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So, I just picked up a pair of MFSC Dungarees at the local thrift store for $50. .

That's one heck of a find! Perhaps more telling about its authenticity is where you find the selvedge and the quality of the pocket lining. Below is a picture of mine.


If the details are that good, you've got yourself a great pair of dungarees no matter who you think may have made them.

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That's one heck of a find! Perhaps more telling about its authenticity is where you find the selvedge and the quality of the pocket lining. Below is a picture of mine.

If the details are that good, you've got yourself a great pair of dungarees no matter who you think may have made them.

Thanks! I've had some amazing luck at that thrift... found a few items from Caulfield Preparatory a month after release for 1/10th the price in my size, as well as a pair of Allen Edmond shoes on the cheap.

The details match what I have exactly, with the waistband selvedge and pocket stitching. Thank you for your help! Going to give them a good soak tomorrow and where the hell out of them. :)

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The inside on a nice garment is usually a work of art as shown with the CPO. That's where the skills are showcased.

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I was in MF yesterday and Schwartzenegger walked in. No joke. I didn't pay too much attention but he was checking out some of the motorcycle jackets in the store. Kinda looked like the Terminator actually.

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I was in MF yesterday and Schwartzenegger walked in. No joke. I didn't pay too much attention but he was checking out some of the motorcycle jackets in the store. Kinda looked like the Terminator actually.

I would have gutted the fool. Just kidding, but I definitely would have bugged him a bit with some questions. He is suppose to be a servant of the people right?

Like, "Why the fuck you didn't go after Enron for stealing billions from California?"

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Here's an image Christophe would like to spend hours studying, I'm sure. A Harley dealer, 1925:


Here's the image, in greater detail: http://www.shorpy.com/node/7964?size=_original

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^From what I can tell, they are mostly all wearing clothes that fit particularly well. The average man knew how to dress back then...

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A shawl collar coat is perennially on my wish list. Aero Leather Clothing sells one as a "Barnstormer" but I don't know that a leather one is what I need. The dude kneeling to the left of the hatless dude has a cloth one that looks sharp. Me likey.

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When did Harley change their name from Motorcycles to Motor Company? Older logo just looks better proportioned.

And god, Harley is a depressing company now. I'm glad they "made 5'1 Leilanie's dream of riding a road king come true" though, truly bad ass.

Interesting how must of those guys are just in belted norfolks and the like. Only a handful of leathers. Maybe cost was an issue?

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Jake- Nigel Cabourn made a cotton insulated shawl collar coat that I think they called the Canadian Jacket. It might show up again this FW

here is one

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Jake- Nigel Cabourn made a cotton insulated shawl collar coat that I think they called the Canadian Jacket. It might show up again this FW

here is one

Must spread rep around before....you know the drill. Thanks for this, I'll keep it in mind!

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Amazing Photo Jake!!! Had a few moments today and thought I would share a couple photos of the dungarees. Also thought the jacket looked a little like the one in the photo of the guy wearing the shawl collar, mine minus the shawl collar though. Not as nice as the Nigel Cabourn one that Zissou mentioned though.



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thats true it is a great pics. good idea to post it here. i did post it a couple of days ago in the vintage work and military thread.


i have 3 of those coats. i am totally in love with this coat for a long time. two i bought on e bay. they pop up pretty often and eworkers also has one some time ago. pity is very difficult to size those coats. most of em are to tight in the back for me, wich is really strange. hope takashi makes one again.

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