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Supreme's Theme is Rudeness?


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There's a funky diner in LA where all the servers are dressed up in different outfits/drag and they are very rude to you. You go in there expecting this since this is their "theme". It's what they are known for.

I went to the Supreme LA store for the first time this weekend. I like the Supreme designs and don't like having to pay $50 for a t-shirt on ebay. So I figure since I was in town, why not check it out.

I walk in and there is almost no selection. Okay, no big deal. I make my way to the left wall of t-shirts and they are folded and stacked 3-4 high with maybe 3-4 columns. In order to look at the sizes, prices, and design ... you know all the things a consumer requires in order to make a purchasing decision, you have to physically touch the merchandise. Upon 10 seconds passing of my *careful* inspection of the shirts, an OCD staff member came over and said:

"You don't have to mess up the shirts. We have them in back and get them for you."

He then nudged me aside and proceeded to fix the t-shirts. And fix is being generous here as the "damage" I did was maybe centimeters worth of movement.

A minute later I decided on the shirts I wanted to purchase and I called him over. I pointed at a red shirt and said:

"I'd like this in a medium"

He said: "We don't have medium." Then he proceeded to fix the shirts some more. Fixing NOTHING that is, since I haven't even touched the shirts again.

"You don't have this shirt in a medium?"

He replied: "We don't have ANY shirts in medium." At this point he is ignoring me and upset that I am in his store.

"Well when do you think you'll get some in?"

Shrug, "I don't know. Maybe next week ... or something"

So I left.

Before I went to the store, I read a review of Supreme NYC where the author said that the staff was standoffish and rude but made up for it by being pretty. I don't really care about pretty men but the review of the NYC store did strike a nerve when compared to my experience at the LA store.

So my question is - Is this the "theme" that the Supreme store and brand strive for? This is a serious question.

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I guess that didn't have as bad experience as these in my visit to Supreme NY. I asked if they have a box supreme shirt and the guy said calmly "no". Then he took out a box Supreme sticker and said "here, stick this on a shirt."

I guess he was alright....

-don't hate, appreciate-

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well you know what if someone talked to me like that i would have walked out of there and never go back. think about it, you are spending your hard earned money with these people and they cannot treat you with respect, that is crazy. see it starts from the top with the people that own the company and filters down and they need to be in check with the people running their stores.

i have spoken to so many people over the phone that work in nice stores with the worst attitudes and been in stores like that too, where i walked out immediately, cuz they do not deserve my money.

so if you don't like they way you were treated contact the manager unless that guy was the manager or contact a district manager.

once they find out they losing business over their employees attitudes they will fix it, trust

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usually i read these threads and totally AGREE with the motif of "get what you want and leave"... because that's exactly what i do. surprisingly tho, i did get rude service about 2 weeks ago from an employee i've never seen before. i immediately thought about supertalk.

I was a target cause I'm a fashion misfit

and the outfit that I'm wearing brothers dissing it

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A friend of mine told me that the service there sucks and I was like icon_smile_dissapprove.gif but when i actually went there 3 days ago, service seemed to be fine. dudes at the counter were just chatting with other customers. i decided not to get anything there thurday night because my man aesop rock was doing a gig across the street....

i came back on friday and all the shirts were gone except for the red and green color shirts. i asked the guy at the counter if there were anymore shirts and he told me politely that there weren't any left (i even looked into the storeroom after he left to make sure he wasn't bs'ing me). i then bought a supreme backpack and the guy quickly brought one out for me and set me up at the register. satisfactory service from when i was there.

went to BAPE after that and was suprised at the good service. the guy greeted me and and followed through with a small convo. unfortunately, BAPE = rape prices = me leaving.

IMO, Recon needs to pay attention to the customers. i walked in and the guy didn't say a word until i decided i wanted to buy a shirt.

edit: i forgot to mention that i took a shirt out of the stack and fubled around with the shirts and the guys at the counter didn't seem to give a shit at all. i even tried on a few hats (my head is a little big) and only one of the dudes seemed to care about what i was doing to the merchandise.

also, where is the supreme store in LA? does anybody have the exact address?

