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28x43? no problem


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that's actually the ideal size of Dior Homme models.

They're supposed to have the same height as X-men sentinels but have the rail thin physique.

Pictured below is sketches from Dior Homme's 2010 a/w collection. Look how warm that armor could be


On a serious note, those jeans are insane. You should buy them as a collectors item.

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that's actually the ideal size of Dior Homme models.

They're supposed to have the same height as X-men sentinels but have the rail thin physique.

Pictured below is sketches from Dior Homme's 2010 a/w collection. Look how warm that armor could be


On a serious note, those jeans are insane. You should buy them as a collectors item.

hahaha i loveit

something about them makes me want to buy them

they are in my waist size

and i could have ankle stacking up the my knees

and then if i stays like that i would have crazy ankle stack fades and creases along my entire shin area.

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If you're a 28 waist, at that price they're worth getting and hemming, in my opinion.


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got them this morning:




they are extremely long. my roommate said "that's a whole lotta look." but i sort of like them, and when they're on they don't look so ridiculous i think. not sure if i'm gonne get them shortened or not. they are, however, extremely high-waisted and very tight, so I'm hoping they'll stretch enough so I can wear them a bit lower.

oh and sorry about the shitty pictures, its my iSight.

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so i'm definetly not hemming these. i wore them around this weekend which was slightly painful but they started stretching a bit. i slept in them saturday night which helped (not really my choice, though, sort of just happened). i hemmed them at their current length just so the bottom edge would look better.

this afternoon i put them in a coak soak for about 30 minutes and then put them on...which took about another 30 minutes, since they're so damn tight. they shrank a tiny bit in length but almost too much in the waist--buttoning them was very painful. however i've slowly been pushing them down my hips as they dry and now i can wear them fairly low on my hips, with a little pain. but no more wedgie, which is a lot more comfortable. i think once they're fully dry and i wear them around for a day or two they'll actually loosen up enough to not look/feel so high waisted.

for $55, this is a great pair of jeans.

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