-brilliance facial moisturizer because my forehead can get oily later in the day (which is why i stopped using anthony's logistics). also, keep stress levels at a minimum (easier said than done of course)...whoever said breakouts correlates w/ spikes in stress levels is absolutely on point...it was very evident for me. and when i do get that occasional zit, or feel one comin on (which is the worst feeling), i use a prescribed topical solution (clindamycin phosphate) - it's essentially rubbing some potent alcoholic substance on your face, so use sparingly and only in treatment spots, but it is really effective in killing zits that you feel are comin on, and keeping the existing ones at bay.

so in summary:

- cetaphil after showering

- lab series anti brilliance (if your skin gets oily)

- clindaymcin phosphate (prescription) for spot treatment

now all i need is something that'll even out the tone of my skin

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Hey guys, thanks a lot for all the advice! It seems I may have made it sound like my problem is bigger than it is, lol. I don't think it's the shaving thing, mainly because I'm 21 years old, couldn't grow a beard/moustache to save my life, and I shave twice a week MAX. I really don't get huge breakouts or ne thing, just the odd pimple here or there.

I do have the blackheads on the nose though which I hate :S

I'm going to do some research and try out the facewash, toner, and moisturizer combo you guys suggested, sounds great.

Once again, thank you all very much :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

i used to have problems with my skin, i never shaved that often either but i realised it was my shaving that was doin the damage so i started using shaving oil under my foam and this improved my skin dramatically.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Alright, while I really dont have any new acne or anything like that, and my skin is virtually clear, there are red spots from way long ago when I had things there. and no matter what I do i cant get rid of these red splotches.blemishes whatever they are...? any ideas anyone?

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Retin-A Micro. Total face transformation. Takes a year to see full results. A LOT of bumps along the road. The changes last forever as long as you keep using the product.

If you have acne, I recommend Jan Marini's line. Much much much better than the products (ie. Peter thomas roth, ddf, dermalogica, skin medica, etc.) offered at your local Sephora.

Cheap alternative to Jan Marini would be Alpha Hydroxy line. Personally never used this line before. But this line of products have consistently good reviews from users at makeupalley.com.

Sign up at makeupalley.com and check out product reviews before you splurge and drop 65 bucks for a 2 ounce bottle of crap.

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  Pearly King said:
Anybody know of a good tonner?

Depends what type of skin you have. Sensitive, oily, dry, etc. 2 toners that have consistently gotten decent reviews from many users are Paula's Choice 2% BHA liquid and DDF Glycolic Tonic.

Both are exfoliants. The Paula's Choice BHA liquid is a non-alcohol formula that provides deep exfoliation (beta hydroxy acid). The DDF glycolic tonic is more abrasive since it contains alcohol (for those that enjoy the tingy-cool sensation) and glycolic acid (alpha hydroxy acid) have larger molecules and stay on the upper layers of the skin as opposed to BHA's which penetrate deeper into the pore.

Both acids (beta and alpha) have pros and cons.

If you want the benefits of an alpha hydroxy acid but find glycolics (sugarcane) to be too abrasive, look into mandelic (almonds) acid. Mandelic is an AHA with larger molecular structure compared to glycolic so it is less abrasive.

Mandelic acid users like Vivant 15% mandelic serum (some find too harsh due to high alcohol content), Nucelle 15% mandelic serum (much gentler than Vivant), and MaMa lotion.

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When I used a toner,my skin would get really dried out throughout the day. I've since stopped and I only use one after I shave. Recently I picked up a few Mens science products : facial scrub,after shave repair (toner), everyday lotion, and eye cream. I am really pleased with my experiences so far. I also recently started washing my face much less than before, I think the way to go,for me atleast, is two or three times a week when shaving.

Before Mens Science I used Baxter though, and I like how gentle their face wash is, and the lotion is great as well, I still use the night time lotion once in a while.

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  2000dB said:
I never took care of my skin before, but recently I've started to shave more often (didn't have beard before) and my skin has gone quite shitty (not sure it's related to shaving). I've been told my skin is freakishly dry, but I still have a oily forehead at times...

I'm looking for recommendations to ameliorate to appearance (smooth, moisturize, etc..) of my skin as I'm completely clueless as to what to do.


Exfoliation is key.

No bumps (clogged pores).

Start by using a BHA (beta hydroxy acid - salicyclic acid) or AHA (alpha hydroxy acid - glycolic, mandelic acid) in your regimen. Could be achieved by using toners that contain either ingredients or lotions, serums, gels, that contain either ingredient.

Also start using a retinoid in your regimen. Retinoids speed up the rate at which are skin sheds which results in less clogged pores and beautiful radiant skin.

Commercial products (OTC - over the counter) are easy to find these days. These products contain an ingredient called retinol. Retinol and retinyl palminate are much much much milder forms of retinoids compared to prescription forms. Two commercial retinol products I used before moving on to prescription retinoids were Green Cream and Diacneal.

Prescription form retinoids include tazorac, tretinoin (retin-A), and adapalene (differin). I used Differin (1.0 formulation not the new 3.0 formulation) before moving on to my current retinoid, Retin-A Micro.