Edited by super on Apr 3, 2005 at 11:15 PM

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Thanks for the replies. I guess it's a mixed bag and the people who are receiving the poor service put up with it or don't have any negative opinions towards it. I am all about customer service and so it stood out for me. I was giving the store the benefit of the doubt, thinking this might be what they are known for. Perhaps, that was the directive from up top?

Someone mentioned that I joined today just to rant about the store. Well, I didn't know this site existed til today and that was on my mind. It's funny to think that my joining today, as opposed to yesterday, makes the rude treatment any more acceptable. It doesn't change anything.

Quote: id be rude if i had to deal with a bunch of herbs who think they are the shit spending daddys money

Sorry, none of daddy's money here. You are really reaching here, trying to justify their behavior and somehow making it the fault of the customer.

Anyway, I guess it's hit or miss. Maybe next time they'll have something in stock and a clue about customer service. Or not.

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there's no theme. i think sometimes you get decent service and sometimes not. i have friends who work at skate shops and get calls all day about SBs. imagine having weirdo kids stalk you all day long and lurk in the store.

i've had great service at supreme where dude in ny gave me a stack of free box stickers when i bought some shirts for my BF. to another guy..when i touched a backpack he barked at me and said it wasn't for sale. i mean i used to be rude to customers when i worked in high school for minimum wage b/c i couldn't get a new job. maybe some of them are just bitter.

la supreme was decent service. one dude though...when trying on a beanie...and i tell no lies...told me the beanie was bi-sexual. obviously he meant unisex and my friend can back me up on hearing this. he told me he didn't carry any small sized shoes or things for women but the hats are bi-sexual so i could buy them. haha. it made my day.

maybe they profile the customer. just like how at the airport customs officers do...and how much do you think they get paid? min wage? maybe that's why. i'd hate life too if i was that old and made shit money.

im just waiting for some asshole to try and school me because i am probably wrong. oh wait....no i'm not.

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just shop at the tokyo shop... they're pretty nice there.

unfortunately everything is priced at a premium to the LA/NY shops. guess you have to pay extra for the customer service.

strange highs and strange lows

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I have to say that I don't really care that much about good/bad service when I'm in a store just as long as the staff will answer my questions if and when I have any.

you go in, pick out the stuff you want, pay and then leave. I don't want to become friends with the guys working behind the counter.

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Quote: you go in, pick out the stuff you want, pay and then leave. I don't want to become friends with the guys working behind the counter.

That's pretty much it. I've been going to supreme for about 6 or 7 years and i've never once had a problem. I don't go in there expecting to befriend an employee with my knowledge of or interest in "streetwear" or skateboarding. Plus welcome to downtown nyc, thats how it is. I used to manage a prominent downtown record store and thats how my employees were as well. I'm not justifying it, but thats how it is.

Edited by d on Apr 4, 2005 at 07:10 AM

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1st rule of supreme is never talk about supreme... or bitch about their service.

i NEVER had any qualms about the LA store. in fact the short dude who works there is always super helpful and knows i always visit from toronto. just this one time tho, i caught flack from a new face, cause i simply folded a corner of a shirt to check out a different color and it's contrast.

ah well, back to the 1st rule of supreme.

I was a target cause I'm a fashion misfit

and the outfit that I'm wearing brothers dissing it

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it seems to me that most of those that complain about Supreme have the wrong frame of reference when comparing it's service...this isn't the Gap or Bannana Republic...most of these cats don't care whether or not you buy their goods, cause if you don't, the next man will...either suck it up, or don't buy anything...there's no point in sweating their service...

d is right...welcome to downtown NYC...

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Quote: you go in, pick out the stuff you want, pay and then leave. I don't want to become friends with the guys working behind the counter.

