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toronto sucks (assuming gta is greater toronto area), tier 3 weapons or low grav cars, no i've never posted here before this year but i do know a certain someone who got banned here in real life but we are not super close (he thinks im lame), if you mean a cat ladylik ea girl with a cat who is pretty? i'd probably say nothing to her, i only talk to a girl if she talks to me even then i usually end up ignoring them i get my companionship from my friends who i give consensual kisses on the forehead and "huggles" a form of hug

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toronto is full of kids with man buns asking each other if they like drake or discussing how epic drake is 

toronto guy 1: nice man bun do you like drake and rick owens
toronto guy 2: yes being from toronto (the new york of canada am i right) i certainly love drake and rick owens
toronto guy 1: do you think drake should grow a man bun? 
toronto guy 2: i think he'd look great do you think he owns geobaskets?

edit: i'd appreciate it if people from toronto did not post in my threads thanks

Edited by myheartisablinkingnintendo
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  On 8/28/2015 at 3:08 PM, myheartisablinkingnintendo said:

toronto is full of kids with man buns asking each other if they like drake or discussing how epic drake is 

toronto guy 1: nice man bun do you like drake and rick owens

toronto guy 2: yes being from toronto (the new york of canada am i right) i certainly love drake and rick owens

toronto guy 1: do you think drake should grow a man bun? 

toronto guy 2: i think he'd look great do you think he owns geobaskets?

edit: i'd appreciate it if people from toronto did not post in my threads thanks


can u explain this



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looks like a picture of toronto i will no longer respond to you

edit: oh i see someone with this username posted i like toronto. my name comes from a song by hamilton musician b.a. johnston so i guess someone else liked this song as well now i will no longer respond to you

Edited by myheartisablinkingnintendo
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