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Electric Razor: Reccomendations?


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Lately I've been having a huge problem with standard razors; I'm developing quite the razor rash line. I'm just getting too much irritation with constant against-the-grain shaves- it's time to try something different. For the most part my skin isn't that sensitive, but the stubble is deeply ingrained. Any ideas (traditional razors are out)?

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emphatically cosigned. i just started DE shaving (i've done it 5 times now) and it is the most enjoyable shave i've ever experienced. i shelved my electric.

i use a merkur HD, a badger brush and proraso cream; you can put together a nice kit for around $70; the razor will outlive you.

check out www.badgerandblade.com

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Electric razors are a total gimmick imo, I have the bad combination of stubborn thick whiskers and sensitive skin, I spent £100 odd on an expensive elec razor and it shredded my neck for years, I switched to wilkinson sword diamond blades ( they do a safety with the same blade too but its not such a close shave ) and if I warm and wet my face and go against the grain I rarely nick myself. Preparation makes a big difference, everynow and then I forget and just wack the cream on and shave cold and I allways cut myself.

Recently ive discovered shaving oil, its better than foam and looks neater.

If i was you id faff about with different preparations and products and blades before buying an expensive electric- ive never know anyone who think electric are better.

( nuage men menthol oil with wilkinson sword diamond is what i do at the mo, followed by issey miyake after-shave emulsion )

I should probably invest in a better razor.

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God have I ever spent $$$ on several electrics...the latest, a Braun..they work great for about the first month then my wrought iron beard always dulls the blades and it's shit again. I have gotten tired of shaving with the damn thing and then just having to reshave with the goog old triple disposable to get a close shave. Now, i just stick to the triple blade and use shaving oil.

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i have this Philips/Norelco (anyone knows why it's branded as Norelco only in the states and not elsewhere)


like you, my skin gets really irritated and dry after shaving and i though this razon would be much better. it holds nivea lotion or gel that you can use while shaving and you can take it to the shower. to be honest, it's better than before when i used a Mach 3 razor, but i still get irritated when i have to shave daily. to be honest with you, i'm giving some thoughts now as should i go the DE route...

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I always find electrics give a worse rash than you ever get from

a standard shave.. i have one but rarely use it because my neck gets so red.

i find the electric razor experience to be offensive on so many fronts.

having to grind the machine against your face

the loud buzzing sound

the irritation

having to charge and clean the fucker

i'm glad to be done with it, though the thing is good for trimming sideburns and you know, uh... nosehair.


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I have problems with both the standard razor and an electric one. I like to keep a stubble so I usually use the trimmer on my Braun to shave. well I have a beard right now, but for the shaved parts I use the trimmer. it doesn't irritate because it doesnt go as deep as actual razoring.

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Any suggestions on a sub $100 badger brush?

I'll try shaving in the shower, and if that fails, DE it is.

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Electric razors seem like a great idea...quick shave any time, no buying blades, "less irritation". But in reality, you have to press hard and go over and over the same area to get anything close to a good shave, so it irritates even more. I had this image of using the electric real quickly and running out the door...but after you grind that thing across your face 5 times you want to take a shower anyway.

The Art of Shaving is great.

I use the pre-shave oil, badger brush, shaving cream, and aftershave, along with some of the Ingrown Hair Cream at night...and it does way, way better than a normal shave with off-the-shelf products and a shave with an electric razor.

Some people might say it's a waste of time and money, and it is in a way...if I could get away with using Barbasol and a Bic razor I would love it...but if the choice is spending some money and getting a good shave with no irritation or saving money and looking like crap, I'll spend the money.

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one good point of shaving is that it saves the collars and necks of yours shirts ( and your gf's ) so if your into your collars and coats a clean shave will prolong their life a bit. Ive wrecked many a roll neck with my whiskers, sigh.

This isnt really about shaving products, just thought id mention it as people were talking about the merits of growing beards

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