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Does anyone have picks of a worn in MF CPO? Ie heavy fades similar or more to the one they've got posted on the MF site?


If you look back in the thread I think Xcoelesce (I believe that's who it was) has some pics of a nice CPO.

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Do you yoyo? Looks like you've got a yoyo fade in your left pocket : O

I don't (but I have). That's some mad lip balm fades :\ Cotton duck has some excellent CPO evo pics on here, or you can check his blog.

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Brown Master 50% off. I 38 left

That's actually the "Bulholland Master." Bulholland was Mulholland's ugly evil step brother.

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wtf black mechanic shirts were sold out overnight?

Those sold a lot faster than expected, more are coming on monday in both black and white.

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Yup, we'll accept exchanges, that's no problem. If you're a 42 in the jacket you're most probably a 34 (not 32) in the jeans, you want me to send you a 34 instead?

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I'm assuming you tried on a raw pair which means that once you soaked them there's no way they would have fit you, the 34 would be perfect once hot soaked.

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Had this on me nearly every day since I bought it at the SENY opening, tied it around my wrist today when I was shooting in the rain to quickly dab any water off my lens. The mix of colors showing really does it for me when it's tied up this way.


also visible: FH dual strand bracelet.

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^Looks great eltopo. I think you have been wearing your riders about as long as I've been wearing my 7161's? Maybe we should do evo pics at the 6 month mark, which will be in a couple months for me.

This thread needs more photos.


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^I was just about to call you Indy :) Looking good, man.

jeeez ure fuckin good with your hands :)

That's what I tell alllll tha ladiez... :) (Thanks!)

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Thanks Zissou! Looking great as well. I have been wearing them since early OCT almost everyday so yes lets share photos soon!

^Looks great eltopo. I think you have been wearing your riders about as long as I've been wearing my 7161's? Maybe we should do evo pics at the 6 month mark, which will be in a couple months for me.

This thread needs more photos.


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