That's pretty much it. I've been going to supreme for about 6 or 7 years and i've never once had a problem. I don't go in there expecting to befriend an employee with my knowledge of or interest in "streetwear" or skateboarding. Plus welcome to downtown nyc, thats how it is. I used to manage a prominent downtown record store and thats how my employees were as well. I'm not justifying it, but thats how it is.

Edited by d on Apr 4, 2005 at 07:10 AM

--- Original message by d on Apr 4, 2005 05:09 AM

haha Kim's
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i think if you get it first hand from the store and not from the resellers, it's well worth it. i do have qualms about the sweats and jackets though, i feel they are a bit overpriced, no?

on a side note, last week i went to supreme NYC, saw this japanese dude who's goddamn obvious a reseller (heaping pile of jeans, tees and polos etc) and yet the guy at the counter seems pretty nice to him... hmm

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I agree with femme_fatale. Her explanation really does make sense and is something I should have figured out later on.

And yes, I am perfectly aware that there is such a high demand that if I don't buy it, someone will.

As for quality, I think the only way you could actually believe their shirt quality is worth $24 is if you are trying to justify the purchase. Do they even use AA shirts? I don't mind paying $20+ for a small independent brand using AA. Anyway, that's going off on a tangent, the rant was about the service.

Thanks for everyone's honest input.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I love douche bag service in clothing stores. BUT I MUST SAY! don't they have every right to?? I MEAN THEY WORK IN THE SUPREME STORE! don't we all aspire to be in our late 20's and sell 25 dollar t shirts for a living sitting behind a counter and folding clothes? what is the difference between them working in the gap or there? nada. go to daves quality meat on east 7th. there is a kid who works there maybe 5"5 the most ( on his tippy toes) blonde kid w/ a horrible played out ceaser. talk about an attitude. but then again late 20's and going in the back to get sneakers. w/ such a pretentious job he should have an attitude. i feel like going back there and punching him in his midget mouth. but i remembered how he had every right to be rude. he is one step from wearing a ref shirt and working at foot locker on 34th street. their 10 dollar an hr salary makes them classy and in the know. I wouldnt sweat them having attitudes too much. they work in a small retail t shirt/ sneaker store. I'm sure they have a lot to look fwd to in life. after work skateboarding home bc gas is too expensive and having absolutely no shot at meeting a hot chic. HOW DARE YOU MESS UP THE T SHIRTS IN THERE? but lets be real here, arent they folded to perfection? next time you go to a store like that be like "do you have this in a medium, no? ok cool, alright well thanks now go fold this shirt asshole"

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they are morons. why are they unhappy? THEY SELL T SHIRTS FOR A LIVING!!! how is that bad? when i graduated college and went on all these interviews, i knew this wasnt the lifestyle for me i thought there had to be a better way. i envisioned myself not being able to pay rent, living w/ my parents, not being able to afford liquor in a place , being able to take a girl out and i knew this was the lifestyle for me. i wanted to sell supreme t shirts or be an employee at a cool t shirt and sneaker place making nice cash off the books! (180 a week?) go to classic kicks too if you get a chance there is one kid in there that knows ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! most dont. i like when he laughed at me when i asked if he had the deion sanders in a size 9 and called it something else...last i checked deion wore 24 and 21. i guess that isnt the hip term for it. why do people get all upset over their attitudes? they are worthless lil t shirt and sneaker salesmen. id love to see one of these cats out one night ( if they can afford it) and im sure theyd have the same attitudes. they are lil bitter people w/ no future. i cant imagine telling someone if they ask what i do "i work in a place that sells t shirts" i can push these guys w/ my thumbs and knock them on their asses..keep that in mind the next time you go and they get mad for touching a bag..shut up and get me this shirt in a large shirt salesman

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if you wanna find the supreme guys, just go to max fish.........

most of those guys are ok when i go in there..but i aint trying to be friends with them either..just buy what i want..if anything...and leave....

but i can def see where retail would get annoying


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