Here's a sample regimen:


Wash face (Non-abrasive cleaner)

Tone (Paula's choice 2 % bha liquid or DDF glycolic tonic)

Serum, Lotion, or Gel (Search for non-pore clogging formulations.)



Wash face


If dry, apply moisturizer.

I really recommend registering for makeupalley.com and looking at the product reviews section before buying. If you do, you will see that most of the products offered by your local drugstore, Sephora, fall short on promises.

For entry-level AHA usage, try the Alpha-Hydroxy Brand. I personally never used this line but based on the reviews on makeupalley.com, it seems to do the job.

I personally have used most of the AHA, BHA products offered by Sephora (2.5 year trial and error) and found the products to be ineffective for the most part. A lot of gels and serums were too thick and just sat on my skin resulting in more clogged pores because I have oily, acne-prone skin. I recommend Jan Marini.

When I lived in New York, I use to order off skinstore.com. Exceptional service. Free shipping. I have also ordered from dermstore.com and it is reliable as well.

PM me if you need more help. I personally would've never done all this experimenting and research had it not been a bout with adult acne. And it some ways, I'm glad it did happen or else I would've never learned to take care of my skin the way I do now.

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  MharcI said:
Alright, while I really dont have any new acne or anything like that, and my skin is virtually clear, there are red spots from way long ago when I had things there. and no matter what I do i cant get rid of these red splotches.blemishes whatever they are...? any ideas anyone?

Hyperpigmentation is a bitch. Either used a retinoid (retinol, tretinoin, adapalene, etc) or use AHA (alpha hydroxy acid). Hydroquinone (Obagi) or Kojic acid products seem to work too.

I personally use a combination of AHA and retinoid (tretinoin - Retin A Micro) to increase cellular turnover of my skin. Marks go away much quicker.

Check out MaMa lotion. A lot of before and after pictures of people using the product for 1 month.

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  Chrome Hearts said:
Depends what type of skin you have. Sensitive, oily, dry, etc. 2 toners that have consistently gotten decent reviews from many users are Paula's Choice 2% BHA liquid and DDF Glycolic Tonic.

Both are exfoliants. The Paula's Choice BHA liquid is a non-alcohol formula that provides deep exfoliation (beta hydroxy acid). The DDF glycolic tonic is more abrasive since it contains alcohol (for those that enjoy the tingy-cool sensation) and glycolic acid (alpha hydroxy acid) have larger molecules and stay on the upper layers of the skin as opposed to BHA's which penetrate deeper into the pore.

Both acids (beta and alpha) have pros and cons.

If you want the benefits of an alpha hydroxy acid but find glycolics (sugarcane) to be too abrasive, look into mandelic (almonds) acid. Mandelic is an AHA with larger molecular structure compared to glycolic so it is less abrasive.

Mandelic acid users like Vivant 15% mandelic serum (some find too harsh due to high alcohol content), Nucelle 15% mandelic serum (much gentler than Vivant), and MaMa lotion.

Well i used to have normal skin but all of the sudden it has gone very oily

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey all,

sorry to bring this back up.

I read a little of this topic, and yeah my acne isn't terrible or anything but I would like it to be consistently clean.

I've usually gone with the regular big-brand name facial cleansers and I think they just irriate my skin or don't do anything at all.

Basically just have problems with

- pimples randomly up on the nose or cheeks... not really any forehead problems

- blackheads around the nose. these never go away

- chest acne

I'm going to go to the department store, but can anyone give me any recommendations what to get?

From this thread, I guess I'm going to get cetaphil facial cleanser, cetaphil moisturizer, not really sure what else I need. just looking for a daily face cleanser regiment. anyone recommend me a spot-up pimple treatment cream? the popular shit almost never works. and anything that can help with blackheads

I'm also getting pretty bad chest acne... not exactly sure what's the cause of it, but anyone know any tips/recommendations to get rid of it? maybe it's my soap? It's kind of annoying since it just doens't go away, and just stays the same all the time... thanks

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  • 8 months later...

the best moisturizers, which also happen to be free of chemicals (not the reason i purchased them), have been emu oil and vitamin e oil. emu oil is absolutely amazing for redspots/scars and has a natural anti inflammatory property. emu oil seriously is the best, you can get it on ebay, it doesnt smell or anything, its by product, natural, blah blah. jojoba oil is pretty good too. both go on oily but if you blotch lightly with a paper towel on your face the shininess is gone.

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  2000dB said:
I never took care of my skin before, but recently I've started to shave more often (didn't have beard before) and my skin has gone quite shitty (not sure it's related to shaving). I've been told my skin is freakishly dry, but I still have a oily forehead at times...

I'm looking for recommendations to ameliorate to appearance (smooth, moisturize, etc..) of my skin as I'm completely clueless as to what to do.


dude as someone who has sensitive skin and a five o'clock shadow by 2pm, check out grooming lounge's happy ending. I use their pre-shave oil, then King of Shaves, then the Happy Ending after,

And if you get stuff shipped from them, ask for samples.

Yeah, this is my first post but it is on behalf of my homie who I just made join. No spam. Check freshdipt's profile if you wanna validate.

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